What, here still?

My friend Charles Sides has a nice entry in his blog this morning that probably applies to lots more people than one would commonly think. It begins like this:

A year ago yesterday I moved into the lake house with a goal to experience unitive consciousness. I viewed this as an escape from earthly existence. As I wrote in a previous entry I wasn’t interested in the old cliché, “chop wood, carry water, enlightenment, chop wood, carry water.” My version was “chop wood, carry water, out of here.”

Looking for an exit I’ve read and studied many of the paths: Buddhism, Hinduism, Kabbalah, Sufism, the Fourth Way, the Course in Miracles, Edgar Cayce…you name it and I’ve probably read something about it. But, nothing worked; I’m still here.

To read the rest, http://charlessides.wordpress.com/

Charles Sides on The Cosmic Internet

“Fifty years from now a new generation will wonder why this was such a ground-breaking book.  They will be astounded that all this information had to be introduced and explained in The Cosmic Internet. As Frank tells us, but actually reminds us, we are the “ringmaster” one time and this book helps us make the most of our experience.

— Charles Sides, author of Motorcycle Enlightenment

For other quotes, and to see the cover in full color, and to order from Amazon, go here:


The Cosmic Internet, some reactions

What do the following authors (in alphabetical order) have in common, besides creativity, a passion for exploration, and a lifetime’s thoughtful observation of the world around them?

Robert Bruce (OBE pioneer)

Joseph Felser, Ph.D., (professor of philosophy)

Ervin Laszlo (systems theorist)

Carla Rueckert-McCarthy (channeler of the Ra material)

Charles Sides (businessman)

Michael Ventura (cultural explorer)

They have all provided  advance cover quotes for my new book, The Cosmic Internet.

To see the cover in full color, and to order from Amazon, go here:
