• 5 – West to Astoria

    [Still Tuesday, December 20, 2005] 1:20 p.m. Having transcribed and sent. A friend says if I have a middle initial it will make things easier. “Thaddeus” immediately pops up before I can fairly ask the question. I see there was a Joseph T. – in the 7th battery, Indiana Light Artillery – one of three…

  • The Dreaming Gods

    A little while ago, I had the pleasure of reading an early version of the manuscript of a very interesting novel by a friend of mine named Chris Nelson, which he calls “The Dreaming Gods.” I noted in my journal a particularly nice passage in which the protagonist, a scientist, describes in a few short…

  • 6 – Oregon

     Astoria [Wednesday, December 21, 2005] 8:40 a.m. All right, Joseph, I’m ready if you are.  You’re ready but you’re nervous. We’re functioning on the theory that you’re getting some things wrong, remember, and can correct yourself later. But you’re also getting some things right. All right. Always a struggle for me, and not just for…

  • 7 – Back East

    [December 22, 2005] 8:15 a.m. Back to Joseph, with a couple of complications. A friend emailed that no one could get eight miles an hour from a horse over several hours, day after day, without breaking down the horse’s health. Just the kind of factual error the prospect of which used to paralyze me. And…

  • Learning to live consciously in guidance

    It’s a chicken and egg kind of question: How do you connect to guidance if you don’t have guidance to connect you to guidance? How can you know that you are not connecting to evil or mischievous spirits intending to lead you astray? As usual, the guys upstairs had a couple words about this, that…

  • Dion Fortune

    Dion Fortune (Violet Firth) was a 20th-century English woman who was a member of the Order of the Golden Dawn and founder of the Society of the Inner Light. She was a serious occultist, apparently a great teacher, and a continuing influence on our society, although not particularly well-known outside of metaphysical circles. She was…

  • 8 – Leaving slavery country

    [After a few days, I began posting each morning’s journal entries to a Monroe Institute connected group, and suddenly I was performing in public. It didn’t lessen my anxiety any.] (12:30 p.m.) Went looking to see about Mr. Muir. One source says his family emigrated to Wisconsin in ’48, one says ’49. But I realized…

  • The practical uses of guidance

    Saturday, April 7, 2007 8 a.m. My friends, what have you to say about my blog, or self development by choice, or past lives, or your ongoing project working through me, or the price of eggs? The more pointed the question, remember, the more pointed the answer. However, we take your question to be in…

  • Complications in talking to past lives

    “This is what immortality is, and you can no more forfeit immortality than live without breathing.“ A friend told me that she was having a hard time with the idea of talking to a past life. She had had regressions and said it didn’t feel like the description the guys had given and I had…

  • The most important thing

    Who can tell what he is on Earth to do? When I bought Herndon’s Lincoln, a famous book, I learned (reading the introduction ) that although William Herndon did all the research, he could not have actually written the book had it not been for young Jesse William Weik, whose name is far less remembered…