Films, books, and psychometry

This review pans the movie “Papa: Hemingway in Cuba” in no uncertain terms.
Maybe he’s right. God knows, Hollybood puts out some God-awful trash. But I’m going to see it anyway, as soon as it comes around. I want to see what Papa thinks of it.

All right, I’m smiling too — and yet….

Here in Charlottesville, at the University of Virginia, the Special Collections library has a few original items that passed through Papa’s hands: short stories, airmail letters, that kind of thing. Even after several years of on-and-off communication with Hemingway, or anyway some aspects of Hemingway, after having those papers in my hands, I felt even closer to the man, and after a while it occurred to me — that’s what psychometry does, it puts you in closer touch with something through physical touch.

Can I prove it? Of course not. But I can go with it and see where it leads. Even if I’m totally wrong, it may take me somewhere right, and if not, no big loss.

Coming soon, to a psychometrist near you. 🙂

One thought on “Films, books, and psychometry

  1. Frank, I must agree with what you say about psychometry as I discovered it many years ago.You could play the part of “Papa”.

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