A friend points me to these tips from Papa Hemingway. I don’t like number three, which everyone else seems to, but the rest seem true to me.
A friend points me to these tips from Papa Hemingway. I don’t like number three, which everyone else seems to, but the rest seem true to me.
[My friend John Dorsey Wolf sends this, which I found persuasive as well as very interesting!]
by John Dorsey Wolf
Since attending the Heartline program at The Monroe Institute in October, I’ve been getting material and guidance on the general topic of acceptance.
Sometime in the middle of the night this November I woke up with a very clear message: “Psalm 42”. I wrote it down, and in the morning I looked it up. Possibly written by King David during a period of separation from his sanctuary, it describes a thirst for communion with God, in spite of taunting by his enemies.
It was not immediately clear why I was awoken with this message.
Shortly after this, fellow TMIE participant, Provi, made available Rev G. Val Owen’s books. They describe a reality from “The Life Beyond the Veil”, primarily from a Christian perspective. I found this material fascinating, even riveting in many respects, resonating with parts of me.
[My friend Jim Austin sends me this, which I am happy to post.]
(Frank, I [and my wife] find the following very compelling and worth some attention; feel free to post if you feel it fits your blog.)
The following is from the October 1, 1995 session with Elias. It has been moderately edited to make Elias’ ‘accent’ more readable, and his idioms more familiar to those of us who read material from TGU, Rita, and Frank’s other sources. The original is available at http://eliasforum.org/transcripts/E41_100195.html, starting at the end of the fourth paragraph and including the next two.
Elias’ phrase ‘shift in consciousness’ seems to be what Rita refers to as the Change: much greater connection to our higher self. Elias says his purpose is to ‘reduce the trauma’ of this shift, presumably by helping us better understand how it relates to the events of our day, and how our connection to guidance/higher self/essence can help.
On Jan. 20, 1832, when he was not quite 29, young Ralph Waldo Emerson penned this prayer in his journal. Can anybody alive today say he wasn’t foresighted? And if true then, how much more true now!
“Don’t trust children with edge tools. Don’t trust men, great God, with more power than he has, until he has learned to use that a little better. What a hell should we make of the world if we could do what we would! Put a button on the foil till the young fencers have learned not to put each other’s eyes out.”
Finally — finally! after so many dead and deadening centuries — it appears that “science” is going to be forced to drop the “scientific” materialism, and reductionism, that have caused so much trouble in the world. Read this article.
I have a tendency to read too quickly, which causes me to miss some things on my first pass. Glancing at it again, i noticed that this excellent summary of the outlines of post-materialist science was presented by three authors, one of whom is “Dr. Gary Schwartz, professor of psychology, medicine, neurology, psychiatry, and surgery at the University of Arizona.” The article might have added, “and Hampton Roads author.”
What a long bow the universe pulls! I met Gary so long ago, and edited and published his book The Living Energy Universe, and in that small way helped him along the path he was already traveling, from scientific materialism to a more expansive, inclusive view of science and the world. And he in turn has been working among those I could never reach, for lack of scientific credentials. Very efficient, the universe.
Currently on the TMI website.
My brother finds this article and passes me the URL.