Dec. 21, 2012 — No Fear !


My friend Paul Chelli and I met 20 years ago this month, at a Gateway Voyage at the Monroe Institute. We have never met since, but retain mutual regard. He sent me this link, saying, “There is a lot of informatio…n here, but the best I have seen.” I agree. At first i thought, ah hour and 44 minutes?? No way I’m going to spend that long on a video. Then i reflected that this is about the length of an average film. So I started watching.Subject: December 21 2012, The most important video you will ever watch:Turning the corner of the Dark ages… Consciousness, Becoming Awake, Our own Awareness. Dec. 21 2012 will be just as any other day except we will cross to “daylight”.

2012 – the fantasy

Given the interest readers showed in Paul Blakey’s post on how he uses the Mayan calendar in his daily life, I thought it worthwhile to post this comment on the movie 2012. Dr. Carl Johan Calleman is author of several serious books about the Mayan Calendar, among them The Mayan Calendar and the Transformation of Consciousness, a study of the processes measured by the Mayan sacred calendar. Naturally, he takes a dim view of the latest cynical Hollywood fantasy  exploiting a theme it knows nothing about and cares nothing about. (So what else is new?) This blog entry appeared in The Mayan Calendar Portal

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