Gordon Phinn on reincarnation

My friend Gordon Phinn writes an interesting blog,  http://anotherwordofgord.wordpress.com/ and in today’s entry he touches on the issue of reincarnation. If you’ve read either The Sphere and the Hologram or The Cosmic Internet, you’ll know that my views on reincarnation, as shaped by what the guys have been telling me, don’t match the common view. But Gordon has a lot of experience, and you’ll find his views worth considering.

Conversations August 23, 2010

Monday, August 23, 2010

7 AM. I had to go back to Saturday’s material to remember where we were. For good and sufficient reasons, I have felt unable to do any of the work I had started doing in making notes and thereby making lists.

And in the absence of questions, and in the absence of a continuation of our line of explanation, you find yourself dependent upon us for continuity. If we were blank this morning, if you couldn’t hear our prompting, where would you be? We mean this not as any form of chastisement but as observation on the process — for you, for others. One effect is to loosen your connection to the material at the moment. Another is to tempt you to discouragement. A third, the most potentially disruptive, is to tempt you to put off working until another day.

Continue reading Conversations August 23, 2010

Conversations August 17, 2010

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

5:30 AM. All right, let’s talk more about threads.

We are proceeding in a straight-line direction. First we showed that you as individuals aren’t individual in any meaningful description — despite how a life feels separate, often alone. Then we showed that — as in so many things — it isn’t significantly different on this side. Despite popular mythology of many kinds, there aren’t the individuals on this end that you may be tempted to think us, any more than on your side. All this, though, certainly should raise the question in your minds — where is the continuity among so much flow? Where is the source of the feeling of individuality that is an inseparable part of life? Further questions should include that of traditional religious belief — how is it that people have believed in reincarnation or in judgment followed by heaven or hell, if we are not individuals in the way such ideas seem to require?

Continue reading Conversations August 17, 2010

Conversations June 26, 2010

Saturday, June 26, 2010

5:15 AM. Early mornings with the windows all open (as they have been all night to cool the house), my morning is set to the alternating calls of various songbirds, going back and forth. One more feature of the early morning I wouldn’t gladly do without. A simple thing, really.

Okay, here we are, coffee is brewing, I just added Wayne to our Papa list, what’s our topic today? Papa?

Continue reading Conversations June 26, 2010

The world’s invisible Internet (6)

In December, 2005, I began several months of regular altered-state “conversations” with a man named Joseph Smallwood, who had lived in 19th century America, had  gone west to Oregon in the 1840s, had lived with the Indians in Minnesota, and had fought as a Union officer in the Civil War. At least, that’s the story.

Chasing Smallwood has four interlocking themes:

  •             How to communicate with the dead. You can learn to move between normal consciousness and an altered state (which is not trance channeling, nor automatic writing, nor self-hypnosis) in which you allow someone else to form the words. The process is worth learning, and you can learn it yourself if you care to. I have been doing this since 1989, arguing all the way. Fortunately, it isn’t necessary to know ahead of time what you are doing or how it works. How to bring it through and not choke it off is the hardest thing you need to learn. Continue reading The world’s invisible Internet (6)

The world’s invisible Internet (1)



So here I am, more than 60 years old, and I am talking to people who are not in bodies. Some have been dead a few years, some for decades, or centuries. It doesn’t seem to make any difference how long they have been gone or how famous they were or weren’t. Apparently I may talk to nearly anyone I wish to, provided that I have a reason to do so. I seem to have tapped into the invisible world’s Internet.

If this were merely my own experience or my own delusion, it wouldn’t be very important to anyone but me. But since it appears to be a skill that anyone can develop, I propose to tell you how to do the same thing I’m doing. To do so, I need to sketch out how I got to this point, but you don’t need to follow my path. In fact, you couldn’t if you wished to. You have your own path, whatever it is, and it’s the only one for you.

Continue reading The world’s invisible Internet (1)

The real enemy



This 19-year-old risked his life on Marye’s Heights to give aid to the wounded on the other side while the battle was still going on. The federals when they realized what he was doing stopped shooting and sent thunderous cheers. The boy was killed the following September, a month after his 20th birthday–but his generous act had assured that his name would live.

Overcoming the real enemy

Last Friday and Saturday, my friend Jim and I visited the sites of two Civil War battlefields: Fredericksburg and The Wilderness. In 2006, similarly, we had gone together to visit the battlefield at Gettysburg,

Those who have been following this “Chasing Smallwood” thread know that I am in contact with a Union veteran named Joseph Smallwood. Jim is similarly connected to a Confederate veteran named Hank who, like Joseph, survived the war. But Hank, unlike Joseph, has continued to be bitter about the war, having lost his home and his previous way of living to what he considered to be an unjustified invasion of his homeland.

When Jim had suggested that we visit the site of Fredericksburg I instantly agreed–but I also felt butterflies in my stomach. I wasn’t sure that Joseph was looking forward to revisiting that particular ghastly experience. Yet I knew it was important.

Continue reading The real enemy