Continuity (2)

Friday, July 22, 2022

7:30 a.m. The vivid dream I awaken from put me in one place, but then opening the journal reminded me that yesterday was “Continuity (1)” and so presumably today is “Continuity (2),” although any continuity is clearly not going to be provided from this end! So, I look back at yesterday’s entry.

All right, gentlemen. Setting for maximum focus, clarity, receptivity, presence. (I see I messed up the order, not that I suppose it matters.) More on continuity?

Continuity is a subset of the larger theme of consciousness itself. In 3D, you have limited ability to hold various things in mind at any one time, and, similarly, over any length of time. Just as you can only physically carry so many pounds, or perform any physical task, so mentally you can only carry so much. The amount will differ by individual, but be it what it will, there will be a limit. Limitation is as inherent in 3D life as separation in time and space.

Only – I get that there’s a difference between theoretical limits and practical limits. We don’t do as well as we might.

Let’s put it another way; there’s always room for improvement. What is “life more abundantly” but a promise of improvement?

And that’s one of your continuing themes with us: You’re always encouraging us by saying, in effect, “You can do much better; you aren’t at the limit of your ability; this and that bad habit is getting in your way of living more fully.”

Yes we are, and that is a good summary. As you regain control of your reactions from various robots – as you heal from the effects of various traumas – as you become more effectively you and not just a sort of pale shadow of you – you do not so much change, as come into your own. You are already a much better (and a much worse) version of yourself than you commonly suppose. It is easier to grow into what you already are, than it would be to grow out to something different.

That isn’t yet clear, but I get the gist of it, I think. Much earlier, you said we change not by really changing, but by changing which parts of ourselves we express or inhibit. We lay down some strings and pick up others, and from the outside it appears that we have changed what we are; but it would be closer to say we have changed our internal balance, and this changes what we express.

Let’s look at continuity from a different point of view.


Initially. We can’t yet say whether we will say much that is new, or even much that is important, but as you know by now, a new take on things often begins in chaotic fashion. After you and we have explored it a little, structure will emerge, if it turns out to be worthwhile. But initially, the less structure and the more casting about, the better.

Something like plotting novels.

A similar process, yes. You wish to learn what seemingly unassociated things may productively be considered together. One way to do that is to cast your net widely. The way to cast your net widely is to surrender control of the process initially, so that the unsuspected may get past your own (unsuspected) gatekeepers. The second half of the creative process is the shaping of the materials – the pruning of the tree – but first you need to have something to prune.

So, bullets. Continuity from a different point of view.

  • Continuity in any present moment implies continuity both in time and in space.
  • That is, you have long-term vectors – perhaps life-long. These are not set up by any present moment. They are deeper in your begin.
  • You have a different form of continuity in that you hold together various things of any present moment. You can’t admit everything into your consciousness. Everything you admit serves, de facto, to inhibit the admission of other things.

Be careful what we pay attention to.

Oh yes. And be careful to expand your mental space as best you can, that you may have room for more than a minimum.

  • You live in the times you live in. As we have been saying, “the times” encourage the expression of certain energies and inhibit the expression of others. This is true not only generationally (the outer planets, so to speak), but moment by moment (the moon) and day to day or month by month (the inner planets). Yes, astrology is only a metaphor, so to speak, in that this is a symbolic representation and not a causality, but it is a very reassuring metaphor, once you realize that it works: You cannot then think your lives (or anyone’s) chaos, but pattern.
  • Thus, your own makeup; the unfinished business of the shared subjectivity; “the times”: three features affecting the quality of your life, always.

I get that you are saying something here about our long-term patterns and our short-term patterns, but I don’t quite have it yet.

Life is change. Life never stands still. No matter how stuck someone may feel, they are “stuck” in a continually moving environment. Thus, their “stuckness” is not static, but is a canoe in a river, temporarily jammed by some obstruction – rocks,, debris, whatever – and prevented from flowing with the river. Even if the canoe never does move again, it is not “stuck” in relation to life, because life flows, and ceasing to flow is altering your position to the flowing forces around your life.

I get that. Looked at from life’s point of view, rather than from our individual point of view, our stuckness is a continuity of a different kind. Hard to put into words, though. (I see as I try to do so!)

If you flow, or if you are stuck, in either case your personal canoe does not move or jam the life around it. Therefore, you are always in “the times” – you are never in your stuck moment, for the moments don’t get stuck.

We’re still not expressing this simple point very well.

We’re getting there, though. You know by now, new points sometimes require quite extensive exposition before they emerge in their simplicity. There is advantage to this, by the way: What is simple for one may require strenuous mental acrobatics from another. Taking excessive time to spell things out may be what helps some “get it” who otherwise would abandon it in frustration.

Can we try for a simple summary statement?

You think we are ready to wrap things up, but we could continue along this line for some time, and perhaps we will. Very well:

  • You with your personal heredity are one factor in your life. This is considering you as if you were individual.
  • You as part of everything are another factor. You experience this as the shared subjectivity. It is the part of you of which you are not conscious, expressed partly through the common feelings of everyone, living and formerly living in 3D.
  • You as a child also of the times you live are a third factor. It is “the times” that govern what can and cannot be easily expressed.

I get: The positive, the negative, and the reconciling factor, the three elements that constitute anything in 3D reality.

Continuity means different things in the context of different things. You as personal will experience it as immediate stimulus and response. You as extended part of everybody will experience it as changing over time. You as fly in amber will experience it as the limits to choice.

Our thanks as always, and I will be interested to see if the theme carries on. This is “Continuity (2),” I presume.


Till next time, then.


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