2001 — retrieving a hijacker

The news about the killing of bin Laden (if that’s what happened) reminded me that I, like many of my friends,  had  gone retrieving lost souls in those dark days of mid-September, 2011. But mine came complete with an unexpected twist.

Good thing I wrote about it then, because I found, trying to recount the story to a friend, that I couldn’t remember any of the detail. Here is the story, retrieved (so to speak) from my journal of the time, and edited for clarity.

Continue reading 2001 — retrieving a hijacker

Kerouac on Hemingway and living connected

I don’t think I posted this here.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

7:30 AM. It is interesting that when I came to this each morning, expecting information, it came, and when I don’t, it doesn’t. There’s something to think about, there.

Oh, and I am reading Kerouac’s Desolation Angels, slowly, and I find Kerouac so without an idea of the reality. He had a feeling, he had impulses, but he didn’t have anything more than what he had read, and remnants of what he had been taught —

And it occurs to me (it’s always a shock to remember) I could talk to him. Do I have the energy? Maybe so.

Continue reading Kerouac on Hemingway and living connected

New technology closer to harnessing mind power

From the San Francisco Chronicle, from September 6, 2009 (!) Something my brother sent me that I held onto but never actually read till now. http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/c/a/2009/09/06/MNQQ19I31D.DTL

New technology closer to harnessing mind power

Ryan Kim, Chronicle Staff Writer

Sunday, September 6, 2009

“May the Force be with you,” the popular refrain from the Star Wars movies, has beckoned many a sci-fi fan with its promise of mind-control powers.

But a real-world counterpart of the mystical Force has been a tantalizing concept floating outside the grasp of regular people.

That is, until now.

Continue reading New technology closer to harnessing mind power

Conversations August 1, 2010

Sunday, August 1, 2010

6:30 AM. Not feeling so hot. A combination of too much Star Trek, too late going to bed, too much uneasy breathing, apprehension over the talk I have to give this morning, and general symptoms that so often accompany a sudden cold snap, such as came in with rain last night. Not the best background for communication, perhaps. I was up at six, decided to go back to bed, and here I am half an hour later. Just to preserve continuity? For I don’t feel like much. And yet, as I told [my brother] Paul, I wind up feeling better as I work, so why not?

How about it, Ernest? Is that how it was for you?

Continue reading Conversations August 1, 2010

Conversations July 26, 2010

Monday, July 26, 2010

4:40 AM. Well, here we go again. But I am blank this morning, so I hope somebody is primed to go. Who’s up?

Nobody? Maybe I’ll just go back to sleep. Good thing for you the coffee’s on. How about you, Papa?

Sure. Your queued-up questions refer to my relations with my parents.

Continue reading Conversations July 26, 2010

Conversations July 23, 2010

Friday, July 23, 2010

Nearly 5 AM. Funny, these guys. Subtle, too. I’m lying there asleep — at least I assume I was asleep — and I hear the doorbell, “ding dong” — only low, muted, and anyway this house’s doorbell doesn’t sound like that. And so with an internal smile I realize that it is my slave-drivers suggesting that it’s time. Out of hand, these guys. And of course they remind me of my friend Rich’s conceptualization of his Guidance. When he wants an answer, he visualizes a doorbell and pushes it. Calls them The Doorbells, which ranks up there with Frank And The Guys Upstairs as a good name for a singing group.

All right, Ernest, I see the point now of a list of queued-up questions. I was just fishing around, wondering how to begin, when I remembered that I have a couple of questions left.

Continue reading Conversations July 23, 2010

Perennial desire

“My desire for knowledge is intermittent; but my desire to commune with the spirit of the universe, to be intoxicated even with the fumes, call it, of that divine nectar, to bear my head through atmospheres and over heights unknown to my feet, is perennial and constant.”

Thoreau, February 1851 (age 34)