Robert Clarke on dreams and the processes of the spirit

As I look through emails from my friend Robert Clarke, who passed over to the other side last month, I find this, which should be of interest. Perhaps it gives a glimpse of the depth of meaning hidden in symbolism of dreams and mythology.

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Colin Wilson on Robert Clarke

Back in 2002, Hampton Roads published Robert Clarke’s first book, The Four Gold Keys, featuring a foreword by writer Colin Wilson, through whom Robert and I had  become acquainted. Hampton Roads subsequently published Robert’s second book, and Hologram Books is going to publish his subsequent works in the coming year. The Four Gold Keys being now out of print, and the copyright reverted to Robert (therefore, now, his estate) I am able to reprint Colin’s opinion of the importance of Robert’s work.

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Robert’s Warning Dream

I have been going through emails to and from my friend Robert Clarke, who moved over to the other side early Thursday morning English time — late Wednesday in America — and came across this that he sent me just slightly more than one year ago. What he (and his dream) says isn’t fashionable. Don’t we know it! But it’s true, which is more important. Most of the people who are looking for the causes of our present disintegration are looking in the wrong places, perhaps because they cannot bring themselves to reconsider opinions that brought them to the ground that they thought was firm beneath their feet.

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Bill’s Right Brain

What happens when a social-activist lawyer — a good guy by all accounts — suddenly has his “scientific” assumptions trumped by reality? This story is from the Sacramento News & Review, published on August 20, 2009. To see the original, which includes a few photos I did not include here, click

Bill’s right brain

By Nancy Brands Ward

Surgery for a brain tumor gave this left-brained Sacramento attorney a stunning glimpse of right-brain possibilities. Now he’s a changed man.

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Hemingway’s reaction

Speaking to “dead” people involves a lot of guesswork even after the fact. This morning I went fishing to see what Papa Hemingway thought about a book, and — more to the point, for me — how certain aspects of communication between this side and the other side work. Or, sometimes, don’t work.

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