Dion Fortune: How it works

Haven’t been posting. Writing another novel. This popped up, though, and I thought I’d mention it. This passage is from Dion Fortune’s novel The Goat Foot God (p. 365-6)

“…one expects psychic phenomena to be reasonably tangible and to have something of the miraculous about them. We’ve had nothing of that…. We’ve had nothing that you can’t father onto the subconscious if you have a mind to. nothing you could call evidential if you’d got any notion of the nature of evidence. But all the same we’ve had — or at any rate I’ve had, some pretty drastic experiences. I couldn’t prove them to anybody else, and I’m not such a fool as to try to; but I’m quite satisfied about them in my own mind. Anyway, whatever they are, subconscious, super-conscious, hallucinations, telepathy, suggestion, auto-suggestion, cosmic experiences, bunk, spoof or hokum, I feel as if I had been born again….”

“How do you know it isn’t all your imagination, Hugh?” asked Jelkes, watching him.

“I don’t know, T.J., and don’t care. It probably is, for I’ve used my imagination diligently enough over the job. But via the imagination I’ve got extended consciousness, which I probably should never have been able to make a start on if I’d stuck to hard facts all along and rejected everything I couldn’t prove at the first go-off. It’s no use doing that. You’ve got to take the Unseen as a working hypothesis, and then things you can’t prove at the first go-off prove themselves later.”


Nice mention in Midwest Book Review

Didn’t even have to pay them to say nice things about it! From http://www.midwestbookreview.com/sbw/aug_11.htm. (I particularly liked the “very much”!)

The Cosmic Internet
Frank DeMarco
Rainbow Ridge Books
140 Rainbow Ridge Road
Faber, VA 22938
9780984495542, $17.95, www.hologrambooks.com

The internet is a connection to a whole world of information, but what if you could connect with the information of your non-physical side of your life? “The Cosmic Internet: Explanations from the Other Side” is a metaphysical guide to the non-physical world and how to explore it and understand it, and understand the spiritual and metaphysical nature of our lives. For spirituality readers who want another take on the nature of the universe, “The Cosmic Internet” is very much recommended reading.

Cosmic Internet feedback

You know those old recruiting posters, “Uncle Sam Needs YOU!”? Well, at the moment I need you more than he does.

Customer reviews on Amazon are important in helping people to decide if they want to take a chance on a book. So far, The Cosmic Internet has had only two reviews, and one of them in entirely negative. Not the way to sell books!

Please, if you liked the book, go to The Cosmic Internet page on Amazon and say that you liked it, and why. It’ll help.


Tapping into the Cosmic Internet

A friend sent me the following URL with the comment, “This is part of an advertisement for Silva Mind Control, but it reminded me so much of you I had to send it to you.” Having watched it, I had to agree. I am not in a position to  endorse Silva Mind Control because I have not experienced it. But this was a very interesting video.


How fleeting, fame! :-)

Andy Warhol once famously said that the way trends were going, our future was that everybody would be famous for 15 minutes. Judging from Amazon sales results, he may have been on to something.

My appearance on the George Noory show produced a gratifying surge of interest in my books, resulting in enough sales — we don’t yet know how many — to drastically reduce my ranking in Amazon’s all-time sales lists. (In Amazon’s inverted system of rankings, the smaller your number the closer you are to being the all-time best seller, and the higher your number, the better your chances that even your mother refused to buy the book, even as something for the dog to chew.) But, as I knew ahead of time, the bounce was just that, a bounce, not a permanent new placement.

Continue reading How fleeting, fame! 🙂

Sleepy Night Owl

The last time I did any talk radio was ten years ago, when I was promoting Muddy Tracks. Doing “Coast to Coast AM” this morning was very interesting, showing me :

1) I’m not as young as I used to be! Staying up from about 1 a.m. has taken it out of me, though it will be a while before I am able to sleep.

2)  George Noory is a nice guy, just like Alex Merklinger and the others I interacted with in 2001.

3) The show has tremendous draw. The Cosmic Internet was down to 7,044 at 6 a.m., better than any of my other books has ever done.

4) Radio would be a great place for someone with ADHD! Although we spoke on and off for the better part of three hours, the interruptions caused by commercial breaks made it feel like George and I never got finished with any one topic.

5) People’s awareness has advanced a lot in ten years, judging from the questions. Good thing!



Did the Universe Know We Were Coming?

This isn’t the kind of theoretical thinking that I feel particularly good at, or qualified for, or even drawn to, but it does have its points of interest. From http://bigthink.com/ideas/38513

The Paradox of Multiple Goldilocks Zones or “Did the Universe Know We Were Coming?”

by Michio Kaku

In second grade, my teacher made a statement that literally shocked me to the core. I have not forgotten it after all these years. She said, “God so loved the Earth that he put the Earth just right from the Sun — Not too far or the oceans would freeze over and not too close or the oceans would boil.” This was an epiphany for me. I thought “That’s right – The Earth IS just right from the Sun!” This was an amazing observation, my first exposure to an astronomical argument. I could see that there was some truth in her statement, since Mars is a frozen desert, and Venus is scorching hot. So the earth is in the Goldilocks Zone region of space, the right distance from the sun, just right for life.

Continue reading Did the Universe Know We Were Coming?