Translation difficulties – 2

[Addition to Tuesday’s]


10 a.m. I want us to continue if we can, because I have a sense of the tenuousness of my understanding, the fragility of the link that connected my mind to this new understanding. FRCP.

We will try. Your willingness combines with what you did understand this morning. Let’s see how we do.

Every moment renews the world according to everyone’s actions and decisions and reactions and aspirations. It’s a whole new ball game every time, and the only reason it is not obvious is because so much of each new iteration is identical to the one it replaces. But you don’t need to change very much at any one time to produce quite a bit of change in a short time. If the world refreshes a million times a second, how are you to experience the stability? Or the change? You will not be able to examine reality frame by frame, as you might examine a roll of film to see the stills that together make up a movie. So you can never experience life as it actually is, only as it is in action.

And that disparity between what really is, and what we can experience, is the origin of so many misunderstandings and controversies.

Of course, and it is not avoidable. Predestination v. free will, for example, results from conundrums apparently (but not really) forced by data and logic. The data being wrong, the logic is irrelevant. But if you do not know or even suspect that the data is wrong, you may feel yourself forced to accept a certain view of things as necessitated by due consideration of the facts. Now, as it happens, different temperaments allow different conclusions from the same (flawed) data, but this only adds uncertainty to uncertainty. The fact of the matter is, if you do not suspect or feel or know the ground rules the universe works under, you will never get a very sophisticated understanding of the game.

Now the next thing is to consider you as the present, 3D “you” who was born on one date and will die on another, considered strictly in 3D terms. You appeared on the scene; you are slated to disappear, though you know not when. Meanwhile, you live as best you can, sometimes floundering around, sometimes tiptoeing carefully, sometimes striding with great assurance. But do you then move on to another life? Is that what eternal life means, eternal movement, eternal migration?

I don’t know. You tell me.

Considered strictly in 3D terms, where is there scope for you to go anywhere?

I begin to see where you’re going with this, I think. The Egyptians may have been referring to this in calling the 3D life our “first life.” It lived a pattern, and after that, the pattern could be lived only in non-3D, not in another 3D life.

Not quite so fast. Don’t jump to conclusions. What you have gotten a grasp on is good, but many a person grasps a truth and then builds logical structures too quickly, as if they know all there is to know – or even all they’d need.


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