The Interface: 3D opportunities

Okay, the 3D as friction. You got my attention.

Not the 3D itself as friction, exactly. Let’s call the 3D environment the background that allows for the friction. It is the existence of 3D conditions that allows a non-3D creature to confront itself and thereby have the opportunity to polish itself. The 3D allows the “external” world to show the subjective 3D soul what it is that it doesn’t suspect.

  • We remind you, we in non-3D experience a very broad, relatively unlimited consciousness that is not highly focused, in contrast to 3D consciousness, which is tightly limited and highly focused.
  • It is the 3D conditions of isolation in time and space, under the incessant and unvarying pressure of the ever-moving present moment, that produces or allows the tight beam of awareness.
  • The upside: intensity. The downside: limitation. However, circumstances alter cases. For some purposes, intensity may become a disadvantage and limitations an advantage. It’s all in what you want to do.
  • As we mentioned earlier, initially non-3D extension into 3D was clean and straightforward, and over time the system acquired drag. Components of the system (that is, individual 3D souls) and the system itself, the environment, experienced degradation.
  • Well, how does a system clean itself? How does it arrange to clean the elements of the system and those that experience and benefit from the system? There can be no other way but to take advantage of what exists, or else to design something else.
  • What is the pre-eminent characteristic of 3D? Concentration in isolation. So, how to use that to self-correct? It isn’t necessary to change the system, merely to change the uses of the system.

To look at it in a different way.

Well, to experience it in a different way, yes. It’s mostly a matter of turning that massive concentrated intelligence onto the problem. Once it becomes aware, it will auto-correct. But we cannot gallop past this point. At the risk of boring some, we must assure that no one who is willing to understand is left behind because of inadequate explanation on our part.

For the purposes of illustration, we will assume that no one reading this is a first-time visitor to 3D. That is to say, none of you come without baggage. Your mental world includes

(1) things you are unaware of, because they never crossed the threshold into your conscious awareness; and

(2) things you prefer to be unaware of; and

(3) things you are not yet aware of only because you lack the ability to discern them.

Your life in 3D allows you the possibility of retrieving and reintegrating all this, and we will now look at why and how. Remember however that whether you do so, or the extent to which you do so, is always a matter of your choice. And remember that the question of “which you” is always to be borne in mind. Your 3D self may wish to escape discomfort, while your non-3D self says, “No pain, no gain.” But let’s look at how and why.

How. What you experience as the external world, a world beyond your control, continuously interacts with your self-chosen subjectivity, breaking your isolation, if you would ever realize it, and preventing you from losing yourself in a hall of mirrors. If not for an external objective world for you to interact with, your own fantasies and misconceptions and self-protective games would forever isolate you from any reality you didn’t want to deal with. But you can’t just wish away the external world. You can’t wish it away, nor talk it away, nor live as if it did not exist, and because you can’t, you have the possibility of learning who you are beyond what you accept; you have the possibility of seeing what you’d prefer to change, and deciding whether to change it or merely bemoan it.

How else could an isolated 3D consciousness realize all the things it was not? How realize all the things it could become, or let’s say could develop? How mend old wounds, close unfinished business, awaken to what had been overlooked? You see? The 3D world is the land of possibilities.

Why. The 3D self you experience is by definition limited in its awareness of connections. It never sees its potential. At best, it sees the next available increment. Carl Jung reminded you that the shadow, the unknown parts of yourself, contain what is better than you, not only what is worse than you. To the degree that you assimilate your shadow, you incorporate unsuspected potentials.

My sense of this is that 3D conditions force us to see ourselves more as we are than as we think we are.

Well –. Not “force,” so much as “enable.”  An unseized opportunity will feel like an affliction, and many people at any given time – and everybody at one time or another – find themselves unwilling to feel the discomfort as the price of the enhanced awareness.

Looking back at what we have written so far, it doesn’t look too exciting. I mean, haven’t we said it all before?

Implicitly, perhaps. We remind you that the same information conveyed at a different time in a different context is itself implicitly different. Same information, different potential impact.

But let us hammer this home one time more. Your lives in 3D can be hard; they can hurt; they can feel unsatisfactory, futile, even deliberately perverse. That doesn’t mean your judgment of your lives are accurate. We won’t say, flatly, “No pain, no gain,” but we will say that in this world you don’t usually get something for nothing. In fact, you never do, in reality, though it may appear that way. For that matter, neither do you get nothing for something. “Righteous persistence brings reward” – and that goes for righteous perseverance in any direction, aimed at any goal. It is impossible for the universe to reward you improperly or inadequately or tardily. However, that doesn’t mean you always have eyes to see. Indeed, in the nature of things, usually you don’t. That’s why your life makes better sense to you in hindsight; you have grown to be a better judge. (Or, you could say, what was there to be seen is seen easier with perspective.)

It is this invariant relationship between effort and result that makes 3D so valuable as a compressed system for learning who you are, and what you need to, or prefer to, tune.

In context, I suppose “living in faith” means living in faith that life is just.

More carefully said (though what you just said is not wrong, and is admirably concise), “living in faith” means presuming that what life brings you is what you need. However, that still implies intent on your part. You don’t correct your flaws or develop your potential accidentally (regardless how it may sometimes appear); intention is everything.

Let’s reiterate that: Intention is everything. It directs what you will allow yourself to realize; it orients your internal radar toward the next thing; it overcomes any tendency to drift. This is why we say you are in 3D to choose, and choose, and choose.

One thought on “The Interface: 3D opportunities

  1. I’m curious to find out if TGU will provide any guidance on how to change individual 3D circumstances (I may have missed this if it was already discussed). Many sources state that changing your beliefs will change your reality, but so far, that seems to be a generic guidance without much details. Given the question of “which you” or the effects of the “unseen forces”, it really makes this technique seem difficult to realize. If one must attain 100% complete belief in the new desired result, how does one know if they are fully 100% or just at 99% with that 1% of doubt or counter-belief that seems to be much more powerful than the 99% as to prevent the new belief from coming to fruition.

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