Effort from the non-3D side

Sunday, June 5, 2016

4:50 a.m. So let us continue.

The Soul, the Greater Soul, the Greater Soul Community: three aspects of reality, not three separate things, even if we need to consider them as if they were separate. Try to remember that as we proceed.

Your present life may be considered a Soul – an entity created in specific 3D conditions for consolidating certain elements for future use. That is one way to look at it, anyway. Hardly definitive, but one way.

But that soul that was created was chosen into existence. Who did the choosing? By what criteria? From what materials? The chooser, the shaper, may be considered to be the Greater Soul, an entity that is exploring itself and developing itself by creating just such sub-units (call them) and experiencing the changes in itself as they change.

The Greater Soul Community as a concept is merely (for now) an indicator that the process of continual refinement and development continues beyond the Greater Soul level.

So you’re going to concentrate on the Greater Soul, for the moment, but we are to bear in mind that everything is fractal, with lower and upper levels resembling it in essence, if not necessarily in appearance.

Yes, provided that you bear in mind that such words as “lower” and “upper” are language, are 3D-experience, and are not to be taken literally.


You do understand, but the difficulty is to keep the caveats in mind as we proceed, because they are most likely to sneak in as nuances on the fringe of things, rather than obtruding themselves where they may be consciously disregarded. It is a continuing – well, not “danger,” or even “obstacle.” Call it a continuing condition that needs to be kept vaguely in mind.

Perhaps it is not obvious to everybody that to describe the Greater Soul is to discuss purpose. Indeed, all of this long discussion, beginning with your joint exploration with Rita 15 years ago, concerns nothing else, in a way, but the question of purpose. Why are you here (wherever “here” happens to be, and whenever)? Why do you feel the way you do, why is this or that overwhelmingly important to you? Why are you obsessed by whatever obsesses you?

What is the meaning of life?

Yes, what is the meaning of life as an abstract question, and what is the meaning of your life, as an urgent and gripping question. Need I point out that this is addressed to anyone who reads this?

I think that is understood.

Well, we will hope so. The amount of effort being expended on this contact would be worth it for any single individual, but it might not be worth it if not for our hopes of leaving a somewhat broader legacy. The enlightenment (small “e”) of any individual is a worthwhile task, but requires effort on both ends of the communication. I doubt you’ve ever considered that. The sheer effort from the non-3D side precludes other uses of the same energy.

I’ve never thought anything like that, and I’m pretty sure I’ve never read anything like that. Am I getting this straight?

Next you will be tempted to address it with the useless questions: How do you know you aren’t making it up? How do you know who is speaking? How do you know it is true? If you will go exploring, you have to expect to occasionally come across something new.

Point taken. Okay, well, do carry on. I don’t think we can just drop this as a side-trail.

Hardly. Hardly a trail at all. Suddenly you are lost in the jungle, are you not? So let’s use our machetes and hack at the vines a bit.

What makes you assume that in the 3D part of the world, achievement takes effort, but in the non-3D part, everything comes free? That’s a stark way to put it, but it is a valid statement of your unconscious or conscious assumptions.

I suppose it is.

You know it is. And if you think of the two conditions – 3D and non-3D – as separate realms, it is easy enough to assume that they go by different rules. It is true, after all, that they have different rules of appearance and nature. But the two realms are not two realms at all, but two aspects of one undivided reality.

If you, in 3D, extend into non-3D by nature and necessity, as you do, and if we in non-3D extend into 3D, as we must – in other words, if all of us are part of one thing, if all of us live in the All-D, localized more or less either in 3D or non-3D — how can there be two sets of rules of life? How can there be one realm in which everything is paid for and another where everything is on the house, even though it is the same person in each realm, and the same realm, in fact, experienced differently?

If the non-3D realm were as free as you usually (unconsciously) assume it to be, why is the 3D realm so constricted, so hard and even unforgiving?

Rhetorical question, I take it.

Of course.

Now, this is the beginning of an approach to many things, the nature of the Greater Soul not least of them. I think you will find it is not a side-trail at all, but an entirely new trail. Follow it or not, as you choose and are able. You always have the option of not continuing into new ground. You can pause at any time and who could prevent you? Who would have the right to prevent you, even if they had the ability?

It’s a lot harder to get started again than to continue. I’d just as soon keep at it.

Of course, and we’re glad of it.

Now let us look at this question of effort from the non-3D side. It will require you to consider what “effort” really is. Is it any more than the sustained concentration upon a given objective, in preference to other uses for that same concentration?

I don’t know, but I always had the impression that on the non-3D side, there aren’t the compulsions that we in 3D face all the time – constricted time, constricted levels of energy, that kind of thing.

Yes, you tend to think of the non-3D as free and open, without constraints, because it does not have its constraints in the same form as the 3D does. (How could it?) But consider, the absence of constraints may look like absolute freedom or absolute chaos. Constraints are inherent in shaping. If no constraints, then no forces to push against, no environment to help channel one’s energies.

Not sure I get that, and for that matter – no offense – I’m not sure I buy it, either.

No offense taken. We’re not looking for acolytes here, but students, even adversaries.

Look, how could there be spiritual problems, if there were no constraints in the non-3D? How could there be unfinished business? How could your non-3D component have a need that only the 3D component can perhaps fulfill? How could there be any co-operation, any conflict, any interaction of any kind, without constraints either before or, more likely, both before and during existence?

Reality is structured. That shouldn’t be any difficult concept, if you remember “as above, so below” (which, I’d wager, you had forgotten to factor in to the discussion). Reality has structure. Can non-3D possibly exist without structure? But that doesn’t mean its structure must look like yours. The analogy may be one of function rather than appearance, given the difference in condition. But it will be there.

If the non-3D aspect of the world had no restrictions, had no problems to be worked out, had no momentum, no impetus, then why would you in 3D feel the longings and the unfulfillments that you do? Where would the longing for perfection come from?

You see? If the non-3D were “perfect” and the 3D were the valley of tears it is thought of, yes there would be a longing to get out of the painful situation and get back to bliss. But – if it were that simple –

Think about it.

Why would you be so curious about how the 3D fits into the picture?

Why would you not all kill yourselves to get the long delay over with?

Why would the 3D have been precipitated into existence in the first place?

Why would you know – regardless what you tried to tell yourselves – that life in 3D is important and real, even though it is not the only game in town?

2 thoughts on “Effort from the non-3D side

  1. He almost sounds bitter, or at least frustrated. Did it feel that way?
    This was helpful to me to have purpose and meaning of life described from this perspective, and effort defined, too. And now I see where “useless questions” came from.

    1. No, merely instructional as usual. That is, I have never heard them say (nor felt) anything like repining. When they explain why and how something is difficult, the energy is the same as when they are drawing any other connections I may not have made.

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