When science and religious beliefs conflict

This interesting article from the Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life (found via one morning’s Schwartzreport) may be found at http://pewforum.org/docs/?DocID=275. (The original includes charts that I can’t figure out how to get into this post.)

It is interesting not least as an unconscious indicator of the bias known as scientism. The article says,

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Kindred Souls

God bless the Internet! Like the roads of the Roman Empire, it serves purposes that never occurred to its designers.

My friend Nancy Ford sent me a group email she had received, passing on the Chief Joseph Newsletter. I hadn’t heard of it, so followed the link backwards to the “about” page. Reading John Cali’s description of his encounters with Chief Joseph reminded me of my own experiences. And Chief Joseph’s final words, in the piece I quote here, have been said to me by the guys upstairs,more than once, though not more than about three thousand times.

The newsletter gives me a nice feeling of kinship with Cali (with whom I have never corresponded) and serves as an example of how we can encourage each other. Cali wrote and published the piece. Another person picked it up and sent it around to his friends; Nancy passed it on to me, and here it is for you.

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Robert Clarke on the Symbolic Meaning of Religion

My good friend Robert Clarke, who died in October in England, had lived a rich inner life that included, by his estimate, 30,000 dreams that led him through the individuation process. He sent me two articles that he had written for his local newspaper that I think are of wider interest. The first, which I posted here yesterday, he sent to me on April 4, 2008. The second he sent me later that same month, on April 27, saying,

“I keep thinking of the whole might and power of the universe, of all universes, the whole kit and caboodle, and how one tiny speck of love, the minutest iota, is worth more than all of the might and power. Another reality comes into being with love, another living dimension, that might and power totally lacks. I think of the tiny speck as up in the darkness of the universe, totally alone, and yet glowing in a way that is impossible for the physical universe. Anyway, I thought you might like to read my latest article for the local paper (attached).” 

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Robert Clarke on the mythological/religious symbolism of dreams

My friend Robert Clarke died in late October in his hometown in England, a merciful transition from life with a cancer-ridden body. Though he and I only met twice, we corresponded by email and he became a valued friend, in the long-distance way so many of us have friendships these days. I firmly believe that he in his life, like Carl Jung before him, found a valuable key for the rest of us. Though he lived in obscurity, he had a rich inner life that included, by his estimate, 30,000 dreams that led him through the individuation process.

He wrote two articles for his local newspaper that I think are of wider interest. The first, he sent to me on April 4, 2008. Tomorrow I will post the second.

Continue reading Robert Clarke on the mythological/religious symbolism of dreams

Living By Another Calendar

When I posted an entry by my friend Karl Boyken on the benefits of decoupling from the “news” I got an email from another Monroe Institute  friend, Paul Blakey, whom I met at TMI back in 1995. Paul said, “I can certainly resonate with the blog topic. As a regular pond hopper (between Canada and the UK) it has always astonished me how the main stream media dominates the surface stream of collective consciousness. When we moved back to Canada from the UK in 1991 we decided then and there to not have a TV that could pick up broadcast media (we like to watch DVD’s, so we have a TV for that only). This led naturally to another experiment, which was to step outside of the collective time consensus of the Gregorian calendar – wow, if you think not watching TV changes you, you should try living by a different time system.” So, I invited him to write a piece about living by an alternate calendar. Here it is. 

Continue reading Living By Another Calendar

If reincarnation is real…

 A friend sent a reference to an interview on Whitley Strieber’s Dreamland concerning young James Leininger, the boy who remembered being a fighter pilot in World War II, a story I have been following for several years. I haven’t been able to figure out how to listen to the actual interview, but this essay from Strieber’s site is interesting. From http://www.unknowncountry.com/journal/?id=391 

Continue reading If reincarnation is real…