“As if I’m some sort of hopeless dimwit”

We never know when we may be serving the purposes of something well beyond ourself. I have a thoughtful friend, a professor of philosophy. I thought he’d be interested in a blog post I found about attempting to comprehend man, so I forwarded the URL, which is http://pavellas.wordpress.com/

In due course I received my friend’s reply:

Continue reading “As if I’m some sort of hopeless dimwit”

So You Think Your Life Was Wasted (16)

Who never gets discouraged? Helpful, in such times, to have friends…. But this entry is about a lot more than how to deal with discouragement!

Saturday, January 28, 2006

Speak, friends; I will listen.

Learn to manage your depression of spirit. Rather than being overmastered by it, channel it, use it, and all will go well. So you get to feeling grim. No big deal, as you say – just express it. Your pain is real and of long standing. So is that of innumerable others. You could help some who could come to the knowledge that a path exists, and could perhaps come to it only by your words.

Continue reading So You Think Your Life Was Wasted (16)

So You Think Your Life Was Wasted (15)

This entry continues where the previous one left off. It was still Wednesday, January 18, 2006.

(9 a.m.) Beautiful day, and not only because of this splendid contact. All right, friends, so what is your proposed model.

The elements of this model have been given to you in bits and pieces over the past five years and more. Now we propose to put them together in a way much of which will be familiar to you (now) and some not.

Continue reading So You Think Your Life Was Wasted (15)


A friend sent me an email saying, “Thanks for your blog update. Here’s something you might find quite interesting. The TM Sidhis are advanced mental techniques of the Transcendental Meditation Program for expanding human potential and training the nervous system to develop higher states of consciousness leading to enlightenment.”

I did find it interesting, and I hereby pass it on.  You might follow these links and see.


The Sphere and the Hologram

Unexpected reinforcement.

Because a friend mentioned looking up his own book via google, I googled The Sphere and the Hologram and found three very nice customer reviews that I had no idea were there.  Naturally, I’m going to share them with you. Seems like the least I can do. 🙂 Thanks, the three of you.

Continue reading The Sphere and the Hologram

Adam Gopnik: Don’t Stop Believing

It is always a pleasure to find kindred minds — and sometimes more of a pleasure to find minds that are sort of kindred than ones which exactly mirror our own way of thinking. So I was pleased to find, via an article in Schwartzreport, Search Magazine.  (This particular link: http://www.searchmagazine.org/Archives/Back%20Issues/2009%20March-April/full-ongodgopnik.html)

Adam Gopnik “On God”: Don’t Stop Believing

A lot of atheists don’t believe in atheism right now. That is, they view with a certain embarrassment the louder arguments that have lately filled the best-seller lists. The feeling comes less from disagreement with those arguments than from the fear of a kind of Gradgrindism of the heart. Just as the dumber anti-scientism writers treat science as mere product rather than as spiritual adventure, the louder atheists often treat spiritual yearning as mere product, too, reducible to nice buildings or fine music.

Continue reading Adam Gopnik: Don’t Stop Believing