So You Think Your Life Was Wasted (6)

Illusions of time, illusions of space

Separation in space produces the illusion – or perhaps it would be better to say the condition – of separation, of individuality, of non-belonging, of difference, in a way that would not be possible otherwise. The guys upstairs once said that there is separation non-physically in a way but not as it is in the physical world. They suggested, as a rough analogy, that we think how our world would be if we were all continuously and unpredictably teleporting though both time and space. Nothing would seem as solid as definite or as sequential to you as everything does now. (It is only an analogy but not so bad a one.)

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So You Think Your Life Was Wasted (5)

Connecting to other parts of ourselves

Back when I was still new to all this I discovered John Cotton, a “past life” of mine living in Virginia in the 1700s. Eventually I “retrieved” him, which it seems to me amounts to my having lifted myself by my own bootstraps. I was told later that I was gradually assembling the whole party of those known to me, drawing them closer to my everyday mind, which would pay off for me – as it would for anybody who did it – by increasing my range. After I got a handle on those closest to me in temperament, disposition, the era and geography, I could use them to help me move farther afield.

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So You Think Your Life Was Wasted (4)

Our present task is to do a Copernican Shift.

Copernicus, you know, realized that the center of the solar system is not the earth, but the sun. Once he put the center in the center, all the phenomena that had been charted for so many thousand years were suddenly seen in a different light. That is all that happened, and all that ever needed to happen. And that’s all that needs to happen with us.

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So You Think Your Life Was Wasted (2)

[Last Friday I posted the first in a series of edited excerpts from the book I am writing at the present. Do you think your life was wasted, because anything you did or thought will vanish when you die? Well, you’re wrong, but it’s going to take several Fridays to tell you why.]

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So You Think Your Life Was Wasted…

For the past few years, the guys upstairs have been giving me a view of the world that seems to me much more complete than we usually get, because it ties together the physical and the non-physical aspects of the world. The farther into the picture I go, the clearer it becomes, how much the world is suffering from the effects of the either-or worldview that says “take the other world on faith” or “there isn’t because there can’t be another world.” For the next few Fridays, a few glimpses into what may be a book to come.

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I am currently engaged in putting together a book that I call So You Think Your Life Was Wasted. I have already written my part; the remainder — the bulk of the book — consists of conversations I had in the years 2006 and 2007 with various people contacted internally. I came this morning to this one, which I post for the sake of the encouragement it may offer you.

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