Okay the election ended before the Mayan calendar did, though not by much. I have just a word for any political partisans who might read this.
The election is over, and your man won, or lost. Your party won, or lost. Your ideology won, or lost.
None of that is nearly as important was whether you won or lost.
And how could you judge that? Simple enough. Compare yourself to four years ago.
Are you more fearful than you were?
Are you closer to a state of chronic political hatred?
Are you less able to give the benefit of the doubt to opinions that oppose yours?
Some years ago, now, during the reign of King George the Unelected, one day I realized with a shock that I was moving close to a state of chronic anger. I realized that only hatred lay in that direction, and hatred is delayed self-destruction.
Sound familiar?
The good news is that the condition is curable. It can be reversed by a decision, an act of will. We can choose not to live in a state of fear, and anger, and self-righteousness. But we do have to choose.
Isn’t the aftermath of an election as good a time as any to make that choice?