So You Think Your Life Was Wasted (22)

[Sunday, January 15, 2006]

6:45 a.m. So. Here we are again. I shied away from that discussion about TGU versus any one of you. Why? It is as if I wasn’t ready to hear it – or as if I hadn’t finished making up the answer! But in fact I don’t know why. So I guess I’m ready for you at least to tell me why I’m gun-shy, and then the rest if you can get it through the pipeline.

This is a bigger subject than you consciously know. You recognize that you almost wish the question had not been raised, but you don’t know why. It is because you know, too, that “here comes another hit on my belief system.” But that is a danger of exploration – that at some point you will find something that reevaluates – or forces you to do the re-evaluating, rather! – everything you think you sort of know from experience.

Continue reading So You Think Your Life Was Wasted (22)

So You Think Your Life Was Wasted (21)

Dealing with depression

[Saturday, January 14, 2006]

7 a.m. Always, it seems, I wake up with a slight sense of depression. Can’t blame that on having to go to work! Can’t blame it on having to live with someone else that I’m out of harmony with! Probably could blame it on the usual apprehension that is the background to my life – but that doesn’t solve or even explain anything.

Well, I’d like a companionable chat. Which of my friends shall I talk with today?

You call me Joseph. [The Egyptian.]

Continue reading So You Think Your Life Was Wasted (21)

So You Think Your life Was Wasted (20)

Perhaps it is as well to say explicitly that the purpose of these extracts of my conversations with the other side is to provide hints to help you live more effectively and joyously.

Setting your dials

[Friday, January 13, 2006]

Well, I don’t know how well connected we are at the moment: I feel pretty drowsy, distracted. But I think it is a way of putting off the question.

Then, if you wish, ask something easier.

That’s interesting. I do see, it is a matter of “ask something easier” for me to allow, not, for you to say.

Precisely. In practice it amounts to the same thing but the distinction is important.

Okay. I have questions of everybody, really; it’s impossible to figure out where to start. I could start “at random” but that seems dumb, or – maybe not so dumb. Maybe that implies that the easiest to access would sort to the top unhampered by my opinions or expectations.

That is one result of choosing by “randomness,” yes. It is a sort of deliberate deferring to the forces of the moment. Yes, equivalent in its way to Monroe letting the total self decide. A good plan when you don’t have your own priorities.

Continue reading So You Think Your life Was Wasted (20)

So you think your life was wasted (14)

Correcting our model of consciousness

[A few years ago – four, to be exact – I sat down to write about guidance. I wanted to tell people how to get into touch with guidance, which would mean their having some idea of the pluses and minuses of the process as I have experienced it. But I didn’t necessarily want them all doing automatic writing, and I shuddered to think of beginning an epidemic of Psychic’s Disease. And yet, it is no less dangerous for people to have to rely on external authority when they will be in the position of having to choose the proper authority, not having any basis to do so! In other words – depending on their guidance to find a source of external guidance. Perhaps not so bad a plan, but not without its eccentric points.

[So I turned to asking my friends Upstairs how to go about it. They used my distracted, unfocused state of mind as an example: ]

Continue reading So you think your life was wasted (14)

So you think your life was wasted (13)

Allow me to wish us all a healthy, prosperous, growth-filled year, not just on January first, but all year, every year. And if any of those qualities are missing, or seem to be missing, let us remember that things aren’t always as they seem, and — as the guys continually point out — all is always well.

The nature of contact between individuals

Friends, something on the difference between completed and in-process. Would you care to address the subject here?

And if we said no? We smile.

Here is the concept we laid out. Remember, now, a concept is meant as an assistance, not as an idol. And on the other hand, it is as the joke you cited last night – “Please don’t bite my finger; look where I’m pointing.” With these complementary caveats, we proceed.

Continue reading So you think your life was wasted (13)

So You Think Your Life Was Wasted (12)

Shaping Ourselves

This post may be one of the better Christmas presents you’ve ever received. At least, I hope so, because here we enter more closely into the question of how we should live; what the possibilities are. The easiest way to convey this is just to pass along the contents of this session with the guys upstairs. As usual, paragraphs in italics represent me speaking (or, in this case, writing), while the words the guys provide me are given in Roman text.

They begin:

Continue reading So You Think Your Life Was Wasted (12)