Rita Warren (2)

Soon after Rita and I finished our series of session in 2002, I got her to write an introduction for the book of transcripts,  but by the time The Sphere and the Hologram came out, she had already made her transition. She came to me in a dream to assure me that she was fine, and then for six and a half years I assumed our work together was over.

But in December, 2014, I dreamed of her saying she was ready for us to work together again. I was surprised, but pleased. At 7:30 the next morning, I sat down with my journal, prepared for anything or nothing, as usual in this business of communicating. We were beginning where we had left off, still looking for clarity about life, and the afterlife, and the reality behind appearances.

She began by surprising me, saying, “You have had an effect on my life here, you know. Letting people in body know of our work together results in some of them contacting me, not necessarily being aware of it, which of course affects me here.” I took this to refer to The Sphere and the Hologram, and my talks to Guidelines groups at TMI.

“So – did you have something in particular you wanted to start with? Or did you already?”

“That’s as good a place to start as any – the continuing interaction between those in and those out of the body, not necessarily known to those in body, but real nonetheless. There is a tendency to think of life in the body as an interruption of life outside it, as though we come into form, have a lifetime’s worth of experiences, and then report. But it doesn’t work that way. I’d like to correct the picture, but it can’t be done in a hurry.”

“Well, I got the sense, the other day, that I was being primed for a new set of lessons. Didn’t guess that it was going to come via an old friend rather than anonymous guys upstairs.”

She reminded me that i had gotten that my understanding to date “was merely provisional unless you lost your nerve or your appetite for further refinement and redefinition.” In other words, somebody wanted to use us to redefine life for people. And I got the sense that Rita had an outline of where she wanted to go.

 “Let me say, this is exciting! I have Papa’s Trial to finish, yet something tells me this won’t interfere and actually may help.”

“It will be reciprocal, as you will see.”

So we began, and, as promised, we wound up redefining things we had been told before and had thought we had thoroughly digested. For instance, she started by saying:

“’This side’ and “the other side’ [what I now call 3D and non-3D] are in continuous unbroken communication, regardless what it feels like to those in body. Some, like you, won’t find anything to object to in that statement, but in fact, in day-to-day living, in ideas as expressed in action, few if any live that reality. In fact, in actual living, you live as though communication exists only when you intend it, or are aware of it. This is not ‘good’ or ‘bad’; it is how the separation of 3D life leads you to experience (or not experience) that aspect of life. But your life is bounded by your expectations of life, and we’re interested in expanding these expectations.

“The idea that there can be a separation between physical and non-physical stems from the idea that different substance is involved in either realm. As you were told pretty much right away, there is no difference between beings in the physical and in the non-physical except the conditions of the terrain each is on. In other words, although it is convenient to talk of different beings, in truth we are all part of one thing – the ‘everything’ – in a way you can’t yet imagine, which I am going to try to help you with. Many of the contradictions between systems disappear if you see that all is one.

“’All is one’ – it is a New Age cliché – but what does it mean in practice? Next time.”

And so we were off to the races yet again. That entry was the first in six months of entries. Bob Friedman suggested they be made into a book, and he published Rita’s World in two volumes. Then came Awakening from the 3D World (which I wanted to call Awakening from the 3D Trance, which I still think would have been a better title), and It’s All One World. Taken in connection with The Sphere and the Hologram, a massive amount of work, a real accomplishment.

Can you be involved in so massive a project and be unaffected by it? That isn’t quite the right question. A better question would be, Can you be involved in such a work, over the span of nearly 20 years, and realize the extent to which it has changed you? My answer would be, I doubt it, not by yourself. You are a moving platform, and you will tend to overestimate your continuity. What you need, if you are to recognize the changes, is a friend, or friends, to tell you what you look like from the outside. Those friends are likely to be in the 3D, but they needn’t be.

I am pretty sure Rita’s and my work together is finished – but then, I have thought that before!, In any case, it is clear to me that the work we did – while she was in 3D and even more, as it turned out, when she moved to the non-3D – changed her, changed me.

What more can you ask?


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