Tuesday. July 26, 2022
6 a.m. I get that you may wish to continue on communication and choice.
Set your momentary-preference switches.
Interesting way to describe them. Okay, setting for maximum focus, receptivity, clarity, presence. All yours.
It was a new thought to you, that there can be too much communication between 3D and non-3D components. But if you will look at the world around you, it should be obvious that not everybody values such communication. What may not be so obvious immediately is that not everyone can afford such close communication.
I can’t see how that could be. Wouldn’t our non-3D know everything about us, moment by moment?
Non-3D knowing is not the same thing as 3D/non-3D communication.
Ah. As in, for instance, someone with a guilty conscience?
That’s one example. Or someone whose experience of the world is, by design, focused on 3D and not on beyond-3D matters. Sam Spade doesn’t have a lot of time for introspection of this sort. Soldiers in battle don’t; there are many kinds of lives that are cognizant of only 3D realities, for a good reason.
I’ll give you this: You’re always ready to contradict the drift of everything you’ve given us over the years.
It appears to be a contradiction. But in fact it is not contradiction but expansion. Until recently we concentrated on people who could and wanted to and therefore in a sense needed to learn how to get into closer contact with this other part of themselves. But it is important that you remember that such people are in the minority, for many reasons. They constitute an important minority, and their example (that is, their living out such increased connection) will help open the way for others to come. But most people experience 3D as an isolated realm, for a reason.
I thought this was going to change, that we would be walking around knowing that we are connected.
You do know how to distinguish the future tense from the present tense?
Very funny. So let me put it this way: I thought we were learning how to live connected so as to help others learn to do the same thing.
Surely you can distinguish between end-result and intermediate process. At least, you can do it when you slow down.
All right. So what is your point here?
For one thing, a reminder that one size never fits all. Everyone’s life is a unique puzzle to be solved, a unique problem to be worked. The tools for one job may be just the wrong tools for another job.
Then, don’t let yourselves fall into the unconscious assumption that people who live connected are somehow morally or even mentally superior to people who don’t. One more time: You never have the data. You can never judge another’s life as a whole, even if you have to judge its results in the 3D world.
Well, I guess Hemingway’s life would have taught me that.
Yes, because you got a glimpse of his internal struggles. Your own Catholic background gave you insight into guilt and repression of memories and rewriting of history. Your reading of some pretty far-out criticisms of what people took Hemingway’s inner reality to be showed you (reminded you) how dangerous it is to condemn, given how hard it is to understand. And, if we may say so, more than anything, our own reframing of your reality showed you how to think of things in a way that made things clearer.
Starting with your saying, years ago – decades ago, now – that even the drunk who dies in the gutter may have succeeded in a difficult invisible task of holding things together.
We said more: We said that all of your lives are flowers, or fireworks, or works of art (choose your metaphor) and are unique, hence uniquely valuable. Well, you didn’t happen to think about it, but – thinking about it now, in this context – doesn’t it follow that people do not need to be in conscious connection with their non-3D in order to live worthwhile lives?
You’re right, I never thought about it that way. I was thinking of it as a race, I suppose, with leaders and trailers.
Even at that, someone may lead in one respect and trail in others. In fact, that is nearly always the case. You aren’t all Mark Spitzer.
He was an Olympic runner, I remember that much. Won six or seven golds, if I remember right. No idea who long ago, though.
Nor does it matter. How many writers are Hemingway? How many politicians are JFK or Churchill? How many would-be psychics are Jane Roberts or Edgar Cayce? And each of them, recognize, cast enormous shadows, necessarily. When you all pass through the pearly gates, don’t expect a winner’s circle, nor an awards ceremony.
Nor a booby prize, nor a ticket to hell.
Nor those. But it can be hard to remember: Regardless of your personal values, nobody is in the 3D world by accident, or as an afterthought, or as a necessary evil. It is often convenient for you to think so, but that is just one more effect of eating the apple from the Tree of Seeing Things as Good or Evil.
I do remember coming to the conclusion, years ago, that if someone had a visceral resistance to getting into closer touch with guidance, they should listen to it.
Life always knows better than any one life. Your guidance always has ways of pointing you in the best direction for you. And, it goes without saying (we hope!) that your non-3D never interferes with your free will, given that exercising your free decisions is what you are there to do.
Interesting, as always. Anything you want to add, to sum up?
We may not have made the point clearly enough: This is about more than conscious access to guidance. We are saying, even manifestations that may seem to you entirely negative are necessary, or they could not exist. Resist the temptation, always, to think that you are smarter than the universe, more moral than God. Do your daily best humbly and you will be doing all you need to do, all you are able to do.
Today’s theme?
Perhaps “Non-communication and choice.”
Perhaps. Our thanks as always.