Meeting Bruce

Some of you may not have heard. I am informed by Pharon, Bruce Moen’s wife, that Bruce, who has been in hospice care for months, is beginning his transition. We all owe him a lot, not only for his five books but for the afterlife exploration workshops he conducted not only in the States but in Europe and Asia.

For me personally, it is bringing back memories, of course, such as the day we met, at Ed Carter’s instance. Bruce wrote about it in his third book. I, like he, like Ed, were all being shepherded, it seems.

This is a little blurry, but is the best I can do.

7 thoughts on “Meeting Bruce

  1. From my C perspective, this morning I see you ending your talk with Nathaniel this morning on the topic of “coincidence” and then you quickly following up with this personal story about Bruce Moen (e.g., talking about the coincidence of Bruce meeting you).

    My condolences to all who know Bruce personally. He has made a very specific and measurable contribution to the craft of the out of body experience. His simple yet powerful focuses on setting intention and using imagination have been instrumental to many (and to expanding awareness).

    1. But — that wasn’t a coincidence story. It was a story of Bruce having been given, ahead of time, a heads-up that he should pay attention when I arrived, as I was going to be (though neither he nor I knew it) his ticket to getting published, then to being invited to speak, which led to the suggestion that he design a workshop, etc. I suppose it goes without saying that I in 3D consciousness had no idea that I was being shown as hanging out with Bob Monroe.
      I don’t think condolences are at all in order. Ed Carter’s family had a tradition of meeting after the funeral of a family member and lifting a toast, saying, “bon voyage.” I like that.

  2. Frank–powerful story of the kind of life-supporting (I guess they’re all life-supporting) synchronicities that I think happen regularly, we’re just not always so tuned in to catch them. Maybe we don’t see them as important, but clearly this one was.
    Also made me think about what you could say to someone who is dying with such awareness of where he’s going. Or to his family. “Sorry for your loss” doesn’t sound exactly right any more. Or to you, his friend, with your awareness. We’d want to acknowledge his passing from this 3D existence, which feels like it should be celebratory, but that could seem insensitive. Thoughts, anyone?

    1. See my reply to Subtle Traveler’s comment. It wasn’t synchronicity, but design by whoever was in charge of seeing that Bruce accomplished what he had come here to do. And, “bon voyage” seems plenty appropriate to me.

      1. Yes, Bon Voyage is nice.
        But it is a bit touchy and sensitive matters when it comes to peoples who still clinging to the old traditions about death and dying.

        I am to recall an Danish Theosophical Teacher once told us students, about his father`s funeral(he was the only one in his own family living as a Theosophist but not his wife): And told as of him to have held a speach after the funeral, where he was wishing his buried father Bon Voyage…. as he is believing his father to travel into new adventures….
        Which made his family members becoming annoyed and deeply hurt(by his speach in the funeral), and they told him not to be “respectful” enough to his late father, as well as close family.
        And he replied: There is is no death…. which did it worse to his family members…..Even they knew him to live as “a Theosophist” in many years by then.

        Lucky all who have a family and close friends who is of same faith/-or believers of the same. Less complicated.

  3. I hadn’t heard about Bruce, until Susan mentioned seeing your blog a few days ago…I’d heard an American Indian expression, which I feel is a nice way to express thoughts about a transition: “Until next time…” Of course…well, I’ll just leave it at that; I’ve tended to “second guess” what I express for much of my life. Or Bob Monroe’s own “See you in Home. Or somewhere along the way.” (Far Journeys).

    Bruce’s books were a good touchstone for me, when I “discovered” them in late-2000, early-2001–a “dark” period in my life. Not only was a coping w/ medication-induced liver toxicity (thus I felt physically lousy), but I was in a major “crisis of spirit”, what years later Dr. Scott Taylor (facilitator/designer of TMI’s “NDE-Intensive” program I participated in, in April, 2015) called “spiritual death”. I had read the first couple of Bruce’s “Afterlife” series, and had picked up the latest, fourth book, of the series, at Powell Books, in Portland, OR.

    While there, I caught sight of a Dr. Richard Dawkins title, “The Blind Watchmaker”, which had the subtitle of (something like) “how evolution explains a universe without meaning”. Just a book title, but for me it felt as if I’d been hit w/ a cannonball in the guts. This book was set up on display, along w/ a “counter-view” book; I cannot recall its title, my upset was that great. So, during my long recovery period, I spent a lot of time doing “Wave I” Gateway exercises (helped me to sleep), and reading many metaphysical books.

    It certainly was an uncomfortable period, but pointed out how part of me (one/more of my “threads”) held that “belief of pointlessness”. Over the years, I’ve been led/chose to explore myself; if anything, these questions will not allow me to “rest comfortably” on any one dogma (I hope!)

    Anyway, my thanks to Bruce; his books (and your choice to publish them) provided me another angle from which to view my reality at that time…


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