Conversations August 7, 2010

Saturday, August 7, 2010

6 AM. I am not yet doing the work in the way I will need to be doing it, but a couple of questions have come to mind.

First, Papa, a question of “what if?” It seems to me that if you hadn’t gotten involved with Pauline Pfeiffer, your life would have taken a radically different course.

Continue reading Conversations August 7, 2010

Lindbergh Among The Spirits


One of the things that is wrong with our civilization is that it systematically falsifies its history, disregarding or ridiculing anything dealing with psychic experience, or the existence of a non-physical world, or anything demonstrating that time is not the simple obvious thing we think it is.

Wouldn’t it be something if such experiences were to happen to someone world-famous, who was brave enough to write about them straight-forwardly? And wouldn’t it be something if that book won the Pulitzer Prize and became a best-seller?

Enter into evidence The Spirit of St. Louis by Charles Lindbergh, written when he was in his fifties, describing the life-changing experience he had at age 25, while he was alone over the North Atlantic in a single-engine airplane attempting to fly from New York to Paris.

As you read these passages, you might ask yourself why none of this makes it into the history books.

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