Perception and interpretation (from March 19, 2019)

Rita [Warren], I am suddenly aware that this is an anniversary, you having left us eleven years ago. I trust that you are still happily engaged in doing whatever it is that you are doing.

And, oddly, I see I am experiencing a little stage fright, here! Too aware of a potential audience, I guess. But – how are you?

You know the answer to that is always, “I’m fine.” That’s how we are raised, and it isn’t a bad habit to have anyway, looking at the bright side of things.

Are you needing to do that?

Not particularly. I mean merely that “I’m fine” isn’t really any different from “All is well” that we used to hear.

Did you observe my trip to Egypt?

It is there to be seen, put it that way.

I guess that means, an opened mind offers anything it experienced, when contacted?

Well, let’s say that is closer to the truth than this idea that we’re looking over your shoulder as you go along.

It occurs to me, this is the first time we’ve talked since Bob [Friedman] went over. Have you been in communication? It was his persistent question, “What do they do over there?” that sparked a good deal of our dialogue.

Your question implies separations that are not real, and therefore reunions that are not what they would seem to be if the first definitions were correct.

I guess I can see that. Not sure where that leaves us, though.

Bob is fine.

But he doesn’t necessarily want to communicate!  Nothing new there!

[Bob:] Actually, if you’ll remember, we communicated most clearly in writing.

True enough. So, how are you?

I’m fine.

I’m smiling too. But, come on, give me something. God knows I worked hard enough to get you an answer to what you wanted to know.

It’s pretty much the way Rita described it in the last book I published. [Awakening from the 3D World] No major surprises. But she wasn’t able to tell you the whole scheme of things and neither can I. We can tell but you can’t hear.

Meaning not just me as an individual, I take it, but people in 3D in general.

A little of both. You have your own set of blinders. Everybody does, and everybody’s are just a little bit different. That’s how the truth gets in, sort of sideways.

So what can you tell me that Rita couldn’t or didn’t?

Connection. We are all more connected than it might appear if you read various accounts. By definition, Rita gave us her experience, centering on her. I’d do the same. So would you. What we couldn’t do very well is give our experience not centering on ourselves. By definition our own consciousness centers on the 3D life it led, or leads. You couldn’t expect it to center elsewhere. So when you ask for, or somebody volunteers, an account of that person’s experiences not centered in that 3D consciousness, what are you going to get? You’re going to get a second-hand account.

I’m not sure I follow that. If Rita’s higher self transmits through Rita as a familiar focus, aren’t I still getting its account first-hand?

That’s what I’m trying to explain. You are and you aren’t.

I suppose you mean, any explanation filters through Rita’s mind the way it filters through mine.

In effect, yes. That isn’t how it works really, but that’s what it looks like. Look, in a way it isn’t hard. If you talk to me now, you expect the Bob you knew and the rest-of-Bob that you didn’t know, and the not-Bob that not-you may have known in other lifetimes. What you won’t get is the Bob you knew, only, because that Bob didn’t actually exist. It was me as you experienced me, and if you will think back on your own experiences with others, which of them ever knew you? They knew a part of you that they experienced, and a sort of fill-in-the-blanks rest of you that they imagined but didn’t realize they were imagining. And that was only centering on you in this 3D life! Think what they would have had to do, to know you, when even you yourself don’t.

It isn’t any different now.

So I guess this amounts to saying, anything we get is part true, part fantasy, part fill-in-the-blanks-with-your-best-guess.

You could put it that way. Just as you phrase things in your own language, so that quoting us doesn’t seem just right, so you perceive in your own categories, and it takes a lot of careful work to untangle perception from interpretation. You know all this, but it bears repeating.

Well, it’s good to talk to you, at any rate. I had wondered if we would. Colin [Wilson] has been gone since the end of 2013 and I haven’t heard from him. Do say hi from me if you run across him.

Or Bob Monroe?

Or Bob, or anybody we both knew. I hesitate to offer to carry a message from you, for the same old reasons, but I will if you wish.

No, people will have to do their own discerning.

Now, that did and didn’t sound like you! You wouldn’t have put it that way, but it is very characteristic of the way I experienced you. Be well. Anything else at the moment?

Just wanted to say hi. Bu we can talk again if you want to.

I’ll have to think about whether to send this out, but I’ll certainly transcribe it. thanks, Bob, and Rita.


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