or, as the TV used to say, Don’t touch that dial!
I have been busy; closing on a house, then participating in the TMI Professional Division seminar, then moving into the house. But some interesting things have been happening, and I hope to talk to Rita again soon. Talked to her during the PD for some friends, and that was interesting, doing it while people looked on.
As one of the onlookers, it was fun to see Frank receiving, laughing, and sharing Rita’s thoughts.
And, as i shall report in due time, it was challenging and rewarding to have Dick and Al and Jon participating in real time. That is, they asked questions and waited while I wrote out what I got. With Dick’s permission, I will transcribe what Rita had to say about a prospective course on death and dying. Dick? Okay with you?
By all means, Frank!
For others’ info, I live in a “continuing care community’, a retirement community, with about 200 folks. More than thirty residents are over 90 years of age, and two are more than 100.
A few show signs of significant memory loss, and every now and then one of us transitions. I asked Rita what might be appropriate to serve these folks and their families.
I would have liked to be there. Frank will all of this be in a book next?
Looks like maybe. Charles is in charge of that part of it.
Good luck on your move to a new house. Can’t wait to hear about it. Will post the Hemingway house soon maybe on fB. I will Let you know.
Thanks. Even amid the post-move chaos, it already feels like home, so that’s a good sign. But substantive mental work is going to have to wait a bit, I’m afraid. Physical work for a while, first.
I will look forward to “to be continued…”
Interesting “coincidence”/synchronicity w/ your mention of the move to the new abode; just last night, while reading “Uknown Reality, Vol. 2” (Seth), was the first mention of Rob and Jane’s viewing the exterior of their home-to-be, the Pinnacle Road “hill house”, as it was known. Best wishes for your settling into your new “digs”!