TGU on inner and outer worlds

TGU on inner and outer worlds

Sunday, May 2, 2021

6:35 a.m. Gentlemen, anything you’d care to discuss this morning?

Your reading could serve as a window on the way 3D lives function.

If you say so. Go ahead.

List what you have been reading now and then, all at the same time, some right through and others now and again. Just a quick partial list; you already sense our drift.

Okay. The Urantia Book. The Sun Also Rises, again. H.R. Stoneback’s Reading The Sun Also Rises. Green Hills of Africa. Ocean Prey. The Way Toward Health (Jane Roberts). Bringers of the Dawn. Dark Horse (a Longmire book). The Making of the President 1964. The Journals of Lewis and Clark. Enough?

Enough to make our point, which has nothing to do with how much or how little reading anyone does in a lifetime. Add in your movies, just a couple?

“The Spy.” “Firefly,” one episode just on a whim, to remember it. “Person of Interest.” “The Lives of Others.” “Foreign Correspondent.”

So, what does it all amount to?

A little of this, a little of that.

We smile. Yes, but what does “a little of this, a little of that” amount to?

I expect you’re intending to tell us.

Au contraire. You each are going to tell yourselves – for each will have his or her own interpretation. Given that your brief list could be expanded indefinitely, it is not so much a snapshot as an impression. An impression of what?

Well, glancing at the list, I see metaphysical books, histories, ordinary fiction, classics – it would be easy enough to add biographies –  and drama and documentaries in movies, a little sci-fi of a certain type, mystery fiction. A hodge-podge.

In a manner of speaking, you could say that 3D life itself is a hodge-podge, a lot of things thrown at you, often seemingly at random, coexisting in any given time and perhaps forgotten tomorrow and perhaps not. But beneath the hodge-podge appearance is reality, and reality has structure.

I’m getting that “seemingly at random” really means more “seemingly” than “at random.”

Oh yes. Your own pre-conscious filters, you know. Of the million things coming at you, you become unconsciously aware of a hundred, perhaps, fifty. And of the few that make it over the threshold of your awareness, how many present themselves to be chosen or rejected? Ten? So the seeming chaos is only a pale shadow of the soup from which it emerge, and – most importantly – what emerges does so not at random but because it has gotten through your pre-conscious filtering. If it were not for the shared subjectivity and the constriction into one bubble of time and space, you could not change; you would live in an echo chamber.

I expect you want to expand on that

We do, but those who have been paying attention will not find our explanation necessary. If not for the – what shall we call it? the continuous-filtering effect, perhaps? the bias-altering effect? – of the shared subjectivity, you would deal with only what you were expecting to deal with. There wouldn’t be surprises.

I don’t see that. Why wouldn’t our own non-3D mind throw things into the mix? Why does it need to come via the shared subjectivity?


I see. Well, that was different!

It was mostly a matter of letting your thoughts echo until you realized what you already knew.

Still, a striking process.

So say what you realized.

If I have it right –  and I think I do, although I don’t yet understand it to any great depth – the shared subjectivity and the non-3D mindspace are the same thing, seen from different viewpoints, or let’s say seen in different contexts.

And that should begin to clear up some misunderstandings.

I can feel that it does; I couldn’t yet quite reason my way through the steps. You do it.

Some bullet-points, perhaps.

  • In 3D life, your experience is narrowed to present-time, immediate-space, not as punishment but as precondition to the ability to focus.
  • It is true that you may learn to extend to what seem like other times and places, but you learn to do this after starting from accepting a self-definition in a time and place.
  • The 3D world encourages you to identify with one body, hence (you think at first) one mind. It is only later that you realize that this is not accurate, but is, say, over-simplification.
  • As we have been at pains to explain to you, your conscious mind is a tiny part of a vast mind even when confined to “you” as the 3D-plus-non-3D you.
  • Then you realize that there are no boundaries between you and the rest of the world except provisional ones (and hence, everyone’s self-definition is likely to be a little different).

By which, I take it, you mean that we each limit ourselves, and tend to accept those limits as inherent rather than self-selected.

Correct. And this leads to the next point. By creating your limits, you create your reality.

Is that what the saying was supposed to mean?

It is one thing it means, put it that way. The “wave the magic wand” idea is a bit simple-minded, obviously. Or, let’s say, it hasn’t been thought through. It is a valid statement that doesn’t necessarily mean just anything that may occur to people trying to interpret it.

Well, I wondered.


  • We have defined the external world, that appears so solid and impersonal and immovable, as actually being a representation of mind taken all together. Not your mind alone, or ours, and certainly not our consciousness alone, but all And this is how the world is made of mindstuff, you see. There’s no use trying to explain the world away as illusion. It’s true that reality differs from appearance; that doesn’t mean appearance is not covering something real.
  • You in a 3D body, experiencing your mind perhaps as limited to 3D input, or perhaps experiencing it as far vaster than that, nevertheless have a hard time feeling your universality, because of course your mental habits are shaped by your 3D experience, where such things as quantity, shape, substance, weight, etc. seem real.
  • Still, you come to realize that there is more to life – to your life – than can be measured, and at this point comes potentially a bifurcation. You may say “mental v. physical,” or may say “physical v. spiritual.” Certainly you will already have said “me v. other,” or let’s say “subjective v. objective.”
  • When you realize that (1) what seems to you “external” and (2) what seems to you to be mental or spiritual substance that is beyond personal are the same thing, then you’re moving into magical transformation. That is, you are beginning to see reality clearly.

It means, if we start putting together ideas in our minds that we have held in separate buckets, things will make more sense.

More sense, and you will acquire more presence, which does not mean merely that you will be more conscious (though it does also mean that). This is your path toward life more abundantly.

This turned out to be a deeper session than I had anticipated.

You brought to it Beginner’s Mind. You had no preconceptions of where it would go, so did not subtly steer it.

Doesn’t that sort of cut against the idea of “The better the question, the better the answer”?

We can talk about that, if you wish, but not now.

Well, I envy the people we have heard of who could do this sort of thing hour by hour.

Better a live dog than a dead lion.

Arf. Till next time, then, and our thanks as always.


4 thoughts on “TGU on inner and outer worlds

  1. I think you’ve outdone yourself this morning. Wow. I have never felt closer to the reality of all being one. A oneness of and through connection. Makes me think of vast impersonal forces, too.

  2. I can’t quite tell if they are getting at non-duality here. It seems like it, but the reference to magical transformation is confusing me. Per Jack Kornfield, “after the ecstasy, the laundry.” Clothes seen non-dually don’t wash themselves any more than the other kind. Maybe that’s just my mood. But anyway, one thing I’ve noticed about psychic explorations is that they often remain firmly in duality, so that’s an interesting development.

  3. I agree with Jane: the Frank/TGU mind has outdone itself on this one! A delight and privilege to be able to follow as that mind broadens and deepens.

    “But beneath the hodge-podge appearance is reality, and reality has structure.” This brought that recognizable feeling of shift as seemingly disparate concepts and feelings assemble in my awareness.

    Arf Indeed! 😊

  4. I agree with Jane and Jim – plus I loved the “Arf” – the humorous interplays between you and the guys always crack me up! Great posting, Frank – thanks for sharing it!

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