Not that it’s any world-shaking landmark, but I see that today makes 18 months since I moved into this townhouse. In March, 2015, I was in the midst of receiving the material that became Rita’s World, Vol. II, and I wondered if the disruption of my routines would interfere with my connection. No fear! These 18 months have been as productive as any I have experienced.
On Sunday March 22nd, when I had been in the new house only one full day, I had an early-morning chat with Rita and she suggested that we use my situation as metaphor:
R: I was thinking about your move, with its attendant disorganization, as metaphor. If you want to move, you must be willing to pack up whatever you will bring with you, and carry it, in one way or another, and then blend those possessions into your new unfamiliar surroundings. The life you resume leading may be as near identical to the old one as you can manage, or may be as different as you can manage, or anywhere between the extremes, but one thing is sure; it will not be identical with the former life because your new environment will not be the same, and everything will interact with it in ways obvious or not. This, just as any relationship with people will change if either of the two change.
But isn’t it just precisely what you want, change? And of course, Frank, I’m not speaking only to you. You can’t want to change – or, no, let me put it another way, to avoid possible misunderstanding. Change involves change. You can’t change without changing. You know the line from John Nelson’s book.
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