Not that it’s any world-shaking landmark, but I see that today makes 18 months since I moved into this townhouse. In March, 2015, I was in the midst of receiving the material that became Rita’s World, Vol. II, and I wondered if the disruption of my routines would interfere with my connection. No fear! These 18 months have been as productive as any I have experienced.
On Sunday March 22nd, when I had been in the new house only one full day, I had an early-morning chat with Rita and she suggested that we use my situation as metaphor:
R: I was thinking about your move, with its attendant disorganization, as metaphor. If you want to move, you must be willing to pack up whatever you will bring with you, and carry it, in one way or another, and then blend those possessions into your new unfamiliar surroundings. The life you resume leading may be as near identical to the old one as you can manage, or may be as different as you can manage, or anywhere between the extremes, but one thing is sure; it will not be identical with the former life because your new environment will not be the same, and everything will interact with it in ways obvious or not. This, just as any relationship with people will change if either of the two change.
But isn’t it just precisely what you want, change? And of course, Frank, I’m not speaking only to you. You can’t want to change – or, no, let me put it another way, to avoid possible misunderstanding. Change involves change. You can’t change without changing. You know the line from John Nelson’s book.
I just finished reading Gary Lachman’s thoroughgoing and evocative study of Colin Wilson’s life, Beyond the Robot, and I thought, I need to say something about what Colin’s work meant to me, but what. So I sat down with my journal and asked.
Colin: Come, Frank you always knew why I was important to you. Use the message from TGU in Muddy Tracks for your blog and Facebook.
And I thought: Of course: I’d sort of forgotten about that, over the years. I have little doubt that what Colin did for me – basically, give me a believable reason to hope—he did for many, many others.
So here is an excerpt from chapter one. I omit quotation marks: all the rest of this entry is a quote.
As I wait to receive my copies of Rita’s World, Vol. II, I continue reading Gary Lachman’s book about Colin Wilson. How I wish he were still here, able to read it! I know he would, because as someone said of Hemingway, Colin read everything. And if he had read it, he would have given me his candid opinion of it, which might or might not have shed light on the subject, but would very likely have shed light on Colin’s position, and on my own.
Colin, for 25 years before we met, was my literary and – shall we call it developmental? – idol. Then once we finally met in 1995, we recognized each other as kindred spirits. We became friends, and then – strange bounce! – he became one of my authors. (I remember thinking, “I never dreamed that I would ever become Colin Wilson’s editor!”)
In the years before Colin got email, he and I used to exchange letters by transatlantic fax. (Most of his earliest letters have faded to illegibility, to my distress.) We were affectionate friends from first sight, and that never changed. But our correspondence made it clear that intellectually, we touched only in certain places. In some ways we saw the world very differently. Beyond the Robot brings back the differences, and makes me wish all the more that he were still here to see the non-3D world described as Rita described it to me last year.
It would be churlish to begrudge the blessings that were withheld, in light of the blessings that were bestowed. Friendship is always a privilege. This one was a once-in-a-lifetime gift, well remembered.
Not a great photo, but precious to me — taken the night I met Colin and Joy, 3-17-1995. Taped onto a divider in journal #52
Gary Lachman’s “Beyond the Robot: The life and work of Colin Wilson” really is a marvelous book. I am only about half through it (reading as slowly as i can, to prolong it) but as I said elsewhere, it is such a pleasure to have an author take Colin’s work as seriously as Colin did, and not so much as writing as of solidified thinking.
Nobody’s life-work is obvious if seen in pieces, and it often isn’t obvious in mid-stream. But even after we have the possibility of a long look back, that work may not be obvious. So much depends upon the preparation of those investigating.
Take Chapter Six, for instance, which is entitled “Peak Experiences, Intentionality, and Evolution.” Colin often wrote about intentionality, and the debt he owed to philosopher Edmund Husserl. But you will get a clearer, crisper understanding of his importance — at least I did — by reading Lachman’s discussion of “immediacy perception” and “meaning perception” (page 125) than in piecing it together yourself. And you will certainly get a better sense of the progression of Colin’s ideas over time.
Wonderful book.
As I think i said earlier, so refreshing to see someone take his ideas with the seriousness they deserve.