TGU — stillness, balance

Wednesday August 17, 2016

Stillness, balance

3:35 a.m. Talking with Nancy last night, it seemed clear that the lesson she took away from last session isn’t the one I took. No, that isn’t quite what I mean. I mean, she as an example showed how different people hear different things in the same words than I hear as I’m writing them, or as I’m sending them later. Words don’t mean the same thing to different people – and I’m not talking about vocabulary here, or semantics, but meaning, communication.

That is an advantage as well as a disadvantage, as usual. Slippage is opportunity, not just inefficiency. Ambiguity is a door we can use to suggest things, and of course everybody is going to need different suggestions because no two people begin from the same places. The argument that convinces one person of free will strikes another as proof of interference, and a third of overall purpose, and a fourth of general confusion.

And that merely reinforces my idea that logic and chains of thought are more matters of convenience than proofs of anything [I wrote “everything”] – and even as I write that, I can feel myself demonstrating your point.

If, in exploring these things, you bear in mind slippage as a fact of life, and internal course-correction as another, you’ll breathe easier. It isn’t up to anybody’s feats of logic or exposition; all you can do and all you – anybody – need do is your best. That’ll be enough.

Continue reading TGU — stillness, balance

TGU on free will and consequences

Tuesday August 16, 2016

3:05 a.m. Shall we dance, then? If you know what you have in mind, by all means, let’s get to it.

Remember, think of our explanation of life without boundaries. By concentrating on the continuity of things rather than on the differences, a corrective picture will emerge. The things you have been told and the things you have lived aren’t wrong, but they’re all the better for some correction.

Take free will, for instance. Will power, the exertion of will, implies something to exert it against; it implies choice among possibilities. Free will in a vacuum would be a meaningless abstraction, would it not?

But language makes it seem – or tempts you to see it, say – as if will is exerted against externals (as if there could be externals, but you know what I mean). It would be closer to say, it uses externals as opportunities.

Shaw’s “moral gymnasium” again.

You might profitably look at it that way for a moment. In every circumstance, you have the choice of how you will react to it. That choice of reaction is your free will, not any choice of reality or choice of consequences. You see? The important part is not where it leads you but what you choose. It isn’t a matter of steering your external life, so much as of maintaining your internal course.

I can’t decide, writing this, if this is more than truisms and generalities.

Continue reading TGU on free will and consequences

TGU — inside and outside, etc.

Monday August 15, 2016

4:55 a.m. I have forgotten where we were and where we were going. I’m hoping somebody else remembers.

Be comforted by this thought: In your being able to continue without a specific goal or a specific route is your freedom to listen, to be guided. Keep remembering the simple truism that you cannot explore by following maps that have not yet been constructed.

Yet it is also true that such maps exist, I gather. Charles [Sides] tells me he keeps finding parallels with Buddhist thought, for instance.

This is true and not quite true. The maps exist, but if you do not know of them, it is unknown territory to you as you explore. The maps exist, but if you have read and forgotten, or read and half-remembered, orientation at second- or third-hand (from those whose orientation was derived from previous mapmakers), you may find it easier to move in certain directions than if you had never been exposed to such echoes. The maps exist, but perhaps the territory has changed; perhaps it has changed relative to the species using them; perhaps the species has changed, or is changing, and the relationship between map and terrain is changed, necessitating new approaches to things once well understood.

So, for your purposes, a proper mixture of knowledge and ignorance serves very well. Continue reading TGU — inside and outside, etc.

TGU – A bubble analogy

Sunday, August 14, 2016

7 a.m. It has been only a couple of days since we’ve talked but it seems a long time. So let’s proceed from what I just got.

Rereading our conversations from the first of the month on, at some point an image came to me, perhaps hard to describe but emotionally clear. It is of us as a bubble (not a fragile evanescent thing but a stable bubble like the bubble in a level) included in a medium that allows it to move in any direction – right or left, up or down, forward or back, and additional “dimensions” I don’t have a concept for. I got that this better represents our life than previous, more static, images. Would you care to take this and run with it?

Not “more static,” so much as “more bounded.” There is a difference.

Your somewhat involuntary two-day vacation from this was helpful in moving you from an active to a more receptive space, because it is only natural to become tempted to logically extend whatever one is getting. It seems helpful, even perhaps obligatory. But usually it tends to keep one in accustomed channels, or most particularly tends to push one toward reverting to accustomed channels. Nothing wrong with the impulse nor with giving in to it, but we prefer to move beyond the shore.


Again. So do you, or you could choke this off without a struggle.

So, the bubble.

Continue reading TGU – A bubble analogy

John Dorsey Wolf — A Greater Context

A Greater Context

The short movie in my head is an inverted tornado of consciousness, with the flow spiraling slowly from the big end of the funnel toward a point at the small end.  The consciousness, pictured like the galaxies and constellations of our universe, combines and consolidates as it flows toward its ultimate home, a Source.  Simultaneously, Spirit emanates from the Source with overwhelming creative energy, feeding new expressions and reconfiguring existing ones.  I sense myself in the large part of the funnel seemingly distant from the Source, in a “birthing zone”, perhaps more appropriately a “born again” area, as “old” consciousness reconfigures itself.  I sense my destiny is to spiral ever closer to Source, toward greater and greater concentrations of conscious as it joins together like streams flowing into a river.

A year before that, I was told by my guides (as I now better understand it) that in our current situation we may feel small and insignificant, and unconnected and isolated, but as we are able to broaden our awareness and be able to identify ourselves with greater concentrations (or one might say, “levels”) of consciousness, our capabilities and connections would grow accordingly.  In other words, “John” might have limited reach, but John as John’s greater being would have much greater reach,  and so forth as I am able to identify with my even further extensions.

Continue reading John Dorsey Wolf — A Greater Context

TGU – sin and illness and wholeness

Thursday August 11, 2016

5 a.m. All right, I’m ready to resume. I was getting a hint as to where you’re going with this, yesterday, but it is gone now. So, I’m interested to see what you have in mind.

Remember, for the moment we are looking at the world (that is, everything, not just physical matter) as flow rather than as structure. So movement, fluctuation, currents, now assume greater importance than relative positions.

Yes, I got that.

You think you do. We’ll see. It is one thing to have an idea as an idea, another to commit to it, even pro tem. It makes a difference, because the commitment leads to your seeing connections and analogies rather than having the idea sit as an undigested lump.

All right. We mentioned sin and illness in the same breath. Rather than contrast the two, let us for the moment compare them. What they chiefly have in common is that they produce, or measure (depending on how you think about it) the on-going state of one’s psychic health.

Continue reading TGU – sin and illness and wholeness

TGU – As above, so below, in a new context

Wednesday August 10, 2016

2:40 a.m. Guys, my friend Mary Ann is tempted to think that her non-3D component chose for her to suffer the physical illness that blighted her life, and is thinking this was an infringement of her 3D free will, as she would never have chosen this herself. My friend Jim denies that there is free will at all. What’s your take on all this? I ask, being in the middle of my own puzzling illness of a couple days’ duration which is more inconvenience than anything else but is a clear reminder that not only do we in 3D not choose to be ill or to be well, but illness or wellness seem to come upon us like outside influences.

The situation may be made clearer if you include mental illnesses in the discussion.


Because the more manifestations of a relationship you include in your examination, the less eccentric and more generalized are the conclusions you draw. Take two different but related aspects of a subject and compare and contrast, and you can get a more rounded view.

Continue reading TGU – As above, so below, in a new context