10. Wide-ranging connection

Monday May 6, 2024

5:40 a.m. Stitching reality together?

That was probably a misleading way to put it. What we mean by it is that extensive and wide-ranging connections tend to coordinate the effects in one place of what occurs in another place, and of course the same with times. It isn’t as if ancient Egypt were something unconnected to your time, or either time to medieval England, etc.

You seem to be saying that what happens to the people of a given time affects the age itself.

This is language, causing difficulty by making an abstraction seem solid. The people are the age. Remember – though we have not said it here, we made it clear enough in other conversations – material reality is mind-stuff; it is not rocks in space the way it appears to 3D senses. In reality, the difference between a desk in a certain time-space and a person in that same time-space is mostly appearance. The desk is spun from thought no less than the person is. So the distinction that arises in your minds between “living people” and “inanimate objects” is mostly illusion.

I suppose this is why we can be mentally and emotionally affected by our physical surroundings. There is interaction between the human and the non-human, but at base they are the same, or anyway are close kin.

You see what happened just there? You got it, but then it seemed far-fetched, so you backed away from it. Yes, the same, not “close kin.” This stretches your accustomed way of thinking about yourself and the world (accustomed by life as interpreted through the senses), so the closer approximation seemed too abstract, theoretical, unlikely; you instinctively fell back on a less disruptive way of thinking about it.

That’s very interesting. I do see it.

But we don’t want to stray too far from our starting-place. Let’s begin again.

Each of you is composed of strands that may be considered to be individual lives, each of which is similarly composed of strands of other lives. Rather than the disconnected individuals you usually experience yourselves to be, you are actually branches of the human tree. This is less figurative than it sounds. You are not disconnected, and the things you connect to are not disconnected, so in what way could you be considered separate merely because you each have independence of motion, and have the ability within limits to choose your future development?

At the same time, hold in your minds the fact that the human-tree is itself not independent from its surroundings and we do not mean because you must breathe etc. It is not a merely physical connection – oxygen-breathers depending upon the air they breathe – but also a deeper connection, because the physical world is all one thing in the same way the metaphysical world is.

So you – anyone reading this – are an integral part of the human race, and thus an integral part of human existence on 3D Earth, — and this has implications worth pursuing.

  • You connect to all others. That means you affect each other, directly or less directly.
  • You extend through time (though you would likely say “across” time, as if it were a matter of spanning distance). Thus you affect each other in time as well as in space.
  • The mental world is the non-3D world of non-locality, fluidity of movement, relatively instant creation and re-creation, freedom from 3D constraints. And you in 3D bodies are also 3D minds. Hence, you play by two sets of rules, and can transcend either.
  • Your mental world tends to be heavily affected by what your 3D senses tell you, so you tend to invent rules for yourselves (thinking you are perceiving them) that narrow your focus and limit your possibilities.
  • Thus, you have the ability to grow into something superhuman; it is a matter of reconceptualizing what you are.

But with your senses reporting one set of rules of existence, and your intuitions reporting a different set, how you define yourself is less a matter of circumstance than of choice. The family and time you are born into will largely shape your sensory perceptions of the world.; your own composition (your strands) will react to that idea of life, sometimes agreeing with it, sometimes not. Thus you are in a position to choose. What do you want to believe about yourself? What do you want to believe the world is? How open are you to change, and to believe in change? How open are you to hope or despair, confidence or fear?

You could look at this two ways, and either way is somewhat true:

  1. All your non-3D connections – your strands immediately and, via those strands, all of humanity – act as a drag, as inertia, making it harder for you to become something different from what you experience yourself to be.
  2. Those same conditions act as support, holding you in their cradling arms, wishing you well, profiting from your advances and suffering from your losses.

As we say, it is your choice how to see it. Depending upon time and place and your own intent and ability, either condition is a better way to see it. But maybe three minutes later, the other looks more realistic.

It is always up to you.

Have you ever thought of life this way? If not, why not? Haven’t the world’s scriptures told you, you are all brothers and sisters? Didn’t Jesus quote scripture to say, “I tell you, you are gods”? Hasn’t the promise been given time after time, in many different ways? Haven’t the words of mystics reporting their own first-hand experiences told you all you need to know?

Once we get over thinking them special, which means, different.

Yes. That is a confusion, looking at result and jumping to the conclusion that the essence must have been different. People do that most particularly with the greatest success stories: Jesus, Gautama, etc. Well, it’s time to get over that. Once you know that what you experience follows from your intent, you have no ready-made excuse to settle for anything less than you desire.

Only, you don’t want to be making people feel guilty, or feel like failures.

No, of course not. But as you sometimes say, a good boot in the tail is sometimes helpful

Somebody said sometimes it helps and sometimes it just hurts.

We decline to be responsible for what people do or do not do with our words, once we have done our best to clarify our meaning. Our point remains:  You are not on your own, regardless what it looks like. You couldn’t be alone, by the nature of things.

There are further implications which perhaps are obvious, but which we state for clarity: What assistance you receive depends on what you seek. If you prefer a downward course, you will have plenty of connections that will be glad to lead you that way.

That isn’t the best was to put that, but to say it carefully will require some space. Perhaps we will resume there next time. But what we are trying to get across here is that if your aspirations are high or low, you can connect to others who will accompany you upward or downward. The key is your intent, and since your strands will include disagreements, you may feel torn. It is the common human condition, after all, to be tempted. (You can be tempted by good as well as by evil.) It is always your choice, your intent, but it isn’t always easy to know what your intent is. That’s another possible starting-place.

Until next time, then.

Some very interesting stitching-together of concepts going on here. Our thanks as always.


4 thoughts on “10. Wide-ranging connection

  1. Frank, these past 10 sessions with TGU have been superb, some of the best yet. I’d like to see books of this material on my shelf with the other greats. I hope this burst of excellence does not mean you’ll soon move on to other endeavors. We love you guys!

    1. Thanks for the acknowledgement – which, you know, is also encouragement! I was just thinking today, these sessions haven’t gotten much response, but I think they’re the best yet. Glad I’m not the only one to think so.

      As to moving on, Steve, I am 78 years old, nearly, and I am surprised to still be here. I’m ready to go any time.

  2. Agree with Steve. I eagerly read these every morning. Best yet. We are here, Frank, even if we’re not commenting. Never doubt that! Thanks for sharing all of it.

    1. Sharing it is a great pleasure. in fact, I doubt I would have gone to so much effort, all these years, in the absence of a potential audience. In turn, I hope that you and others have a sense of how helpful it is to me when I hear from you that something resonated. I don’t need standing ovations and fanatical adherence, but it’s nice to know that not everyone in the audience is asleep. 🙂 This sounds like a complaint. It isn’t. It is a clumsy way of saying again that your feedback helps and is appreciated.

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