Thursday, June 12
At 8 a.m. I record a couple things from the night’s tape recording.
— I’m lying here not even thinking I’ve been dreaming. I’m not asleep, yet all this stuff has been going through my mind generally, gradually. Now talking about electricity in automobile plants, for God’s sakes. I don’t know where it comes from.
— Something very appropriate in my lying here in sleep mask and earplugs. It’s like isolating myself from everything around me for this purpose. But I’ve done that my whole life, and there’s not been the results I would hope for, and I’m thinking, maybe I need to go more into the world. Perhaps if I could find a proper venue for it I could write an article about the spiritual nervous breakdown caused by the protestant revolution and the materialist revolution that followed. It would be an unusual mixture of elements because it would take for granted that we are many lives joined, and that these lives contend within us, and that changes in civilization result in parts of ourselves fighting violently or actively or quietly or in whatever manner, against each other, we being the battleground. Stuff the guys have told Rita and me would be much background on it. And I begin to sense that the book on what they have said has more to do with this than with the fact that they said it. I think perhaps the book has lacked a point of application to individuals, and maybe this is it, or part of it.