Conversations August 23, 2010

Monday, August 23, 2010

7 AM. I had to go back to Saturday’s material to remember where we were. For good and sufficient reasons, I have felt unable to do any of the work I had started doing in making notes and thereby making lists.

And in the absence of questions, and in the absence of a continuation of our line of explanation, you find yourself dependent upon us for continuity. If we were blank this morning, if you couldn’t hear our prompting, where would you be? We mean this not as any form of chastisement but as observation on the process — for you, for others. One effect is to loosen your connection to the material at the moment. Another is to tempt you to discouragement. A third, the most potentially disruptive, is to tempt you to put off working until another day.

Continue reading Conversations August 23, 2010

Conversations August 21, 2010

Saturday, August 21, 2010

4:30 AM. Must be getting close to entering Virgo. Nights are noticeably longer.

Yesterday we did two shamanic journeys — Nancy, Dave, Linda and I. in the first, my message seemed to be, take the experience itself of flying itself — enjoy the ride. In the second, it was a long portrayal of downstairs life — pointless, empty, boring, solitary. I didn’t think to put the two together in that way until now.

We three took a walk to the lake, and a paddle on the lake, between the time Linda and Dave came in from RMR and the time Nancy arrived. My legs can feel it this morning, though. Enjoyable but I’m so far out of shape. I concede, I’d feel better if I did it regularly.

Continue reading Conversations August 21, 2010