Vast impersonal forces and us: an analogy

I was lying in bed, drowsing, when an association of ideas produced an image of my kitchen sink, with some dishes in it. The water was in spray mode (as through nozzles) rather than in one undivided stream. It occurred to me, that’s a visual representation of the non-3D and 3D worlds interaction.

* The sprays are the non-3D, the Vast Impersonal Forces, streaming in.
* What the water falls upon is the 3D world we live in.

What the water finds as it rains down has nothing to do with the source of the water, or the volume, or whether it’s hot or cold. The forces just are, for whatever reason.

The 3D situations they meet just are, for whatever reason.

The interaction of the two is what we experience.

Not a perfect analogy, of course, in that we (the dirty dishes? :-)) are changed by the water, and the water flows through us, it doesn’t just go down the drain. But still, even if slightly absurd, an interesting analogy, I think.

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