Robert Bruce

Robert and me in Virginia Beach, 2009

I heard today that Robert Bruce, author of Astral Dynamics, made his transition to the non-3D on Monday morning, the 22nd. He died peacefully in his sleep, in the hospital where had was being cared for. His wife said he died surrounded by friends and family, with more than 10 people crammed in the room. That would be fitting. Robert was one of those guys you loved as soon as you saw him, a wonderful man, so much heart, so willing to give, such a combination of idealism and practicality.

I gather that people have been sending testimonials about Robet’s influence on their lives through his books. That is certainly appropriate. Astral Dynamics was one of the most important and helpful books Hampton Roads ever published.

Robert and I must have been connected invisibly, because as soon as I received his manuscript, I had an instant reaction to it. As the manuscript stood, it was totally unpublishable – the material was wonderful, but the language was awful. Didn’t matter, I knew hat it must be published.

I spent days editing Astral Dynamics. First I marked up the manuscript, “clearing away the shrubbery,” as I used to say, then I entered the corrections in the computer file, and printed out the clean file and edited it all over again, at a deeper level. That was more work than I had ever put into a manuscript, and more than I ever did again. But I just had no doubt, this was an important book, worth the extra work even if it never made us any money.

Well, it did make us money, and it did change people’s lives. That book went around the world. One day I received a manuscript from someone who said he had come across a second-hand copy of Astral Dynamics, without a cover – in Katmandu!  There is no guessing how much encouragement Robert spread. Nor any sign that the wave of influence is over, either, of course.

Then there was Robert himself, when we finally met, at a conference at the A.R.E. in Virginia Beach where he spoke. Here is this great bear of a man – I used to tease him, saying he looked like a biker – and he was as gentle and as funny and as sincere and intelligent a man as I have ever met. Lovely man.

Here’s a toast to your next career Robert: Well done, and bon voyage!

28 thoughts on “Robert Bruce

  1. Astral Dynamics is sitting on my nightstand just now – and his book Energy Work was one of my favorites of all. I’m so glad he shared his experiences and knowledge before heading for new horizons.

  2. Thank you Frank for sharing the news and for your efforts to bring Astral Dynamics to the world. The book was great, but more importantly and more personally, Robert provided me profound help and advice. For a while there my conversations with him shone the main guiding light as I navigated a very dark time in my life. I’m deeply grateful and will connect with him on the other side to convey my many thanks.

  3. Yes, I would love testimonials so I can read them at the wake. They would be most appreciated. Thank you for all your hard work making Robert’s dream of publishing come true. His experiences in the astral were extraordinary and transformative. Am so glad you saw the gem and knew how to cut it so it shone and thank you for being a good friend to Robert as well. He always spoke very fondly and highly of you.

    1. Hi Patricia, I am Donni in the acknowledgements of Robert’s first two books. I’d like to extend my deepest condolences to you and Robert’s kids. He’s now with his son, mum and beloved pets. I’m so saddened to hear this. I had a massive two hour catch-up Skype call with him about 4-5 years ago now and had been meaning to touch base. What a wonderful man, full of wisdom and cheek! I shared some mystical experiences with him. He passed the day before my son’s death-day anniversary, maybe they have now met. Take care, and again, deepest belated sympathy thoughts to you all.

  4. Although I never had the opportunity to meet Mr. Bruce, I heard of him often- always positively. I know that his departure is a great loss to many, and I wish him, and his friends and family a good adjustment to this new status. Many thanks for the many ways he helped and enlightened many good people. Thank you, Frank, for letting us know.

  5. RIP Robert, the world has lost a great teacher, and an amazing human being.

    I first heard about Robert’s work almost 20 years ago in 2005. In my early teens I started experiencing various lucid dreams and 1111 synchronicities as many others have. This led to a life time of fascination with astral projection and spirituality. Robert’s work was always there to help guide me and give me insight. This was during the height of the internet spiritual forum period. Where forus/BB boards were a major source of knowledge for individuals instead of Reddit and Facebook/discord. I would listen to his podcasts on various sites, the coast to coast shows, and interviews.

    It was in early 2020 that I had the opportunity to speak with him on a almost nightly basis on the human experience podcast with Xavier katana, and became close enough to the man, the legend to kno that he enjoyed playing the borderlands game online, and was hilarious with his jokes and life stories. I would stay up all night speaking to him in the hxp discord chat with a few other good friends just soaking up all his experiences and stories, and secrets about the astral an and spirit worlds. What most people don’t kno is he almost passed away a few years ago by I think it was a heart attack, fortunately enough he said that a ambulance just so happened to be across the street and was able to save his life, I forget if he said he had to get pace maker installed. But those heroic first responders helped give this man another few years with us on this earth.

    I’m truly going to miss him, I wish I had progressed with his teachings to meet him in the astral one day, or even visit him in Australia. Truly the world has lost an amazing teacher, and I hope his sons can carry on his legacy. I will try to do the same. The world has lost a great light,

    Robert comes from a generation of people that are slowing passing away, they are the ones that bridged the gap spiritually. They crossed the void and got to explore the astral, grow spiritually, and attain some of humanities highest potentials, and retain that knowledge and teach it to others. Now sadly they are all slowly retiring/ passing away to the spirit world. And it is our mission to not let this knowledge and their names go down and be forgotten. We are the generation that had to pave the new way forward, to finally achieve those great spiritual promises of mastery and growth with our higher selves.

    If anyone would like to talk message me, I’ll see you on his forums too

    1. Well, you know, when we lose an inspiring presence, it is sometimes appropriate to ask, “What is my responsibility to this friendship? Do I have something to offer?” I suspect that you know you do, but of course it can be difficult to see the path ahead until we’re already on it. Thanks for the contribution here.

  6. Some thoughts regarding Robert Simon Bruce upon his passing.

    Robert once mused about visiting medium circles with his mother, Winnie in England where old ladies held him in awe. He was able to connect with the spirits effortlessly and found himself entertained by these outings when he was a very young child. But after many traumatic experiences years later, he was no longer enthused with that pursuit so he impaired and filtered his clairvoyance, intentionally. Robert chose to focus upon healing and astral projection, instead.

    So, Robert was shocked when a beautiful young woman began to haunt him. She wore a mini skirt and go-go boots. She was there night after night disturbing his sleep. He had successfully prevented such ghostly visitations and he wondered who she was and how she kept getting to him. When he told his sister Ginny about this, she laughed aloud and identified the trespasser as their mum. The mother had not appeared like the fragile grandmother who had died but chose instead to appear as a healthy carefree youth, to his surprise.

    Robert once tested me by passing the phone to his sister Ginny who is also a mystic. He asked me to remote view her and tell me where she was, and what she looked like, in Australia. But I was in the USA! My mentor told me to connect to the energy of her voice. I saw Ginny in her kitchen but everything I reported was backwards. Robert kept laughing at me in his good nature. Eventually he explained that this was an ‘Alice in Wonderland Effect’ which often occurs in remote viewing. Just as Alice peered through the Looking Glass and saw an enchanting opposite room, I could see Ginny’s kitchen the other way around. I could see her sitting at a small table and knew she was not wearing a bra beneath her comfortable oversized t-shirt. When I reported that ,her husband laughed audibly and then I could see him, too ! This was a profound experience for me as I had never remote viewed internationally. Robert taught me that this was accomplished because Ginny and he were catalysts acting like huge energy boosters because they both were practicing mystics.

    Robert had a very strong energy body for most of his life. He was a brilliantly skilled healer. I sustained a CSF leak after spinal surgery and I coded repeatedly. But, I was discharged from hospital to bedrest. The headaches and dizziness were brutal. I was rushed to hospital too many times and had many NDEs. Robert came to visit and healed my spine when no doctor could. He placed a thick golden white rubber sheath of energy around my spine where the leak was. A few days later I was able to return to work. I had been bed bound five months, whilst doctors argued over whether or not I could have an epidural blood patch. I am ever so grateful that Robert saved my life.

    Robert became aware that he had Diabetes while on tour presenting his books. He related that the doctors overseas planned to amputate both of his feet. He willed himself up out of that bed and came back to Australia where he lived with both feet for another fifteen years! The Diabetes eventually caught up to him, but Robert healed himself to live another decade and a half and that was marvellous. Robert was a stubborn fellow and he loved a challenge.

    When the internet first became available to the public, Robert jumped on it. In 1995, Robert began offering pro bono online advice to parents of children with night terrors. Robert worked tirelessly to find solutions and was a hero to so very many. This was an invaluable service as very little help is available. His methods worked!

    Inspired by the works of Franz Bardon, Robert completed the Ten Step Path of the Magician and a European Temple conveyed the title of Ippisimus on Robert Simon Bruce, which is he highest ranking. He encouraged others to read Initiation into Hermetics and to continue past their failures, until they succeeded. Unlike other teacher of the Hermetic Path, Robert was truthful and wrote concerning a few errors and the blinds in that amazing text.

    Although Robert was greatly influenced by the works of Franz Bardon and Robert Monroe, most of Robert’s published works came from physical and mystical personal experience. In the short time, I lived with him, I would wake and find a maelstrom of spirits encircling his head while he sat in blissful meditation in the lounge. He could meditate anywhere and anytime. But he chose to meditate early in the morning before he ate breakfast or had a cuppa. His energy was so powerful that skeptics and the spiritually challenged would visit the home and incredulously see spirits for the first time! Robert did not care to speak with the spirits though, he went “straight to the source” connecting to his highest self, instead.

    I went searching for his Wikipedia page and was saddened to find it was no longer there. However I found the Russian version lol. Robert would chuckle at that. Anyone who ever met Robert Bruce could never forget him.

    Astral Dynamics was Robert’s Magnum Opus, if you have not read it yet, get a copy and begin your journey, today.

    1. Hello Cat,
      I wanted to deeply thank you for your special sharing on Brother Robert’s amazing gifts and his life, and also your incredible and miraculous life experiences with him. Not only was Robert such a special gift to mankind but a special blessing to you and so many others as well. I would treasure being able to correspond with you as we continue our journey in our time here in this life.
      Blessings to you Cat,
      Bruce Hillestad

  7. Es realmente intrigante y preocupante que no haya podido prever y alterar el desenlace de una serie de eventos de deterioro de su salud.

    ¿En algún momento se percató, Robert, del desenlace final inevitable de su enfermedad, que sería su deceso?

    ¿O fué algo tan repentino que no dió tiempo a nada?

    1. I don’t think that’s the way to look at it, Angel. It isn’t as if, if we die, we have failed. Neither is it that we have unlimited power to prevent illness and death. We all have to die of something, sometime, and there’s nothing wrong with that fact.

      Robert more or less achieved the Biblical “three score and ten.” He had a happy successful life that helped uncounted numbers of people he never met. Who is to say that his dying later, of something else, would have been any improvement? I think we can safely say to him, “Bon voyage, and well done,” and leave it at that. Death is nothing to fear, and is in no way a failure.

    2. Death is inevitable. Diabetes is a prevalent condition which may run in families.

      i believe it was astonishing that Robert Simon Bruce walked out of a hospital refusing scheduled amputation of both feet and that he healed his feet and his body enough to sustain his life 15 more years.

      Perhaps he would have lived longer if he had begun his metaphysical discipline earlier in his life and avoided habits like smoking which he gave up to his credit when his mystic work became his life.

      “As above so below”

      La muerte es inevitable. La diabetes es una afección prevalente que puede ser hereditaria.

      Creo que fue sorprendente que Robert Simon Bruce saliera de un hospital rechazando la amputación programada de ambos pies y que sanara sus pies y su cuerpo lo suficiente como para sostener su vida 15 años más.

      Quizás habría vivido más si hubiera comenzado su disciplina metafísica antes en su vida y hubiera evitado hábitos como fumar, que abandonó en su haber cuando su trabajo místico se convirtió en su vida.

      1. I agree with what you say, but still I think we should remember that death is not in itself a bad thing, either for the world or for us as individuals.
        If there were no death, could the world survive the sheer burden of so many immortal lives, the number presumably continually growing?
        And if there were no death, how would we immortal non-3D souls ever get a different window on the world?
        I suspect that for many people, death comes as a welcome relief, the kind of feeling we have at the end of a long journey.

      2. Hello Cat, it’s good to see that you are around to. Is there anyway to contact you, I have been meaning to start a development circle in my city and would like some guidance

          1. Well, this is strange. I don’t know how I ended up here, having never heard of Robert Bruce. My maternal grandfather was a Curran. Anyway, I am definitely buying that book. Condolences to those who lost a friend on this plane. Astral dynamics, eh?

  8. Desde un punto de vista metafísico, la muerte no existe. Es, siempre, necesario, un cambio y ese cambio es una forma de progresar, a pesar de que la “muerte” sea involucrada.

    Robert, seguramente, está muy vivo… pero muy lejos de éste plano que, tarde ó temprano se vuelve aburrido y tedioso, para toda entidad que (como Robert) ha avanzado y superado tanto.

  9. Ode To An Editor

    by Robert Bruce

    Take out thy dreadful blue pencil and strike!
    Let loose its savage cutting edge
    And we’ll not shed a single tear
    For that battered pile of pulp
    Once laughingly called a manuscript.
    For words must live by worth alone
    Or face such shameful crumpling oblivion,
    To be ripped mercilessly from the whole;
    Oft’ revealing hidden glory,
    That the whole might please its critics
    For smiling reviews and soaring sales.
    And what of our readers — what of them?
    They who readeth only finished copy
    Knoweth not they sad trails of crumpled paper;
    Nor the blood and sweat speckling once-virgin lines,
    Punctuating some writer’s happy little muse.
    Knoweth not they of all the haunted sleepless nights
    As imperfect pages fan endlessly through our troubled minds;
    Nor the mind-numbing agony of the 13th pass through a tattered hell:
    Of wordage, grammar, deadlines and shattered weekends,
    Of picknics and parties missed — and of teary-eyed children;
    As we strive to feed the heart and minds of humankind…
    Copyright © 1999

  10. ¡Buenos días..!

    Interactuando con el Chatbot “META AI”, intenté determinar que otros sitios web, aparte de, fueron fundados por el extinto Robert Bruce.

    Me interesa conocer, ¿cuáles, hoy, siguen activos? y ¿cuáles son sus URL’s?

    Muchísimas gracias.

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