Bill Ebeltoft: A conversation with the guys

How I view reality.

3-D and non-3d are aspects of the same thing, All-D, just experienced from a different point of view. Everything exists in All-D, we just are experiencing on aspect of it in 3-D. All reality consists of energy, which is consciousness. Thus anything we perceive is merely our interpretation and interaction with Consciousness.

Our existence in 3D is merely a result of a particular point of view. In 3D, everything we touch, hear, see, experience that we take to be “real”, is an interpretation of the consciousness, energy, we are interaction with. Thus it only exists in our mind, the actual existence is consciousness, energy. Experiences in non-3Dare the same, there we interact with energy sources that manifest there, keeping in mind that here and there are merely different point of view along the continuum that comprises 3D and non-3D. This applies to all things. Everything is consciousness manifesting continually within the limitations of the vast impersonal forces and the times.

Question: Is this a reasonable view of reality and what determines the laws by which we seem to experience 3D reality.

My Conversation.

Hi guys.

Hi Bill, we see you are doing some interesting work; this is good.

Thanks, referring to my current view of reality, is this a reasonable view?

Yes, you seem to have a pretty good intellectual grasp of how things are, you just need to internalize  and live it. Just keep I mind, anything you get is only a current view, it really is more complex than what you see at the moment.

Ok, how can I best achieve the internalization?

By doing the same thing you did with our idea of viewing time from a different environment. Doing this, you realized the concept is totally related to your perception of events from the viewpoint you are currently entertaining. You found that changing your viewpoint changed your whole perception of time.

Ok, so I should do the same thing with reality in general. I intuit I should try to visualize a different reality and see what that shows me.

Yes, that’s the idea.

I guess the problem I see is trying to visualize a different reality. With the time thing, I could visualize pretty easily what  a different environment might be. I don’t seem to have these perspectives about reality in general.

Yes you do. You just need to remember. Your explorations in F-27 might be a place to start. Just remember, you knew all of this before you projected your consciousness into the thought form of 3D reality. Just work on remembering that.

Ok, I will work on it. I hope you will give me some assistance here.

Of course, we always do, whether you are aware of it or not.

Ok, thanks; I will be back with more, hopefully better questions.

We hope so!

Hi again guys; I just realized that we didn’t get o my second question, who or what determines the laws by which we experience 3D reality?

You do; you, humanity collectively, determine what those laws are. Just as you individually have a small vote in what reality is, so you have the same vote as to what the supposed laws are. The consciousness that created the thought form of 3D reality, set up some initial conditions, but you are free to change or modify any of these. All you have to do is get consensus or start operating outside of 3D. This doesn’t mean dying, you can operate from a non-3D perspective while still focused primarily in 3D.

Ok, thanks. I will have to contemplate that one.

Of course, we expect no less.


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