Exploring complications

Tuesday, August 10, 2015

F: 4:40 a.m. I didn’t dream it – I awoke from some other dream that I don’t recall – but when I went searching for the feeling I had when I woke up yesterday, it was there. We were just at the beginning – and so we are.

Very well, if I can do this. Don Sanderson left a long comment on my blog and I said I’d address it today if possible.

[Don Sanderson: As a one-time engineer, Frank, your TGU reincarnation inspirations induce some thoughts float to the surface. It seems that we’re each bits and pieces of past incarnations selected, I’m told, for the functions and purposes our greater Being has in mind for us(?) Are all those parts selected from incarnations within our clusters, our higher Beings? Given the exponentially sophistication of our 3D technology, which I am told reflects creative acts first performed up there, may it be that our personal incarnation designs are increasingly ever more refined? If the answers to these are as I suspect, it appears that the present human greater Beings are on many development trajectories, the extremes of which are opposed. On the one hand, I’m thinking of our dominant modern culture centered on the myth of the separate individual and survival of the fittest; no purposeful lie too great, if it serves this purpose. On the other extreme is an emerging culture focused on mutually supportive relationships and community in the large, all “living” Beings included. In some sense, a war is going on and our designs have been chosen to further related activities on each of our greater Beings’ behalves(?) These thoughts are all surely far too simplistic, but I have hints from upstairs they may be in the ballpark. Any insights your TGU may have would be invaluable, because we or most of us are struggling, actually sinking in a swamp of storied confusions and me-me-me misdirections. It is so easy to spin away time and effort, while it seems there isn’t enough of either. The bang-on-the-side-of-the-head watch words I repeatedly hear are “let loose” and “trust”, i.e. apparently, focus on cutting the draglines and turn it all over to my greater Being. TGU comments? Rita comments?

[Other commenters bring up Christianity, which leads me to pose some other questions for your TGU. Those at Monroe and the OOB like tell us that, yes, there are heavens and hells—that we create for ourselves depending upon the stories to which we are clinging. The idea of God judgement appears questionable, because we are not different from God. If we need a savior, it is to wake us up to that which in essence we are, which is how I read much of what Jesus presumably taught. That idea, however, was condemned as a Gnostic heresy by those few who got Constantine’s mother attention and could, so, clear the ground of all contenders. Christianity is a bunch of stories, mostly some say badly supported. My guides tell me to let loose of all word-ridden stories and to become intimately aware of that which is, to allow inspiration to flow. Am I misunderstanding my TGUs, your TGUs, and Rita?

F: Shall we?

TGU: Let us address the first paragraph, and say it is roughly true, with important nuances and qualifiers missing.

Rather than thinking of this as a war of values, think of it as such a war with reconcilers, as well.

Yes, the larger beings in non-3D contend via their 3D proxies, but it is not as simple as that; 3D is not some kind of dysfunctional war game environment. It is, instead, where increasingly complex, increasingly sophisticated, increasingly developed and intricate tendencies and personifications of values exist.

F: I get it, but it may be difficult to find the words to make it clear.

TGU: Always easier from the inside, and in fact that is our message here – not only in this one communication but in the whole series, and not only in the series but all the time – each person must develop his or her own link to direct access, because there are many things that can never be expressed long-distance, so to speak, but only via the most intimate form of communication there is. And these things are the most important, the ones that will help you develop into your true selves.

Conceptually, the situation could be expressed this way: In the beginning, only simple combinations existed because only simple building-blocks existed. But every lived life provided a more complex soul that could be used as pattern to be a strand in new lives. You can see it wouldn’t be long before truly complex interactions were possible, and the possible complexities multiplied and continue to multiply and will continue to multiply. Even if there were not 3D in which to generate more of these compound beings, the existing “library” of compound beings in non-3D would be – is – quite extensive.

That library contains extremists of every stripe, but – do not forget – obviously it equally contains reconcilers of every stripe, as well. And if you will hark back to the model you were given – the globe marked by lines of longitude, representing lines between the South Pole of evil and North Pole of good, each different line of longitude representing a different position for different blends of good and evil along all possible combinations of traits to be measured –

F: Getting a little tangled. I think you mean each of us is a different blend of moral qualities as measured simultaneously along different lines – the Seven Deadly Sins, for example.

TGU: Yes. The point is, that complex mixture is not only one’s moral ratio, call it, but also one’s total character. Political extremism might be one thing to measure, but in practice that amounts to lumping many qualities together – zeal, tolerance or intolerance, intensity of thought, etc. In that scale some will be found to be strong reconcilers, as well. Equally zealous, equally driven, they are driven to reunite rather than to widen divisions. Their existence may not be that obvious, but they are there. So, regardless of appearance, and regardless of what might be called objectively hard times, don’t despair, ever. Even the fascists of all stripes, left, right, or apolitical (for you can have apolitical fascists, you realize: It is an attitude more than an ideology)

F: Lost it. Too complex a thought.

TGU: Just, don’t despair because of appearances. Trust that all is well. If you are moved to participate actively, or vicariously, fine. If not, fine. But don’t indulge in despair. Despair might be paraphrased as “I know more than the universe, and things are off the rails and nobody else realizes it!” Not so. And it is not true that nobody is in charge, nor quite that the lunatics are running the asylum. Or perhaps we should put it – these things are not the only truths. The world is always more complex than our understanding of it, by design as much as anything. Perhaps the computer simulation wouldn’t run as well if the various avatars were conscious that they were in a game. Or perhaps that would make the game so much more interesting and absorbing!

F: Changing the rules in mid-game, then, are we?

TGU: Let’s leave it at that for the moment, and proceed to the next part of this very interesting and helpful

F: I can’t find the word, dammit! It means a bit of participation, but not finding the word stopped me.

TGU: Contribution.

F: Yes. That’s it, or anyway close enough. But I couldn’t find it. Okay –

[Other commenters bring up Christianity, which leads me to pose some other questions for your TGU. Those at Monroe and the OOB like tell us that, yes, there are heavens and hells—that we create for ourselves depending upon the stories to which we are clinging. The idea of God judgement appears questionable, because we are not different from God. If we need a savior, it is to wake us up to that which in essence we are, which is how I read much of what Jesus presumably taught. That idea, however, was condemned as a Gnostic heresy by those few who got Constantine’s mother attention and could, so, clear the ground of all contenders. Christianity is a bunch of stories, mostly some say badly supported. My guides tell me to let loose of all word-ridden stories and to become intimately aware of that which is, to allow inspiration to flow. Am I misunderstanding my TGUs, your TGUs, and Rita?]

TGU: You should listen, when you are told to let loose of old stories. Frank, tell of Emerson.

F: I will quote it if I can find it, but the gist of it is that he was asked sincerely what he thought of Jesus, and said he thought Jesus listened directly to the divine insight continually pouring in all the time, rather than relying on second-hand petrified insight held in the scriptures and studied in schools and revered in the temple.

TGU: And this is our response – go and do likewise. Or rather, stay and do likewise. You are in as close communication with your non-3D component as anyone else if you wish to listen to it. You have close access to infinite wisdom if you choose to listen to it. You need no external guides if you listen to your own.

A formula for chaos? Yes, and chaos always contains and generates order. Try not to be afraid of life, or – harder for some – of your selves.

Enough for now.

F: I’m impressed. You made a complex situation very simple, seems to me.

TGU: You may find that those trying to understand it find it less helpful, unless, and until, and to the extent that, they understand it by what resonates rather than by what external logic and evidence would seem to restrict them to. But that in itself will be a good lesson.

F: Thanks. Not quite sure who we have on the line this morning, but I recognize good stuff when I see it. Till next time.

4 thoughts on “Exploring complications

  1. “And it is not true that nobody is in charge, nor quite that the lunatics are running the asylum. Or perhaps we should put it – these things are not the only truths.”

    Don’t despair people! We’re pretty sure we know what we’re doing up here, despite appearances to the contrary. Don’t pay any attention to that man behind the curtain. (LOL)

    Thanks Frank ~ One of the best sessions so far.

  2. There is not enough that can be said in appreciation your work to receive and publish these inputs. The input not only brings knowledge through the words themselves, but also by rereading and thinking it over the material inevitably provides a link to our own sources of intelligence on the subject.

    I simply asked, “Is there more that will help me understand?”, and I got the following straightforward analogy, complementing the TGU input:

    “Higher consciousness is always evolving, it is dynamic not static, it seeks to create without limits and it does this naturally. As new souls, newly nuanced, we are creation, we are of the created, and we create. As consciousness moves in every direction possible, there is a stability brought about by counterbalancing, reconciliation.

    It is not possible to see all consciousness, and what is able to viewed in your part of 3D is a subset of the garden. Think of the grafting of new vines. In the grafting center, existing stock is combined in ways that are tuned to various applications; different varietals, different soils, different climates. These vines contend with their environment in such a way to produce unique and great fruit. Are they at war with the environment? Or do they deal with it in such a way as to create anew?”

    (So it is the non-3D world that we are being grown to live in, that we are being grafted to contend with?)

    “Yes, and that (the non-3D) is always changing, moving, evolving, inviting and nurturing at the same time new formations that fit into the pattern. The environment changes even in previously established vineyards and the grafting helps produce fruit in those new conditions; there are regions previously unable to be used at all, and the grafting helps produce varieties that work in these previously un-occupiable areas. Grafting enables inhabiting changing regions of consciousness; and inhabiting newly forming regions of consciousness.

    There are extremes: very wet, very dry. Very acidic, very alkali. High mineral content, low mineral content. We don’t label these extremes as good and bad. Mother earth is not static, and neither is the rest of consciousness, so we are always growing new vines for “inhabiting” new and changing consciousness. Do you label a rainforest as bad and a desert as good? Do you label a plant capable of living in extreme wet conditions a bad plant? Or one that is capable of living in the desert?

    Compatibility is a word that fits. New souls (are) being created to be compatible with the region of consciousness that they occupy, and will live in when they mature, and capable of opening up new territory.”
    P.S., Still never received email notification of the posting. Strange.

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