


Very intelligent book.

Christmas came early. In the mail from England I received a copy from the author of this brand new book called Supersoul, and what a treat it is. He reasons, he analyzes, he compares, and he brings his own experiences into the mix. A special treat for me, as it is the first time I can remember someone incorporating the ideas from The Cosmic Internet. In what I take as a high compliment indeed, he says that as he read it, “I alternated between compelling resonance and fierce resistance.” In other words, he took it seriously enough to wrestle with it. What more could an  author ask?

As I said, an early Christmas this year. I read it through in two days, and liked ever bit of it.


6 thoughts on “Supersoul

  1. Dear Frank,

    Have you read other books by Ian Lawton? In looking to see more into Supersoul I discovered his books The Gift and The Big Book of Soul which peaked my interests enormously. This may be a Grand Christmas indeed. thanks to you? Merry..Louisa

  2. SOLD! Thanks Frank
    I’ll pass this on to other South Lakeland TMI chapter members.
    Keep up the wonderful work and Happy Christmas

  3. Frank, are you suggesting that it is a very intelligent book just because the author takes your ideas seriously, or is this merely a felicitously serendipitous juxtaposition?

    And, by the way, Happy Holidays!

  4. I recently read this book, and found that the author did a good job of pulling together material from numerous sources, to support his “Supersoul” theory. As I often do w/ such books on spiritual matters, I first skim thru, and look at references in the index. Having satisfied myself that this would be a “worthwhile read”, I settled in to read it, one chapter a day to see how much I could absorb.

    Overall, I’m glad I read the book, and am also glad that more such material seems to be hitting the bookshelves (cyber or wooden!) lately. I’m still “getting my head around” the “One Life” idea, having already “safely departed” the “sequential life” model, and finding resonance w/ the “multiple life” model. The Tom Campbell “digital universe” idea still leaves me rather “cold”, but I do appreciate how even he says, “one must find out for him/herself”, which also echoes Bob Monroe nicely. I also want to read Ian Lawton’s follow-up book (“The Gift”?), as he talks about his own personal experiences.

    At this point, I’ve made the stronger commitment for 2014 to “doing more personal studies on consciousness matters”, and am compiling a journal of my numerous “quasi-OOBEs”, which have occurred at intervals since 1986.

    Anyway, hope your New Year is good, and thanks for sharing this site/blog!


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