My Story1 – Muddy Tracks: Exploring an Unsuspected Reality
Is there an afterlife? Do God and spirits exist? If so, do they concern themselves with human lives? Of these things, our societyteaches nothing because it knows nothing, and thinks that we can know nothing. So it dismisses the idea of telepathy, out-of-body experiences, ghosts, spirit possession, and any form of afterlife experience, including heaven and hell. It disregards the power of prayer and disbelieves the ability to heal by touch and at a distance.
But from work at The Monroe Institute and elsewhere, I learned how to obtain first-hand knowledge of life beyond what our society considers normal. I learned how to extend my abilities in ways that our society considers to be impossible. My experience shed new light on the reality underlying this world that has been described repeatedly in the world’s scriptures.
From my own experience, I have become convinced that we are immortal spirits temporarily inhabiting bodies. This life is not our only life. And although we see ourselves as separate from each other, we are all connected to one another by way of our intimate connection with a larger being that cares about us and can be trusted. This larger being is a source of foresight and wisdom, made available to us at times of its own choosing and/or upon our request. Nonetheless, we may often lose communication with it, by failing to remember that we are more than we appear to be.