So You Think Your Life Was Wasted (17)

Several short topics here, given as they were given to me day by day. The benefits of routine, the nature of time, and the advantages of staying in contact with guidance. And between the lines are hints as to what we as humans really are, and therefore how we function best.

Sunday February 5, 2006

(9:30 p.m.) This is getting to be absolute habit, and not one I mind at all. My friends?

It is in routine that you will find salvation. When your routine was to waste time, or burn it reading, or do anything but what you wanted, your life was unhappy not because of what you were or were not doing, but because you were not doing what you wanted to do, didn’t even know what it was, couldn’t figure out how to find out. No formula for happiness. Now you know that you want to – and can – stay in closer touch, work, and all is well. Don’t lose that. It matters not so much for your work as for your own peace of mind and happiness. Notice how restless and depressed you get when you merely fill time. Well, now use such times to do chores, to prepare ground, to accomplish the clearing of the way for when and what you wish to do.

Wednesday February 8, 2006

Joseph, are you available and interested in talking?

Sure I am. It has been a few days now and so you are in a different place literally, though it don’t look it from your side, and so we can talk about different things easier than we could from where we were.

Meaning that at different times the conditions favor certain kinds of information exchanges and at other times they don’t?

Have you ever studied astrology? That’s said with a smile, you know – I know you did. Well, did you ever think at all why different times should be different? It ain’t because the planets are in different places or in different relation to each other – that is just the sign aspect of it. You know, like the Bible said God put the planets and stars in the skies to be a sign. Well what do you suppose that means, if it don’t mean that their positions and all as seen from earth shows something? Hints at it, more than shows it, because language ain’t involved and couldn’t hold it anyway, but it does all point you, if you’d follow where it’s pointing.

You could do this thought experiment, as you like to call it. Imagine all of space around the earth – as much space as the earth has passed through in the past hundred years, and the space it will pass through in the next hundred. That’s a lot of space. Now, you know the old earth is spiraling through, being dragged along by the sun, and it never goes through the same spot in space twice any more than you visit the same date in time twice – and for the same reason. But it goes back to the same relationship to the sun once a year, just like your calendar indicates. So you see there’s a sort of spiral being traced out in space. If you look at space as being unmoving but the solar system moving across it in one direction, you got the earth spiraling around the sun but never hitting the same spot in space twice, because the sun is pulling it. And of course you could think through the same for the sun, if you want, but that is just needless complication.

What you have got is two forces, or two factors like you say – one is the underlying nature of the space you are actually traveling in at any moment, and the other is the relationship between sun and planets and moons and all.

The second – the relationships between moving bodies – ain’t all that hard to figure out, given observation and mathematics, and it has been figured and laid out in tables for a good long time. Longer than any civilization you know yet. But the other – the place in space and the quality specific to that space, is another thing.

You know about the Age of Aquarius and the precession of the equinoxes and all. One way of looking at all that is, it is just an arbitrary set of rules designed to act as signs. It marks the big spiral in a way you can get in your minds. The constellations and the myths are all tied in together just in ways to help people get emotionally – or maybe I mean symbolically – what they can’t get in straight words because of the limitations of language.

Now that is all I’m going to say about astrology, probably. I didn’t study it even as much as you did — everybody “knew” it was just discredited superstition, in my day. But I know it will mean more to you, what I’ve just said, than it would have to me. In fact I don’t know that I would have listened to any of it. In my day we thought that one bit of space was the same as the next bit – and that’s a funny bit of blindness on our part, when you come to think of it, because nobody could think that mid-city Philadelphia, say, was the same as those endless plains of grass and sky between here and Oregon. We knew we felt different in different places. Of course, we just wrote it off as the effect of scenery.

All right. So all of that is just to put your mind looking in a certain direction when I tell you that at different times different kinds of information can be passed through easier than the same information at other times or different information at the same time. As Dion Fortune would say in those novels, “here is the key to many things.”

Thursday, February 9, 2006

I must say, Joseph, it is an entertainment, talking to you – enough that I’m a little afraid I may be neglecting the work I ought to be doing more of.

Well there ain’t any use doing that. I’m here, I’m going nowhere – neither are you, if you only knew it – so we can do this any time. And it is important you preserve yourself a way to make a living, or you won’t have the time to do this.

I know. I have been working, I just am a bit overwhelmed at starting this next step.

Then talk to David, he’s the writer.

Yes, that’s a good idea. How about both of you at once? No reason we can’t do that, is there?

None at all. Have a party, you take a mind to it.

So, David, any advice on my getting started on this healing book again?

Nothing you don’t know already. Sit with it, re-read it all from the beginning, sit with a pad – or this journal, actually – and think on paper. We’re here to help you keep your larger perspective. That’s one good way to use us. You can do the detail while we hold the larger vision, you see?

In other words, stay in touch with guidance while I write, instead of letting the overwhelm disconnect me. Obvious, once you suggest it.

It is the things that are “obvious” that you weren’t happening to think of that we can help you with, laddie. You are working three inches from the surface of a mosaic you’re putting together; we’re standing back and remembering the entire pattern as it is meant to be seen finally. No point getting someone to try to do a whole mosaic at one sitting; no point trying to have people working against their specialization, you see. You do detail, we do pattern, and it all goes well.

I go back to one of my visions from Gateway, of my joining the party, sitting at a table with room for many people but few or none actually there – then plop, plop, plop people began to appear in various chairs around the long table. I thought afterwards, what a party we might have.

Did you bring the paper hats and party favors, then?

Did you bring the food and drink? Although – I’m not willing to say that you didn’t!

People are starting to envy your access, although you have made your difficulties plain enough. When it comes time to be writing on guidance, be sure you mention the mundane necessity of years of practice at it.

Plus the control panel.

Plus the control panel, yes – but much good that will do you, if you don’t make it a part of your life to communicate, and then expect to be able to communicate!

One thought on “So You Think Your Life Was Wasted (17)

  1. I agree with the suggestion to establish routine. I tried to live without it after leaving a strict education system and home.
    It is vital in my ‘connection’ to spirit to maintain regular times to listen. My whole
    being knows it’s time to slow down.

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