Ice Age cave painters and scientific myths



This story, courtesy of the Weekly Science Report put together by Steve Detwiler, makes me laugh, it is so naïve. “To me at least, finding these great paintings from so far back in time is a bit like finding an iPad with no previous evidence of the development of electronics. How does humanity plunge so suddenly into this great sea of creativity? Unless there is a whole history of extremely old and not-very-good cave paintings still to be discovered, we are left with the sudden birth of a fully formed pictorial art.”

At least the writer is thinking, but his assumptions are so ridiculous. They are worth noticing only because he shares those assumptions with what is called “science” – which, in context, means “currently popular opinions among mainstream scientists,” which sounds, and is, a lot less authoritative!

Continue reading Ice Age cave painters and scientific myths

New technology closer to harnessing mind power

From the San Francisco Chronicle, from September 6, 2009 (!) Something my brother sent me that I held onto but never actually read till now.

New technology closer to harnessing mind power

Ryan Kim, Chronicle Staff Writer

Sunday, September 6, 2009

“May the Force be with you,” the popular refrain from the Star Wars movies, has beckoned many a sci-fi fan with its promise of mind-control powers.

But a real-world counterpart of the mystical Force has been a tantalizing concept floating outside the grasp of regular people.

That is, until now.

Continue reading New technology closer to harnessing mind power

Happy New (World)

Very interesting to see Michael Ventura quoting from his own predictions as set forth in his 1985 book Shadow Dancing in the USA. It was that book, which I came across as a book reviewer for the Norfolk (Va) Virginian-Pilot, that introduced me to Ventura. I recognized his importance then, an importance that has been confirmed by everything of his that I have seen since. From the Austin Chronicle.

Letters at 3AM: Improvising the Coming World


The recording is The Afro-Eurasian Eclipse. The year is 1971. Before the music begins, a voice speaks: “[T]he title was inspired by a statement made by Mr. Marshall McLuhan. … Mr. McLuhan says that the whole world is going Oriental and that no one will be able to retain his or her identity, not even the Orientals. … And, from that point of view, it’s most improbable that anyone will ever know exactly who is enjoying the shadow of whom.”

That’s Duke Ellington speaking. The phrase “New World Order” had not yet entered popular usage, but it might have amused Ellington. Jazz artists cultivate an acute sense of interplay between order and improvisation. They know how improvisation relies on an underlying sense of order, and they know how pliable order can become in the hands of a gifted improviser.

Continue reading Happy New (World)


Thoughts about us and them and judgment and condemnation and what it’s all about


By Stuart Dean

A few years ago, I encountered a deeply moving account of the Father and the Children of God. It takes place before there was an earth or even a heaven. The Children would joyfully come together with each other and the Father, and this was the natural thing for them to do. A bit later, some of the Children decided to go off and play with creating greater density, which would eventually become matter. These Children became interested in being off by themselves, and they were no longer open to joining with the Father or the other Children. This caused considerable stress for the Children who were not involved with creating greater density. When they went to the Father with their concern, He reminded them in a gentle way that no intentions could be apart from His oneness. He then asked them if they could describe the distress they were feeling. They realized that love had stopped flowing through them when they were resisting what the other Children were doing. Now that they were accepting even the separative intention as part of oneness, their love began to flow again and all was well.

Continue reading Inclusion

Three books that will make a difference in your life


About a decade ago, by way of an email from Colin Wilson, I got to know a remarkable Englishman, about my age, named Robert Clarke. Robert was a quiet man who had been led through the individuation process by the works of Swiss psychologist Carl Jung and, remarkably, by some 30,000 dreams. These dreams, and that process, changed a relatively uneducated man into an independent scholar and mystic. Delving deeply into the realms of philosophy, religion, and psychology, he discovered unsuspected connections between the world of the unconscious and the world of our history, tradition, and scriptures, because the things that scripture and mythology describe, he had experienced as spontaneous productions from his own dream world. In other words, he had experienced just the process that Carl Jung’s work described.

Robert and I met only twice (when I visited England in 2003 and 2007 specifically to see him) but via email he and I became friends, or perhaps I should say we discovered that we were already friends and just hadn’t yet discoverer each other. Hampton Roads published his first two books, which sold modestly and not nearly as well as they deserved to do.

Then last spring he emailed me to say that he had only a few months to live, because the cancer that had been found was pretty far advanced. He was fine with dying – we owe God a death, and he who dies this year is quit for the next, after all, and Robert had long since lost any doubts he had ever had about immortality – but he had three unpublished manuscripts, and he hated to think that the work he had put into them might have been for nothing.

As he had no better prospects, I told him I would publish them. Robert died last fall, but not before he had a chance to review and approve my content-editing.

Today, nearly a year after his death, the books are produced and in house, ready for sale. I think they’re pretty important.

The Royal Line of Christ the Logos shows how the West lost its way when it began to regard the Christian mystery as an outdated superstition. This, in turn, happened because Christian orthodoxy ceased to realize that the Christ phenomenon was not a matter of someone’s biography but was a as a concrete, explicit expression of the psychological process of individuation. Gnostic Christians retained this understanding. (Robert explains that the Gnostics’ teachings sprang from direct experience, and that “these sects, largely Christian in esoteric ways, existed side-by-side with the orthodox Christians. Their teachings were based upon direct inner experience. Like Jung, the Gnostics had no need to merely believe, they knew.”) But the hierarchy did not, and the exoteric view they taught people ultimately failed, which is where we are now. In The Royal Line of Christ the Logos, Robert shows the path not taken.

Books such as Holy Blood, Holy Grail assert that Jesus was the originator of an actual physical bloodline. In The Grail, the Stone and the Mystics, Robert shows why he believed that this is a materialist misunderstanding. The Grail legends refer to psychological processes — the marriage of Jesus and Mary Magdalene as the sacred marriage through the unconscious, and the child is the divine child in the inner processes, ultimately what the Greek mysteries called the Logos. Using insights from the work of Carrion and from his own individuation processes, he investigates the related subjects of the Grail, the philosopher’s stone, alchemy, and the visions of saints such as St. Teresa of Avila.

The Sacred Journey is in two parts. Part one presents a remarkable treatise on Jung and his discoveries and what they mean to the world—particularly the West. Part two is divided among several elements: Mme. Blavatsky, Frederick Nietzsche, Marian visions, UFOs, and aliens. What holds the book together is that all of these elements in their own way further develop the theme of the interconnection of history (culture, civilization, etc.) and the processes and manifestations of the unconscious as experienced by individuals. The result is a stimulating re-visioning of what has been going on around us for the past hundred years—and an equally stimulating suggestion as to what lies ahead.

Thanks to the behind-the-scenes wizardry of my friend Rich Spees, webmaster extraordinaire, all three books are now available on my website,, and can be ordered separately or at a combined price that will save you a few dollars.

Trust me, this is important work, worthy of your time.

Say a prayer for Obama

I got this message from a particularly close friend, and pass it on for those who find that it resonates. It resonates with me, particularly in light of what I know of the terrible troubles Abraham Lincoln went through, and what I know of the power of spiritual intervention in world affairs.

Sent: Tuesday, August 31, 2010 6:48 PM

To: Frank DeMarco
Subject: for our President

A message came in last night that Obama needs our prayers, not our worries and disappointments.  And that through your network this word can get spread.  And that I’m not the only one getting this message. (So I shouldn’t feel that I’m trying to “make a hole in the ocean” as the Greeks expression for fruitless activity goes.)  We need not judge his capabilities by apparent results, which are anyway better than he gets credit for.   His intentions and abilities are good, the times are terrible, and the opposition intractable and cunning.

Reprogramming your robots — a workshop

As a result of the efficient organizational work of my friend Joanne DiMaggio, I have recently put on a series of three-hour workshops. Here’s her announcement for the latest in line.

Reprogramming Your Robots

With Frank DeMarco

Friday, September 24, 2010

6:30 p.m. – 9:30 p.m.

Earlysville, VA

$25 per person

When our reactions leave us helplessly in the grip of anger, or fear, or other crippling emotions, clearly we are not in control. But if we aren’t — who is? And, how did they get control? And what can we do about it? This three-hour workshop explains what happens at such times, and why it happens, and teaches how to overcome it.

In certain circumstances we are controlled by automatic reactions that may be considered to be “robots.” These automatic mechanisms are doing exactly what we programmed them to do! But they are unconscious, and do not know when our situation has changed, or our intent has changed, or if they misinterpreted their instructions in the first place. The process of reprogramming robots, which can be quickly learned, disables unproductive behavior and enables us to program new, constructive, behavior. In other words, in one and the same operation, we turn a liability into an asset, with positive results that will have to be experienced to be believed.

Frank has been developing and improving his communication with the other side for more than 20 years. Years of experience, alone and with others, demonstrated to him that such communication is not only easy, but is an inherent human ability and function. “Reprogramming your robots” is one of a series of workshops built on that experience.

Frank, co-founder of Hampton Roads Publishing Company and Chief Editor for 16 years, is also the author of three non-fiction books about his personal psychic experiences: The Sphere and the Hologram: Explanations from the Other Side (2009), Chasing Smallwood: Talking With the Other Side (2009), and Muddy Tracks: Exploring an Unsuspected Reality (2001).

Seating is limited. Pre-registration is required.

Email Joanne DiMaggio at