Shining through the 3D

Friday, February 10, 2023

Guys, can you tell me what it means, “shining through the 3D”?

[This refers to Wednesday’s drumming exercise, which was, “Plug into the feeling of the non-3D.” I scribbled notes during the drumming:

Against tree trunk

Tree extends upward and down

The roots are beneath 3D

Humans also extend up and down (chakras)

Like an eddy in a river

Movement, patterns, flow, counter-flow

Electrical network

Neurons in a great brain

Local and unbounded

Connected infinitely, but specialized

We are more a small part of something larger, than any kind of unit

Shining through the 3D

[I wrote the final phrase but didn’t understand it.]

It means that 3D and non-3D are as sacred, and as mundane, as each other. If everything is mind-stuff, how else could it be?

Certainly. But – shining through?

It means you – spirit in 3D form – sort of showcase that nature.

I’m not getting it.

Try it this way: Being in 3D allows you to see more clearly who you are and what you are. We have expressed this many times. It also shows you what the world around you is, by what it reflects of you.

I may not be up to speed on this.

We keep saying what you perceive as external is only relatively external. All, being one, of one substance, with differences being local and relative rather than absolute, necessarily contains itself everywhere, which is why we proposed the metaphor of the hologram. As your level of consciousness rises, it becomes easier for you to become aware of the identity. You real-ize the fact that you, as mind-stuff, are in no way separate from the rest of reality.

I guess I’m still hazy on why the word “through” was underlined in my mind. “Shining through the 3D.”

You can see more deeply, see (or, really, feel) the outer dimensions of the stage, beyond the scrims. And their own being shows others.

Okay. Thanks.


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