
Sunday, July 24, 2022

2:15 a.m. So I promised myself I’d review my big idea here, and send off our discussion to the lists and see what people think. Only, I’m not sure I have the energy to do it now. What do you think, guys?

You can at least set out the background, and if your energy flags, continue later.

Yes, that makes sense. But – even saying that, I realize, no, I don’t have energy enough to do it justice. So, later.

6:20 a.m. Okay, let’s begin. Did I discover that the answer to my abiding concern had been in front of me all along, lacking only one thought, to come to completion? I feel as if that’s what happened. But I need to discuss it with others, see what I may not be considering.

For the past several months, particularly, I have been worried about what happens to all the work I’ve done, once I die. I hate the idea of it being lost and forgotten, even though that is naturally what happens to nearly everything humans do. Yes, everything lives on in the human mind, and yes, the critical part was the living it, not the remembering having lived it. But I never made the impact in life; it would be nice to think there was a chance, at least, that I could make it after death.

You might go into that a little.

Well, as I wrote that, I realized, there is usually a window during which time one’s writing can still be understood – even, perhaps, be understood more easily than when one wrote it. A generation, two? A hundred years, maybe, stretching it? After that time, too many things need interpreting. Very few works survive a century mark and still make an impact. Who today reads Sartor Resartus, for example?

Well, you did. There are always a few, and those will influence others in their turn not by quoting the books they have read but by quoting who they have become. Thoreau read all those English poets. Hemingway read all those Russian authors. The influence of a few is easily underrated.

Still, you know what I mean. Neale Donald Walsch’s Conversations with God books were very influential for a while; he wrote best-sellers. But will they still influence anybody when they are read only by a scattered few?

Your point really is that some books influence immediately, and some only after the fact, and since yours didn’t do the former, you hope they will do the latter.

Yes, good summary. All those books, all these conversations, so much you have given us, and so carefully; for that matter, the record of my mistakes as I learned my trade, so to speak; I can’t believe it has done what it can do. And, I very much feared that once I am gone, it would disperse, forgotten and unused.

We recognize that this is not you doubting the universe, but you realize, that’s what it will sound like.

Oh, I know. I’m just setting out the situation.

And you never felt able or willing to do the things people do to get seen.

True. I hate most aspects of competition. It always seemed to me that if you, or the universe, whatever, wanted this material to get out there, you could do it. And if you couldn’t, I didn’t know how I could. Take the Rita books. I went through six months of talking to her, transcribing, sending each day’s talk to my lists, and I wasn’t thinking of publication at all. It was Bob Friedman, reading the daily reports, who suggested to me that we put them into book form, and it was Bob who shepherded Rita’s World I and II, and Awakening from the 3D World, and It’s All One World. Valuable stuff in those books – but then Bob died and what do I do?

Your attitude, basically, was and is, “I’m doing what only I can do, and why should I be expected to do the other necessary things that I can’t do?”

Right again.

And so you were stuck.

Well, Chris Nelson was (is) willing to get the material into book form, both printed and electronic. That’s how we put out Papa’s Trial. But that still doesn’t answer the one question every publisher faces. As Bob said to me long ago, “The product is never the problem.” The problem is, how do you let the person who would be interested in the book know that it exists? In the days when we started Hampton Roads, the established paths were obvious. But even then, it was never easy. Today, with the industry having been restructured repeatedly, and with my not even knowing the ropes as they currently exist –

And yesterday you recognized what you could do.

I did. We can give it away. But even that raises issues.

That’s what we are here for.

Of 14 books published, only two involve a publisher with a contract. I could give away the others at my discretion, and I think maybe that’s what I should do.

To be more specific, I could send people the electronic version of my books; the computer files from which they were published. No need to do this for US citizens; they can buy eBooks via Amazon. But foreigners might not find it so easy, and sending them the file – telling them to give it to anyone they know who would be interested – would potentially put an English-language file in many foreign countries where there is no availability otherwise. In other words, we skip the process of finding an agent, and a publisher, and a translator. Anyone who can read English could have the book available.

So, you see why we nudged you to write all this out, asking for people’s opinions.

I do. I see that it isn’t as simple as I thought for a moment. But I think the potential is there.

Making your work available for free does not give it any assured visibility, even among those who would be most likely to value it.

No, but word of mouth is what always has sold books; surely word of mouth combined with an immediate, free, book would be effective.

You are making a distinction between domestic readers and all others. Why not offer the books free to anyone interested?

Somehow that seems like begging: “These books aren’t worth anything. Take a virtual copy off my hands.”

Yet you don’t feel that about foreign language countries.

Chris set up SNN Publishing partly so I would have a way to get my manuscripts into eBook and print format. Doesn’t he deserve to make a little money from those who can easily afford a book?

So you really want a hybrid operation. An English-language publisher domestically and a free-distribution list for anyone in other countries.

I suppose. One step would be to get Chris the various files so he can manage all the books, not just Papa’s Trial. Another step would be to activate the small group I had asked to help me preserve the legacy, see what they think.

So ask yourself, what do you want from the people you send this to? Opinions? Advice? Cautions? Suggestions?

All those, I guess. I suspect that some people will see things I don’t see.

But all this started from a charitable impulse.

It did. Sharon Durand has a friend in Russia who liked Muddy Tracks, so I thought, why not send her more things to read? Then I thought, she may have similarly inclined friends; let them get the files from her, and they’ll have the books too. Then I thought, if Sharon had all the files, she could given them to people as she met them, as she found people who might be interested. Then I thought, why limit it? And that is about as far as I’ve gotten.

Besides, you have more manuscripts ready or nearly ready, and no publishers.

Yep. Okay, let’s send this out and see if anybody has anything to suggest.


Sorting it out (but how?)

The guys have often said that when one age ends and another begins, we reconstruct our view of reality – of what is possible and what is not – by picking and choosing. Some things we were raised to believe, we continue to believe. Other things, we discard. Some things we were raised to dis-believe, we come to see the sense of, and others, of course, we continue to disbelieve.

Case in point, the new Netflix series “The Unexplained,” featuring William Shatner as his most irritatingly dramatic. The thing is, though, the subjects being explored can’t be brushed aside as obviously woo-woo nonsense. Shatner’s melodramatic delivery aside, the producers have put together very interesting commentary from experts in various fields. (True, some of the experts may not be all that expert, but in the three episodes I have watched, none has been obviously loony, and some have been impressive.)

The episode on “Mysterious structures” concentrates on three places that interest me: the pyramids at Giza, the circular staircase at Loretto Chapel in Santa Fe, and the Coral Castle in Florida.

“The Oak Island Curse” provides fascinating information on a puzzle that has been being probed for about 13 decades now, a puzzle that goes back nobody knows how far. As I say, fascinating. You know that some of what you’re hearing must be nonsense, but the disquieting thing is, you can’t say for sure which part.

In fact, watching the episodes has given me a funny feeling. I get a sense of what we must look like to some people. We’re talking about what we have experienced, and what we deduce or suspect from those experiences, so to us, it’s all straight-forward. But to those who don’t know anything about it, do we look like crazies?

Particularly, given that we don’t know?

Stay tuned.

Fathers and sons

This print looks blurry to me as i post it. In case it’s still blurry when it posts, it says this:

“And, I would argue, this is the problem behind not only different ideologies, but most nations’ foreign policies.
“Let’s not forget, Luke Skywalker was Darth Vader’s son. How far from the tree does the apple fall? Could it be that our self-righteousness is helping kill us? Certainly it is a powerful force dividing potential allies.



Rewriting Alcott

Tuesday, May 25, 2021

5 a.m. Well, you never know. We struggled, yesterday, and I wasn’t sure how well we had done, but apparently our result was helpful.

I think maybe I’ll skip doing a session today and instead will post, as an interim measure, my rewriting of Alcott’s first ten Orphic Sayings – see if they make anything clear to people. I intend to do all 50 before proceeding to decipher the second 50. At least, that’s the current fantasy, as Ken Kesey used to say.

Orphic Sayings:

A summary of first 50 sayings

  1. SPIRIT.

Listen to the inner voice, and write what you get, because you can live in the spirit and speak directly to the inner soul of others. Clothe your words and your thought like nature, elegantly and simply.

Despite appearances, life is complete and alive and filled with the presence of God. Nature is the expression of divine life. (The 3D world reflects and participates in the nature of the non-3D.)

Science can only see the world of the Dead Present, never the Living Present. We can perceive the living moment only intuitively, never through the senses. Wisdom is not to be found in a materialist conception of reality. Trust the inner voice. Great is the man whom his age despises, for you can be of the herd or you can be an outlier, and only the outlier can remain true.

Praise and blame as little belong to the righteous as to God. Virtue transcends circumstance. Wisdom waits with a long patience; nor working, nor idling with men and times; but living and being in eternity with God. Solitude is Wisdom’s school.

The soul is neither saved nor judged by proxy; she saves or dooms herself. Nobody can sin for another, nor atone for another’s sin. Redemption is a personal, private act. Blessedness consists in perfect willingness. It transcends choice, and is one with the divine will, That is, aligning the 3D will with the non-3D nature is the way to “serenity, triumph, beatitude.”

  1. ENTHUSIASM. Believe your heart; trust her, obey her divine leadings. Let yourself be fired by the flame of enthusiasm, which is the hope of the world, the life of sanctity and genius. Intuition knows where life wants us to go, and will bring us there safely if we will follow it. We tack on reasons – logic – after the fact, to persuade ourselves we are doing things for perfectly logical reasons, but intuition has wrought all miracles since the beginning of time.

III. HOPE. Hope is the prophecy and fulfilment of the soul’s destinies, the thing that brings us closer to divinity. God is our idea of excellence; the complement of our own 3D being, it is something both internal and external, something that is the 3D being and yet also transcends it.. He is also saying that as we aim higher in our self-creation – in our choosing what we want to be – so our prospects expand, and our abilities, and the world we live in. In other words: “You create your own reality.”

  1. IMMORTALITY. You see the world one way, and it conforms to your vision. And then you live in the world you (in effect) have shaped, and in turn that affects how you see it. Until you can believe that you are more than the world you live in, you will not be able to form a conception of life that is equal to its richness, its value. A change of attitudes toward life brings consequences. Only the person who lives nobly can live an everyday life in 3D while remaining aware of and true to non-3D reality.
  2. VOCATION. Engage only in right livelihood. You reform the world by your example, not by your argument, and still less by coercion.
  3. SENSUALISM. He who marvels at nothing, who feels nothing to be mysterious, but sees everything at only the sensory level, lacks both wisdom and piety. Reality is deeper than the senses alone can report.

VII. SPIRITUALISM. The scientific method is not the only way to understand the world. You can come to a profound understanding entirely outside of science, deeper than science, in that it deals with the laws behind the laws. This is not a dead universe of dead matter. Those who approach life and the world in a spirit of reverence, of intense and continuing appreciation, experience life and the world as holy in essence, however difficult or discouraging or even tawdry appearance might be. Miracles are not violation of natural law. “God, man, nature, are miracles.”

VIII. MYSTICISM. One who lives to the soul and one who lives to sense do not live in the same world. How could you possibly? Each lives in the world whose laws s/he can deduce or feel in the heart.

  1. ASPIRATION. We, who are partly of 3D and partly of non-3D, can never be satisfied with our life here, considered as if 3D were all there is, or all that mattered.
  2. APOTHEOSIS. Every soul feels at times her own possibility of becoming a God; she cannot rest in the human, she aspires after the Godlike. Every act of admiration, prayer, praise, worship, desire, hope, implies and predicts the future apotheosis of the soul.


Frank DeMarco, author

Papa’s Trial: Hemingway in the Afterlife, a novel


Another nice review

Every review helps, but I am particularly proud of this one, by my sister. Before she even finished the book – which she bought right away – she called me up and asked me if I thought this was my best work. I had to think about it, then said it was definitely one of my two best novels, and the most accessible to the general public. I keep hoping that that general public will discover Papa’s Trial. There’s only so much one can do, but perceptive appreciative reviews like this one certainly ought to help.

If you can’t read the review here, click link:



I have to laugh. This story is about yeast. This story is about remembering. And most of all this story is about knowing just how much more we are than we often imagine. And it is about how connecting with guidance can help you explore that, as well as to explore what you might do with these tools.

Bear with me a brief while to get there. I need to tell another brief story first for this to make sense.

I spent a large portion of my life in a battle against a rare form of arthritis. I had Reactive Arthritis, Ankylosing Spondylitis and a tongue twister – Diffuse Idiopathic Skeletal Hyperostosis. That last one goes by the moniker DISH. These are terrible and destructive diseases.

These are and were caused both by a genetic susceptibility – an antigen called HLA-B27 and an infection. Scientists love to name things with terrible names. This antigen is one of the “friend and foe” antigens. These antigens are the ones you hear about in medical dramas and at doctors office when they talk about doing a tissue match for organ transplants. These antigens are like flags that cover the surface of cells telling our immune systems – “hey, I am one of us, please don’t kill me”.

My disease is/was an autoimmune disease. It is/was caused by bacteria pretending to be “me” / “us”. The bacteria has a part that looks very much like HLA-B27. When I was infected with one of these as a kid, my body recognized the invader and fought in. But the tricky bugger pretended to be “me” / “us”. And my immune system stopped fighting. This continued as an on again off again war for decades.

The battleground was my body. And the battlefield damage from that war was my spine, my neck, my pelvis, my eyes and more.

In 1997 I cured my arthritis. Doctors say that is impossible. I did it anyway. That story is a long story in its own right, fraught with difficulties, pains and perils. But that is for another time. The story today is about yeast.

A week or two ago I was lamenting to Frank that I was unable to grow yeast in my house. I have tried on and off for the last decade to bake bread, brew beer, make ginger bear, ferment grapes into wine, make yogurt and more. Ever single time that ended with me throwing it all out.

I purchased yeasts of a dozen types tailored to each purpose. I treated them gently. I abused them. I nurtured them. I ignored them. I tried everything I could think of. Yet, not once could I get yeast to grow.

I worried that the water was bad. Perhaps chlorine residual, or something else was killing them. Maybe I even had a bacteriophage (a virus that infects and kills bacteria) that targeted yeast. I tried several types of spring water, distilled water, and others. Nothing. Yeast would not grow.

I borrowed starter from friends. It died. It didn’t seem to matter what I did. The yeast always died.

With the virus and being stuck in the house, I thought again about trying to make bread myself. But my attempts at creating sourdough starter were going no where.

As I talked with Frank about that, he stopped me and asked as he always does – “What do the guys have to say?”

I have been doing my own version of communing with guidance since I was a child. For most of my life I set that aside as I did professional work. In that work, proper “scientists” would reject anything I had to say if they ever thought for an instance that I believed in such ‘nonsense’. My “credibility” would be toast. And so I set it aside for a good long while.

In the past two decades going to the Monroe Institute and getting to know Frank, I have let my hair down again, and returned to my roots. I learned Franks Intuitive Linked Communication version of how to connect.

And so, I asked “the guys” – “What is going on?” “Why is the yeast dying?”

The answer they replied with was immediate and blew me away. They pointed out that I had learned to do esoteric energy work and that I had gotten quite good with it. I knew all of that of course. It is part of my day to day “normal” that most people think is “impossible”.

They went on to say that in using those techniques that I had suppressed the growth of the bacteria that caused my arthritis as a part of the larger battle against it. I knew that played a part of the larger story of how I cured the arthritis.

They said that what I failed to realize is just how powerfully I had invoked that. They said that the reason the yeast wouldn’t grow anywhere around me was because “I wouldn’t let it. I was suppressing it.”

Well, duh! So, right then and there, I changed my energetic pattern so that I would continue to protect my body from a resumption of the arthritis, and at the same time to allow and support the yeast and other beneficial organisms that I grow.

Well that was fascinating. Frank and I continued our discussions and wrapped for the night.

Meanwhile, back in my dining room, I had been trying for a week to get sourdough starter to start with no success. Nothing was growing at all. Before I went to bed I checked on it one last time. It tasted liked flour and water. Nothing. hmmm… Perhaps I can start tomorrow.

Not long after I went to bed. And I thought of a plan for the next day.

I awoke in the middle to the night, as I often do. That too is another long and fascinating story for another time.

I got up and went to the kitchen for a glass of water. Along the way I stopped and checked my proofer where the sourdough starter was sitting nice and warm and had been for over a week. And what do you know, the thing was boiling over.

I opened it and smelled – yeasty!! I tasted it. It was doughy, sour and wonderful. It was only four hours or so since Frank and I chatted and since I changed my energy pattern.

In the week that followed, I have started several different sourdough starters. All of them have worked. I also found a very old, undoubtedly dead package of Red fast rising yeast hinting in my cupboard.

I threw that in a jar with some water and flour. Shazam, it went bonkers. And the next day I made bread for the first time in decades.

The tools we have available to us in connecting with guidance are immensely powerful and varied.

My journey, with the arthritis, with the yeast, and with so many other things has been a journey beyond doubt. It is a journey of remembering.

Yours can be as well.
