The Dead Present

I encourage you to dip into the various TGU sessions that I transcribed and entered here. It is a wealth of material, with gems repeatedly turning up unexpectedly. Here’s a “fer instance”: In a few short lines, the question of relevance, the introduction of the concept of the Living Present and the Dead Present, and the aliveness of all matter, including plastic.

Rita: All right. I don’t want to ask questions that are trivial and not worthwhile in terms of the general themes, but as I read over our last sessions, things occur to me to ask about. If these questions are too distracting from the way we should be going, just let me know.

Frank: Let’s have a word on that for the moment. We were puzzled when you said it, trying to figure out what a trivial question would be. Because, if the question is in the moment, it’s in the moment, and it can’t be –

Well, let’s see. Could it be?

Given your underlying intent, we don’t understand how a question could be trivial, but – we’re willing to be instructed. Continue reading The Dead Present

A New Model Of Consciousness In Space And Time

This long thread originally appeared as eight posts between April 19 and May 3, 2007. I have put it back together to make it easier for readers to go through. I will probably do the same for other major threads.

Thu 19 Apr 2007

This long thread began with my request to my friends upstairs to help me tell people how to get into touch with guidance, at least as I personally have understood and experienced it. I shuddered to think of beginning an epidemic of Psychic’s Disease, but still it is no less dangerous for people to rely on external authority when they will have to choose which authority, not having any basis to do so! It amounts to them depending on their guidance to find a source of external guidance. Perhaps not so bad a plan, but not without its eccentric points.

[Wednesday, January 18, 2006]

So – friends – I don’t know quite what has been going on this past week – is it just a funk, or what? For whatever reason, I certainly haven’t done much work. I did note, yesterday, a decision point early on, when I picked up a John Sandford novel to finish re-reading it, rather than buckling down. And I suppose there was another, later in the day, when I picked up [Joshua Lawrence] Chamberlain’s The Passing of the Armies rather than work. A lot of reading as in the old days. I don’t much like it, though: It is as if I have a bad choice, of wasting time reading, or reading what may be worthwhile (Robert Johnson) but it’s still a diversion, or anyway killing time – or doing work that has lost its savor. I suppose the easy obvious answer is just to do the work – yet it can’t be that simple emotionally, or I would do it, ever if after some hesitation and delay.

That is right. People don’t do things without reasons – as we have often reminded you. But the reasons may be obscure to them; they may be contradictory, or self-defeating. Still, to turn the machine, find its mainspring.

Terrible metaphor.

You aren’t all that focused, for one thing. Continue reading A New Model Of Consciousness In Space And Time

Retrieval at Gettysburg

[This was written in October, 2005, but seems as timely now as then.]

My friend Jim and I went to Gettysburg intending to help retrieve soldiers who may have died in the battle and remained fixed on earth. (Some souls who get killed may not realize that they are dead. Others may know that they are dead but may be essentially imprisoned by their beliefs about the afterlife, for instance thinking that they must lie in the grave waiting for the last trumpet and Judgment Day.) Drawing on our own experience at retrievals, we figured that we could help. We didn’t at first realize that as usual we were being employed – blunt instruments! – for greater purposes.

For those who came in late …. Continue reading Retrieval at Gettysburg


People often ask why life is so hard. They ask it with special force once they have gotten to the point of realizing that we do indeed co-create our lives. “If we have as much power to shape our lives as is claimed,” people sometimes ask, “why do our lives have so much pain, so many troubles, so much frustration?”

A while ago, I was given an answer that satisfies me. Perhaps it will you, as well.

Over the past year, I have been in communication with departed spirits – the shades of the dead, as people used to say. That’s another story for another time. For now, either take it for granted, or pretend, that you are hearing the shade of Ernest Hemingway, talking of what happened to him after he killed himself.

Continue reading Fishing

A working model of minds on the other side (5)

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

6:15 p.m. Now, remember that “the physical” does not mean humans, or humans and animals, or humans and animals and vegetables and minerals, and it doesn’t mean all the earth or even all the galaxy. It means all of the part of creation that exists within sequential time and what that implies (time-slices, delayed consequences) and separation by space and what that implies (a seemingly absolute division rather than division into units only provisionally or, shall we say, “somewhat”).

Alpha Centuri the star? Yes. Any of its planets? Yes. Any lifeforms existing there, whether recognizable as life to you or not? Yes. Everything that exists in 3-D space is part of the physical aspect of the world. (And we use “the world” here as it used to be used in earlier times, as a synonym for all physical creation.) The reason to stress this point is that you will find an unconscious tendency to divide things between the vast and mysterious and vague “other side” and not all creation, but only earth, or often enough, only humans. That would be a total absolute distortion and is to be avoided.

You see, the interaction we are painting is not a matter of humans on one side and us on the other side. It is not even a matter of Earth life on one side. It is all physical matter anywhere, even if Earth never hears of it. How else could it be? Could you have a local part of the universe in connection with the other side, and not all? Continue reading A working model of minds on the other side (5)

A working model of minds on the other side (4)

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

11 a.m. All right, so let us bring our charts to another level of complexity. Again, do this in pencil so that you will be less prone to anxiety about it, knowing that you (we) don’t have to get it “right” the first time. And of course what applies to you applies to many others, who will find our anxiety-avoidance techniques useful, perhaps.

You remember the basic diagram. Copy it in when you put this on the machine.



Continue reading A working model of minds on the other side (4)