Conversations July 1, 2010

Thursday, July 1, 2010

6 AM. All right, I’m ready if you’re ready — or if you- all are ready. Papa, being that tomorrow is the anniversary of yourself-decided transition — and next year makes 50 years since then! — how about if you start?

There will be a time when 50 years as a space of time doesn’t impress you as it does now. Consider how your reaction is different now from even 20 years ago, and then try to see yourself over here for 50 years.

Continue reading Conversations July 1, 2010

Puns, symbols, attitudes

Today I found a scrap of paper containing three definitions I made up. The paper is dated November 13, 1999, long enough that I had forgotten it. I found it interesting; perhaps you will as well:

A pun is a way to go from one logical chain to another logical chain without establishing a logical connector. It is a pseudo-logical connector.

A symbol is a knot, connecting different threads, different lines of logic, which can shed light on one another.

An attitude is an emotional frame of reference.