40th talk with Rita – 2-15-2015

Sunday February 15, 2015

F: 5 a.m. Good morning, Rita. Your rephrasing of the question as “What is it in the nature of the world that produces suffering as a by-product?” seems to have opened doors for Charles. He suggests that you continue along that line. Or, of course, we could follow another of his suggestions.

And, before you begin either, I might ask what’s wrong with me this morning. I have rephrased this question several times, I don’t feel particularly clear-headed, though I am not sleepy, and I feel like the temperature here is way too hot, even though I just checked the thermostat and moved it from 65 down to 64. Is there something going on that I should know about? Is this a day when I should use the journal rather than going directly to the computer?


No answer. Maybe I should do this another time?

R: You were wanting an example of how you think, which amounts to an examination of your preferred mental processes. Waiting gives you a taste of what you are, by withholding what you do easiest.

F: Hmm. So I daydream, basically.

R: You don’t construct, anyway. You don’t build logically. Consciously connecting or not, you remain in receptive mode. The paradox inheres in the fact that you can work industriously while remaining in receptive mode, but after all that paradox produces a certain kind of writers.

Now, to the question. I suggested that suffering is better seen as a byproduct than as a desired result, and I could continue in different directions by continuing to use physical pain as the metaphor. Thus, pain as a signal to the body that something is wrong. Pain as a signaling system, in other words. That is one very useful attribute of pain that is easily overlooked. Pain as feedback looks very different than pain as something introduced into the world for the entertainment of the non-3D.

F: I am still not functioning well. I had to delete the paragraph that just came out as a garble. You never answered the question. What’s wrong with me today?

R: It isn’t a question easily answered. You can feel the difference in that it feels like the top of your head is heavier.

F: Whatever it is, it feels oppressive.

R: Like a sinus headache, without the headache?

F: That’s a good way to describe it.

R: And you are wanting an explanation that says for some reason your connection isn’t clear, and you are asking by means of your connection to someone centered in non-3D.

F: I never said it isn’t ridiculous.

R: Just sit with it for a few moments. Either your head will clear or it won’t. If it doesn’t, you can always do this another time. [5:30]

F: 5:37 a.m. I guess I’ll go read for a while, or maybe go back to bed. Not accomplishing anything here.

7:30 a.m. I guess we’re not going to get anything today. Finished the book, tried napping for a while, woke up suddenly, but as I sit here I’ve got nothing. I think I will pass this on to the list, for their interest, but no point in putting it on the blog or Facebook. I do wonder what’s going on. There was a littlie dizziness, too


4 thoughts on “40th talk with Rita – 2-15-2015

  1. Thank you very much for doing this in public Frank. It is always “good for something” as E.C.have said (and I agree with).As Rita says: All is well.”

    Hm, after having read this material in the morning, I went to the book shelters to find a book which could “match” what you have said here, and found one book titled: “The Secret of Instant Healing” by Dr.Frank J.Kinslow (an introduction to the Power of Quantum Entrainment).
    Especially this quote: “We, collectively known as the human race, have but one single lesson to learn: Be aware.”
    Further: “Carl Jung`s collective unconscious (which have learned NOT to be UNconscious by now), and more recently, Rupert Sheldrake`s “morphic field” illustrate a vital point about being human.”
    As it turns out, we are not isolated entities aimlessly rambling around in a body-mind. We have an infinitely intimate relationship with every other soul on this planet. Every one of our thoughts and actions influences every other breathing being.

    “Thoughts are Charged Clouds that attracts other Thoughts of like Charge.” (The EE units, electromagnetic, according to Seth).

    …and on we go…
    This is another challenge told in the same book: “As we think,so we live.”

    And best wishes from the “morphic field” over here.
    LOL,Inger Lise.

  2. I want to thank you too Frank for your keeping us in touch with how this process goes for you. And I want to thank Inger Lise for your comments on it. I read this while I was sitting in a soup and salad restaurant, very busy at the lunch hour and it became one of ‘those moments’. The combination of words helped to open this space where I saw/felt that connection so viscerally! I thought ‘holy cow’ (though my words were a little stronger), we are so porous/connected/entwined. A magic moment. Left over TMI buzz (just got back recently)?


  3. “Thank you very much for doing this in public Frank. It is always “good for something” as E.C.have said and Ingre (and I so agree with).
    I want to echo this comment. I am still too human as victim, however, to say what Rita says, at least today : All is well.” Though I appreciate the sentiment from the larger perspective.

    I find it comforting to think of us being compound beings bringing together our strands for a greater wholeness and a sense of purpose even when I feel I am doing rather poorly at it. Becoming aware, in my view, doesn’t change the pattern. It helps me see there is a pattern, but not necessarily how to alter it in a way that is less painful, less frustrating. etc.

    As you continue with the subject of pain and suffering… is this in any way tied to Bob’s idea of producing loosh as Rita sees it? Pain as a warning is of great value on the physical level for sure.
    What I find very helpful was contemplating wholeness and balance which sometimes invites in the opposite of what we desire- a painful experience. John A. Sanford writes about that a lot in terms of human psychology and us attracting what we do not desire say in the form of an enemy when we may be in the pattern of a do gooder.

    We may make assumptions about helping people but not see beneath the surface of what they say they want. For example, a young couple (who reminded me of me in my youth) were helping out some poorer people in our area employing them for odd jobs etc. These same people later, after seeing they had a laptop went in and robbed them. They are so disillusioned by this. What is the lesson of this type of pain? I guess, it is perhaps being more aware of who we are offering to and not assuming they will be appreciative. This take experience, time and skills. It is hard not to become fearful and cynical after an experience like that. Any offerings would be appreciated. I don’t know what to tell them except to be cautious.

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