Communication and choice

Monday, July 25, 2022

5 a.m. Well, on Saturday I was pretty sure I’d found the answer to my dilemma. By the time I’d written out my idea and sent it around, I wasn’t so sure. And having seen some practical objections, I am even less so. All day yesterday, a sense of evasion, as I read or did other things, rather than give more thought to the matter. And once more, a sense of fatigue, a sense of overwhelm, of futility. I know better now than to accept a mood as an accurate reflection of reality, but still, it’s there to be dealt with.

Setting switches: focus, receptivity, clarity, presence.

I suppose, my friends, that it is as simple as this (which didn’t occur to me until just this minute): I was forgetting to do any real work yesterday. No indexing of past sessions, no construction on, or even thought about, the novel. It’s funny how we forget the simplest things.

You got a little carried away, and first you put out the idea, then you waited for response, and in the process you slipped from receptivity into passivity.

Yes, that’s exactly what happened. When something of the sort happens, can’t you send me some sort of signal so that I can at least choose to be more aware, if I wish?

We could. Have you ever asked us to do so?

Huh. Well, that’s a thought.

Not that we’re putting it on you, but there is a line to be established, and what would be a helpful nudge to one would be interference, to another. You each draw your own lines of demarcation.

However, you know me well enough, I should think you’d know that I would treat a reminder as an opportunity, not an imposition.

Would we?

Well, go ahead. I’m not going to like this, am I? I’m smiling, but I’m serious too.

Wouldn’t it depend upon your mood, and the times, and your decision? Wouldn’t it be affected by whatever conflict was expressing among your strands? What makes you think you are a sitting bird? You are a moving target, always. You all are. Or do you never change your minds?

I guess we don’t usually think of our non-3D component having to deal with a changeable 3D reality. Obvious as you mention it.

De facto or by intent, you each set up ground rules for interaction with guidance. Some of you allow or encourage considerable interaction; some, little or none.

One man’s consultation is another man’s nagging, I suppose.

Not only that, but within each man or woman, it changes day by day, maybe moment by moment, so that what is welcomed at one time is shunned or resisted at another. It’s a matter of our intent interacting with your contemporary situation.

I think you mean, as our moods vary, so does our receptivity.

That’s what we said.

So – extrapolating – we can make second-tier decisions, long-term intent, that sets up the ground rules until we change them.

Yes, but let’s look at that a little more slowly.

Your theme song there, “A little more slowly.”

As yours is, “Hurry up and wait.”


  • You come into 3D as a certain mixture of traits, habits, desires, etc. That is the starting-point. You do not (could not) come in as blank slates, certain schools of philosophy to the contrary.
  • That initial mixture changes as you live. You emphasize certain things, inhibit others. You make decisions as you go along.
  • When you attain a certain level of self-awareness, you make second-tier decisions. “I want to be thus and so; I value this and that; I will move this way and not that way.”
  • Second-tier decisions, like the rest of your 3D life, are subject to correction. You change your minds; you change your preferences. You no longer want to grow up to be rich or famous or whatever you start as wanting; now you want to be – whatever you now want to be. There is nothing wrong with changing your mind, and a good deal right with it, as we keep reminding you.
  • Before you attain self-awareness, though, and in the times when your self-awareness flickers, you make second-tier decisions by default, often not realizing it. What is a bad habit, for instance, but a second-tier decision that your conscious awareness wouldn’t approve of and may experience only as an external force?

And such second-tier decisions, made unconsciously (speaking loosely), may largely determine our experience of the 3D. Of life. Of what we are, and what we can do, and why we are.

As usual, we do not pretend to tell you things that have never been known. We show you your everyday life from a different viewpoint. But isn’t our sketch accurate?

It is for me, certainly.

So, some experience non-3D nudges as helpful, others as threatening. Some forge cooperative partnerships, others form contentious ones, and others yet form flickering, intermittent ones. The possible permutations are as numerous as the kinds of person. No one model is right for everybody, or everybody would have adopted it, long since. But at the same time, “the times” make certain variations more likely and others less. This is one of the variable that in effect determine the characteristics of any particular version of “the times.”

Sure. What’s easy for one generation isn’t so easy earlier, or later. And what’s easy for one civilization isn’t so easy for others in the same time, because the civilization itself – society as a subset of the shared subjectivity – interacts differently with “the times” and produces a different result.

That is one more reason to have different civilizations at the same time.

Yes, I can see that.

So, if you wish a particular relationship with guidance – with your non-3D component – from this time hence, it is mostly a matter of making a second-tier decision. You are not the person of your past – even of your past self, your past habits – unless you consent to be.

We can always choose to be in greater communication.

Greater, or less. It is your choice. We have said all along, the purpose of life is for you to create yourself as you go along, by choosing, choosing, choosing. Even if you choose to disbelieve in the possibility of free choice, you are choosing. You cannot avoid choosing, if only by default, and your life will always show you the result of your choices to date. If you don’t like what you see, change your second-tier choice. How else could anything change?

Hard for me to see what the advantage would be, to be in less communication with our non-3D. It would be like having our arteries and veins less efficient in keeping our extremities nourished.

Yes, hard for you. But suppose your non-3D felt like the equivalent of neighbors quarreling loudly, nagging, throwing furniture around? Would tuning in to chaos help you life more abundantly?

Huh! That’s a new thought, that last.

“Life more abundantly” doesn’t always mean, “being in better touch with all parts of yourself.” For some it does, for others it doesn’t and couldn’t. Life more abundantly always means being alive in the present moment. But a sailor fighting a full gale doesn’t necessarily have a lot of time to ponder the mysteries of life! He may be very fully here, now, without consulting his non-3D. So if that association has snuck into your assumptions – that living here, now, always means being aware of your non-3D self – you might remember, one size does not fit all.

So call this, what? “Communication”?

“Communication and choice” might be better.

Okay. Thanks for all this; most interesting.


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