TGU — Pay attention

4:55 a.m. Very well, guys. You proposed talking about the vast impersonal forces surrounding us, and how they interact with the geography of time-space to affect us in the 3D (and in the non-3D, necessarily, as well). This isn’t the way you phrased it, but that’s the idea, I think. If I have twisted it, I’m sure you’ll correct me. Your move.

Let us begin by reminding one and all that this requires awareness. Everything does, come to that. The more mindfully you approach things, the more there is in it to be had. Note, of course, that “mindful” doesn’t quite mean “thoughtful,” and certainly not “thought-filled.” It means here, now. Not divided mind, not skating to see if there is anything new, therefore silently not really considering anything that appears familiar or even may be familiar. We need an analogy to express what you just intuited, Frank. Maybe everybody else will intuit it as well, but maybe not.

Perhaps looking at one of those intricate line drawings that conceal additional pictures within the outlines that ostensibly show something else. A drawing of trees, say, that proves to include pictures of lions or monkeys. Something like that?

It’s a start, but it has too many nuances of being deliberately concealed. We want one of something in plain sight that is overlooked – or, we should say, under-looked, that is, taken for granted and not really noticed, because a glance shows it as superficially familiar.

Yet you don’t want people treating your words with reverence, either.

That’s right. The appropriate level of attention to be paid has less to do with the object than with the observer.

Okay, how about this, then? The state of mind of someone on a recon through jungle, or at night, necessarily alert and aware that everything must be considered, nothing taken for granted.

Minus the element of fear, that’s closer.

Okay, how about a test pilot. That’s a third analogy, surely enough for people to get between the lines what we’re after. A test pilot pays attention to everything while he is in flight. He prioritizes his attention, to be sure; he doesn’t pay as much attention to what is expected as he does to what is not expected, or what is unknown in advance – but he doesn’t take anything for granted, either.

Well, as you say, three different analogies; the reader who considers what they have in common and discards the rest will get the idea. It is a simple enough idea, but easily disregarded. Just because something seems familiar does not mean it may be safely assumed to be what it has always been in other contexts.

Even this preliminary discussion, presumably.

Exactly. If you remember that nothing is ever out of place, or disconnected, or unnecessary, it will result in your approaching things more mindfully – alert to unstated connections and interactions – without having to move to a state of hyper-vigilance (which would distort perceptions and anyway be unsustainable) and without enabling the automatic association-mechanism to take over. (This is the so-called monkey mind, which may be seen as automatic data processing by association without a directing intelligence guiding the association process toward a given line of inquiry.)

In other words, anything may connect to anything else unexpectedly, so stay awake.

That’s one way to put it.

Very well. Everyone in 3D is perforce in the present moment relative to themselves. That is, Immanuel Kant thinking and professing in Germany in another century is as alive and present as Daniel Boone on another continent, or Julius Caesar at another era, or you yourselves. Like actors in a play, you are all contained within a defined environment. Caesar doesn’t wander into the 17th century, nor into Japan. But that doesn’t mean he isn’t connected to those who do! Only, physically, and considered only as the 3D construct that he is, Caesar is limited to his time and his place. This is obvious and does not mean more than is obvious. We mention it to begin somewhere.

Caesar’s non-3D component is as alive and interactive today as it ever was, and it therefore changes moment by moment. as you do. Life is change, and nothing is more alive than one’s non-3D component, after all.

But if Caesar’s non-3D mind is or can be or may be aware of 19th century England, say, why do we see no evidence of it? Why is he – why are any of you – not continually or even occasionally acting out of character, in effect coming out with anachronisms? Why – to turn it around for you – are you not aware of other people in other places and times?

But – sometimes we are.

Then turn it again: Why wasn’t Caesar?

Maybe he had other things on his mind.

That says more than you consciously thought, and it is right enough in its way, but we mean more than that his attention was on the 3D world.

The models of the world that he knew did not include 3D/non-3D and the living present moment, etc. They might talk to spirits or look for omens, but that didn’t mean they perceived reality the way we do.

True enough, but still not the point. The point is more that in certain times, certain ideas cannot be entertained.

You mean by “certain times,” certain combinations of time, place and culture, I take it.

Yes, that’s closer. Well, why do you suppose that is? Because somebody offstage says, “Nope, we don’t want you thinking that?” Because the sheer dead-weight of so many people thinking one thing makes it impossible for somebody to change it?

No, I get where you are going, I think. No to the first, or we wouldn’t really have free will. No to the second, or we would never have a Copernicus, nor an Emerson, to break the ice.

Well, then?

I’m hearing, in effect, that it is in the nature of the times themselves, which means in the nature of whatever the weather is in the time-space we are traversing.

That is not at all right in absolute terms, but it is suggestively right. In other words, it is a good scaffolding for what we’re luring you to consider. The times are more than the sum of individuals living and dead – that is, more than the culture resulting from so many individual decisions. They also have input from the weather of the moment, only weather more conscious than –

You’re in a dead-end, aren’t you? I started to write “meteorological” but realized that this implies less conscious awareness in the 3D environment than exists. So –?

We can’t redefine everything at once, nor hold your attention everywhere at once. But it is true, we also don’t wish to let old misunderstandings creep in unnoticed, such as “weather is the product of physical causes only” – and “physical causes only” are themselves closely tied to the non-human but real intelligences of the elements.

The weather we are talking about is the interaction of vast impersonal forces with All-D individuals primarily through the interface of the 3D world’s present moment. Thus for any time, any culture, there is a present moment, of a certain nature, perceived or unperceived.

And World War I, for example, that destroyed a civilization, could only have taken place then? Could not have been avoided, perhaps, then?

Neither one. But the psychic conditions were ripe because of the weather. If the war had been avoided, some other effect would have proceeded.

Cayce’s earth changes?

You have been told that certain energies must express either through human activity or through what you call natural disasters, natural physical changes, perhaps huge ones.

Now, we will pause, with this admonition. For this session – for all sessions – resist the temptation to divide it into the important and the unimportant, or the new and the familiar, or even the directed and the accidental. To do so is to miss the finer connections, in the way that to consider any one session without looking at the others would be, or to consider a morning’s conversation out of the context of what else is happening in your inner and outer life. It’s all one thing, and the sooner you get to reknitting things in your mind, the happier you’ll be.

Okay, we’ll take your word for it. Oh, I hear you, “Don’t take our word, experience it.” We’ll work at it. Thanks as always, and – next time?

Next time we may continue about the All-D and the weather. We have barely begun the subject.

Okay, till then.







6 thoughts on “TGU — Pay attention

  1. Immediately, I thought of zeitgeist–“the defining spirit or mood of a particular period of history as shown by the ideas and beliefs of the time” ( Is that what vast impersonal forces create? Are they an impulse/compulsion towards a theme/purpose? Your sources say we’re heading towards inclusion as a unifying principle (or common lesson?), making a shift in the times possible. So that would be different than the theme of Caesar’s time or WWI time. I’ll keep working on this. I’m very intrigued by vast impersonal forces.
    Another great session.

  2. This title immediately reminds me of when Rita, in response to my question about ‘What is being on the beam?’, suggested to “Keep you eye on the ball!”. Two nights later, I had a dream about playing basketball (e.g., I watch basketball regularly on TV), and the lucidity trigger for the dream was me not losing my focus on the basketball as I dribbled it up court. Someone tried to steal the ball, and so I jumped on the ball in the dream attempting to recover it. I share this as a reminder that our non-physical partners often initiate parts of the process.

    I will read this a bit later today. I am quietly keeping up here, but needing to take things slower. Today’s post makes this discourse with TGU near 45,000 words. This “digging deeper”, as TGU initially labeled it, is getting closer to book length.

    1. “… this discourse with TGU near 45,000 words. This “digging deeper”, as TGU initially labeled it, is getting closer to book length.” Alas, it is, and me with three full manuscripts already awaiting publication (Rita’s “It’s All One World,” and two Nathaniel books). Piling it up faster than I can get it out the door, except virtually, via the net.

      1. To your credit, you are very open and organized and routine in your morning ritual. As a result, this content streams very quickly through you. You also transition well between the various voices coming through, and those combinations quicken the flow and movement between books.

        As a follower, I have at times found it difficult to keep up. That especially happened with Rita 4, because I missed Rita 3 and lacked the scaffolding to follow along with Rita 4. Nathaniel was a different experience for me. I was ready (ripe) for that … even before it came forth, I was perceiving that the work from Rita 4 was not done yet. I was partially right about that interpretation (e.g., did not expect unitary beings to show up).

        Like the explicit 1st message in today’s material … maybe this is about being more aware. Unfortunately, I know little about the publishing world, otherwise I would offer that kind of help.

  3. I am chewing on the familiarity theme. Everything familiar tends to become part of the conditioned self, an automated process. Like putting the car keys in their place so I find them without looking. Getting new eyes for the same old requires something – listening sound meditations or myself becoming somehow different so the perspective is slightly shifted. But for me it is not just a matter of choosing. It is an instruction on how to receive this material. I tend to listen or feel for resonance and also synchronicity plays a part. So taking this (and everything) in with new eyes is more like a goal to be achieved. To me, that is. The scope of conditioning is fairly big.

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