Meeting one’s limits

Monday, November 25, 2019

3:50 a.m. Friends? What next?

You might mention that your friend Richard Werling is practicing ILC and experiencing contact with past historical personages.

Your subtext being, I imagine, that others may do it as well.

And that everyone’s experience of it will be different, as everyone’s experience of 3D life is different.

And of course that our doubt creates limitations and our belief – even if it is only a provisional or tentative belief – expands our possibilities.

And – though referring to you rather than to Richard or others – that such practice does not amount to insurance against depression or angst or any of life’s mental or physical hazards.

I think we know that.

Knowing it and experiencing it are not entirely the same thing.

A lecture coming, I guess.

Encouragement, rather. “This too shall pass” is a good reminder. It extends from the slightest of events to life itself. There is nothing to be borne that cannot be borne.

Duly noted People are living that all over the world, all the time.

So they are, and they are part of you, and you interpenetrate. “All is one” is not a bit of abstract wisdom to be put on a shelf and admired. It is an experience of one aspect of the 3D world – and beyond.

If that is all, we are going to have a short session today.

It is as important to remind people that life’s ups and downs do not invalidate what we are reminding them of as it is to remind them that they are more than they commonly realize.

Perhaps I am merely tired. I can feel my mood being a drag on this process.

And where does such a mood come from? We don’t mean “in the case of this (or any) specific individual,” but in general, in 3D life? How and why are your lives subject to moods?

I don’t know. I would imagine we can wander into them, as we wander into ideas sometimes.

Ah, so something “external” causes them, when we have been saying that there is no “external” in the sense of something unconnected?

I don’t know.

And, we hear, “I don’t feel like playing.” Yet nothing stops you from laying down the pen and trying for more sleep.

I am willing to receive, but I don’t have much to offer at the moment.

Which serves as well to illustrate the question, for feeling empty is a mood like any other.

Is it? It feels to me like the equivalent of feeling exhausted physically, or spent mentally.

Say it is. What do they have in common?

Out of gas.

Certainly. But what does that mean?


Perhaps I don’t understand the question.

Is the cause of physical exhaustion or mental spent-ness unknown?

Trying to do too much, I suppose?

Not necessarily. Let’s say, meeting one’s limits. It isn’t necessarily that one’s goals were too lofty or one’s efforts disproportionate to the task, but merely that – for the moment at least – one has come to the end of those resources, and needs a breathing spell.

Nice play on words, considering.

But, think about it. Two hours a day to devote to other things will move them along.

I don’t remember when we began this latest series of conversations, but I guess it has been a while.

[Longer than I had thought. Judging from my computer files, this seems to have extended from August, and followed directly on the examination of the Gospel of Thomas that began in May.]

So pause until the wells fill, and if they never do, you aren’t any worse off for not trying to pump what is not there. if they do refill, but slowly, you have just adjusted your pacing, and nothing lost there either.

Well, come to think of it, I wasn’t expecting this series (whenever it began), so I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised if it paused as suddenly and as out of the blue as it began. Maybe others will add their own conversations to the blog as posts (via my intercession, but that’s easy enough), rather than as comments. And in any case I can continue to re-post older conversations.

In any case, I guess I’ll see you when I see you. In a larger sense than usual, thank you for all that you have poured forth over this long time since 1989.

And as we said many times, our thanks to all who attended. It is rewarding to be heard.

Till next time, then.


4 thoughts on “Meeting one’s limits

  1. Sending Love and Thanks, Frank🤗.

    Maybe now I’ll catch up a bit – I’m weeks behind, as I like to read the posts and journal about them, as well as see the connections to my own experiences. But daily life at the moment, offers so little free time. Lately, despite my love and gratitude for my physical vehicle, I’ve been frustrated by how maintaining it all eats up so much of my attention, and 3D experience, that and sooooo much accumulated stuff! (I’m moving, but perhaps a letter is due…..)

    Anyway, hugs to you🤗!

  2. When the well runs low and Frank takes a break, I take it as an indicator from my team that it’s time to reread the conversation. I will go back and reread several days at a sitting so as to get the overarching flavor and catch a perspective I didn’t get the first time thru.

    August? We have been on this arc for a while.

    Always grateful.

  3. I take it as time to put my writing first. But meanwhile…

    Reading “Chasing Smallwood” and came across your conversation with Lincoln. Wow. “My strength–as yours in this different field–was my willingness to be led when I could foresee nothing, or could foresee only little…. I knew that we were serving a higher purpose, but for a long time I could not quite see what this purpose was…. I could but do my best,… I assumed that actions taken without malice were the most likely to accord with the purposes of the almighty, and actions taken in response to a situation, rather than to advance my fixed plans, would likewise best accord with a higher design.”
    Hard to stop! Maybe his conversation with you could be a post.

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