My brother finds this article and passes me the URL.
How Bob Smith found Edgar Cayce’s lost memoirs
Bob Smith — A. Robert Smith — died the other day.
I didn’t know Bob well, but I liked him a lot. I met him by way of Bob Friedman, as I recall, back before Bob and I founded Hampton Roads Publishing Co. in 1989. He was a good man — honest, gentle, intelligent, humorous, knowledgeable, wise — I mean, what else do you want?
I thought I would put a link to an obit here, but I have been unable to find one. So for the moment we’ll have to let this little bit of information suffice . Bob was an award-winning journalist and was founding editor (and editor for 20 years) of Venture Inward, a magazine for members of the Association for Research and Enlightenment (A.R.E.) , the organization founded by Virginia Beach psychic Edgar Cayce. Before that, he had been an editorial writer, and a Washington correspondent for The Oregonian. He was the author of ten books, including a biography of Wayne Morse; No Soul Left Behind; God Gave Me a Mulligan; and a novel, Ben Franklin’s Secret Love.
in searching, for the obit that i didn’t find, I came up with this story he wrote for the A.R.E. which shouldn’t be lost. Enjoy.
James French — The Metaphysics of Trump
It won’t do you any harm to hear a different perspective on the recent elections. Regardless whether my friend Jim is correct or not, it is always worthwhile to consider one’s politics in terms of one’s metaphysics, and vice-versa.
By James French
I realize that this election was a shock to many of you, and to those of you for whom this is true it no doubt appears to be a repudiation of all of your hopes and dreams for humanity and the future. Let me lay out a case for the opposite.
Those in the vanguard of the old struggles against inequality and rigid rule systems have sought the elimination of the nation State, the legalistic framework and Religious systems. And these systems have all been undermined, for better or worse. When I try to visualize the modern nation State in a structural sense, I feel like I am walking through one of those bombed out cities in Germany in 1945.
The most recent item that has truly changed the nature of this planet has been the development of instantaneous communications everywhere coupled with the World Wide Web. This is the technological equivalent of Telepathy. Now where is telepathy used? Well the Ethereals live it, and the ET’s who come in a wide variety of “flavors” use it. Now we are ET’s (in my jargon) since we too are operating within the physical plane. So the WWW, a new feature on this globe, is like the baby sandbox of Telepathy.
Rita’s World on the radio
Just did an hour radio show, talking about Rita’s World and associated topics, with Rob McConnell, on the X-Zone radio program, out of Ontario, Canada. The show goes up at 11 p.m. he says, and can be found at XZBN.NET
TGU on the election
Wednesday, November 9, 2016
4:40 a.m. I didn’t stay up to watch the election news. Woke up at a little past four to find that Trump was elected president. Realized after a while that probably this would be a good time to talk to somebody on “the other side” for some interpretation, rather than continue working on my novel. So, a la Hemingway, I guess I declare this to be a non-working day, and I’ll put in the time transcribing, if I get anything.
So. Who to talk to? Let’s leave it open and ask, what does this mean for us, and where do we go from here? Or – let’s hold it to the first question and see where we go. What does this election result mean for America, for the world, and specifically for the movement toward greater consciousness? Even as I work on phrasing the question, I can feel the answer hovering, which is always a good sign. So – over to you.
Yes. As you have learned, when you (anyone, not just you as an individual) ask a question and get the answer in the form of an immediate knowing, that is a good sign that you are connected. Question and answer are always linked, as you know. From a 3D point of view, it looks like
I need to slow down a bit. I went off in several directions while still writing that sentence. Again?
DeMarco and Rita (sort of) on politics and spirituality
So I go onto facebook and I’m scrolling down and there I see “Spirituality and Politics – with Frank DeMarco” and I say, huh? Then I remember that Sofia Axelsson had interviewed me on that subject a while ago – seems longer ago than it probably is. So I listened to it to find out what I had to say on the subject! The guys always said, the better the questions the better the answers, and her questions were very good. About 16 minutes.
Election day prayer
Dear God in whom we live, and who lives in us all,
If your purpose this year was to help us see what had been hidden, it’s working.
We have seen the corruption in so many institutions.
We have seen the ease with which others accept any lie that matches their beliefs, no matter how transparent, and reject any truth that contradicts their beliefs.
We have seen obviously misguided and ignorant fellow-citizens going to extremes to carry this country over the cliff, either with the best intentions or out of blind malice.
If you wanted us to see what has been hidden, it’s working.
One thing more needed, as you know:
Now that we have seen those ugly manifestations in others, help us recognize them in ourselves.
Help us see that a thing need not be true just because we find it comforting to think so.
Help us see that those with contrary beliefs may be no less sincere than we.
Remind us that any position may contain a grain of truth.
Remind us that we are all stuck with each other at worst, blessed with each other at best, and help us remember how to get along.
Sorry for so long a shopping list, but if I may add one thing more –
Somehow – and I know this will take a miracle –
Help us get over our present state of terminal exasperation with each other.
Help our people reconcile themselves to themselves and to each other.
I know it’s a lot to ask, but I don’t know who else can make it happen.
With gratitude for the added clarity already provided,
And with hope for a return to prudence, temperance, justice and fortitude,
Your kids.