Time, space, and the non-3D

[Thursday, January 19, 2006]

7:95 a.m. Starting again, not without apprehension. Can today’s transmission possibly measure up to yesterday’s? Can it continue and flow into a seamless and meaningful whole? Stay tuned.

You are doing fine. Faithfulness is all. It isn’t up to you to provide the content. If it falls down, it falls down – but yesterday didn’t turn out so bad, did it?

Yesterday was wonderful. I’m ready if you are.

We proceed. Again, much of what we have to say, you and Rita will already have heard and absorbed. So much the better – it will aid in the process of transmission from us to you.

Separation in space produces the illusion – or perhaps it would be better to say the condition – of separation, of individuality, of non-belonging, of difference, in a way that would not be possible otherwise. There is separation in a way non-physically but it is not as it is in the physical world. As a rough analogy you might think how your world would be if you – and everyone – were continuously and unpredictably teleporting though time and space both. Nothing would seem as solid as definite or as sequential to you as everything does now. It is only an analogy but not so bad a one.

Well, if space produces the illusion of separation, time produces the effect of delayed consequences. Time in the way you experience it sorts out everything just as space does. Last Tuesday is so definitely a different space from a given date three years ago that you could (and do) stack different people and things in the same space and different time and not have them collide.

We’re going to repeat that, so that you know that we meant to say it that way, and why. In space-time, you can be in one place at one time. Two people cannot be in the same place at the same time: They can be in the same place but not at the same time; they can be in the same time but not the same place. Same time and same place is not possible. This ought to tell you that space and time are indeed (as science is currently telling you) functions of each other. They are the same thing seen slightly differently. Now notice – when we say it one way it is almost obvious; when we say the same thing another way, it is so strange as to be scarcely comprehensible.

Time is not different from space, in that each separates, sorts out, the world around you. But time is experienced radically differently than space, of course: Nobody is frog-marching you in space, inch by inch by inch in one direction your whole life.

People who say we have “no time” on “this side” mean by that (though they often do not know what they mean, mostly parroting others who have said that on this side we have no time) – they mean that we are not subject to that unvarying tyranny, moving us along. That is true, sort of, in the same way that it is true, sort of, that we have no space. Neither statement is true except in reference to your experience. We have time, we have space – how else could we structure experience? But they are not what they seem to you to be. They are neither prisons nor constrictions – but they are real limitations. Try to envision a life without limitations and you will end up with fog. But there is all the difference in the world (so to speak) between our world and yours.

No, that isn’t how to put it. It is the same world. Canada – the physical Canada – exists “here” as it does “there,” because we are not someplace else! The non-physical components of the physical world are – right here! Why would you think they are elsewhere? It isn’t even true that you cannot perceive it; it is true only that you cannot perceive it in the same way or using the same faculties that you do the physical world – we might almost say the rest of the physical world.

We know that this is a radically different thought for many, so we will try to say it carefully. The non-physical world is right “there” with you, and right “then” with you. How far do you think it is from Baltimore to the non-physical equivalent of Baltimore? And why do you think it doesn’t have its non-physical equivalent? What do you think you build on earth, anyway? But because you misunderstand time, you think that things “pass away” on earth and do so presumably in the non-physical earth. Not true in either case – but it never was the way you assume it to be.

Where is ancient Rome, say March 1, 250 b.c.? That world on that day is where it always was and always will be. We on this side can “go” there at will; you on your side cannot (normally). This is the chief difference between our experience of the world and yours – and will help you perhaps to see why on this side you do not get bored yet on that side you get to play with greater consequences.

We are moving you quickly here, we know, but we will stop periodically to pick up stragglers. And, with words on a page, you have a time capsule that helps you to retrieve information when you have been moved beyond it in time. (That is a side-trail. So many entertaining side-trails we never have time enough – that is, you never have time enough! – for us to follow.)

It is a simple concept, but foreign to your usual ways of understanding. We are trying to express it in simple terms devoid of jargon. Frank is good at that – should be; he was shaped for this work!

When a moment of time “passes” – that moment does not cease to exist: You cease to exist in it. You have been carried smoothly to the next moment of time. If you are standing still for five such moments, it looks to you that you moved in time and not in space. But it could equally truly be said that you moved in time-space. That is, moment one exists next to moment two, and you moved from one to two. Then you moved to moment three, then four – and your movement is continuous, predictable and not under your control, so when you get to moment five you assume that the “previous” – which really means previously experienced – moments have somehow ceased to exist.

Your experience tells you that you hop like little Eva from ice-floe to ice-floe across the river, and that each previous ice-floe ceases to exist as soon as you jump from it, and – even more startling, more hazardous – the next ice floe doesn’t even come into existence until you land on it! Plus, you never can pause, nor can you do a thing about the situation except to jump in one direction rather than another. If you wanted to rest at any given floe you couldn’t, not only because you don’t know how to do it, but because what will you do when the floe presumably ceases to exist in the next moment?

What a situation! If it were a true description, you’d be in a pretty bad fix – and, we know, this is how many of you do experience your lives. But there’s a better way to see it, that will relieve the insecurity and remove the below-surface panic. There is no need for terror, any more than on any other pleasure cruise.

What if we told you that the ice-floes do not cease to exist just because you jump from them (or, more closely, are smoothly catapulted off them)? And what if we told you that the icebergs “to come” are not uncreated but actually exist, as common sense would tell you, were we in a strictly physical-geography metaphor? And what if we told you that we on “our side” – which is to say you on our side — visit the terrain however we please, rather than being tied to a conveyor belt? Disregard for the moment the fact that you can’t see how that could be; hold the theoretical possibility. All you are doing – all you need do – is creating a space in your mind for a new way of seeing things.

Now we are doing quite a bit of hopping ourselves! We are touching on this, touching on that, and not tying up anything. But it is necessary to present several ideas before we can create a model. Continued patience, please.

It is the nature of the physical world – and by “world” we mean not one planet but all of physical creation – to lead its inhabitants in experience. You experience one time, one space, then movement certainly to another time, perhaps to another place. You may move spatially in any way you can figure out how to do: forward, back, right, left, up, down. To Cleveland, to Greenland, to Mars, wherever. The restrictions on movement are in the nature of obstacles. Overcome the obstacle – whether it be sheer distance, or the nature of the terrain, or whatever – and you may move there. Temporally, however you may move and must move in only one direction – “forward” – and you seemingly cannot vary the speed or direction in which you are carried. In fact, because you are carried, it seems to you that you have no control whatever over your movement in time.

Now, that is a fair representation is it not, of your plight on earth? Freedom in three dimensions, no freedom – not even freedom to stop! – in the fourth. Not an incorrect model, but not a very helpful one either. Let us see if we can improve upon it.

We have said that “Canada exists” over here. By that we do not mean that we have a sort of Disneyland version of Canada for people to play pretend in. We mean – Canada here and Canada there are extensions of the same thing, just as you extend “over here” and we “over there.”

It is a continuing distortion that you are just going to have to factor in to these discussions, that spatial and temporal analogies continually sneak in between the lines. Given that language reflects your concept of reality, how can it be otherwise? If you had a language that did not reflect that reality – other than mathematics – you would use it, but if you were using it, it would mean that you were already living in that reality and hence would not need our attempted translations!

By the way, the note on mathematics was inserted for those who can properly appreciate it. The answers to many dilemmas about mathematics are included in that aside. This is the reason why only mathematics has forced scientists to see the world closer to how it truly is, rather than through the time-space distortions and illusions. They don’t necessarily like what they are forced to conclude, and many of them can continue to do so only because they divorce it from their daily lives keeping theory rigidly separated from application, but the logic of the mathematics leads them and they follow. This is because mathematics treats time and space differently than any other language does, or (at present) can.

Enough about mathematics. And – 80 minutes having gone by – enough for the moment. Take a break. A light breakfast, again, and some more water and coffee.

Okay. This has been a bit more strain as I don’t have much idea where you’re going – so I’m taking it on faith.

We know. You’re pretty good at that.

(8:30) Not a very long break – just time enough for a toad in the hole – but hopefully enough refueling that I can continue. I don’t particularly want to wait.

No, go look out the window and quietly have some coffee for a few minutes. Come back at 9, say. These things have their own rhythm and you need to learn to discern and respect it or you will do your body damage as Cayce did.

All right.

(9:10 a.m.) Having obeyed the command to shave and shower, as well – as much to kill a little more time, I think, as for reasons of efficiency – here I am again. When sitting in the living room I could really see, looking at TGU’s painting of us, where I think they’re going. And I had a better sense of kinship with Cayce and Roberts.

What we attempt to convey is so simple! So simple that when we do get the sense of it across, it is as though we haven’t said anything. People’s response tends to be, “well sure and so what?” In a way that is a perfect response. In a way it is a misunderstanding – a lack of comprehension – of what we are about.

There isn’t any “there.” There isn’t any “there as opposed to your “here.” It is all here (and it is all “now,” but we’ll get to that).

Just because you’ve heard it before doesn’t mean you understood it! Just because it is a familiar sounding idea doesn’t mean you are getting what is being sent.

There isn’t any “there,” anywhere! It is all here, and this despite the fact that within a sentence, probably, if not sooner, the spatial analogies will creep back in, due to the stringencies and deficiencies of language. We are right here with you. You are right here with us. Monroe came as close as any when he defined the difference as a difference in wave-length, allowing two “things” to be in what seems to be the same space at one time without interfering with each other or even perhaps being aware of each other.

That is a metaphor, wave-lengths, but it is close enough, and we have nothing better, so will go with it. Within that metaphor, we ask you to visualize your condition. You are here at a certain wave-length suitable to life in time-space (slowed down, it is usually said). We are here at a certain wave-length suitable to life outside of time-space – speeded up, so to speak, It is only an analogy, but a useful one. You can “speed up”; we can “slow down” and – communication occurs. We aren’t sending to you from far away because we aren’t far away. We are here! Just as you are here! There is no need for you to assume that non-physical reality is somewhere “far away” despite jokes about intelligence in New Jersey, for instance. We are here; you are here. We are separated by the vibrational difference ( though – it is an analogy!) between space-time and non-space-time. It is simple. We can’t say it any simpler than that. But – can you hear it?

You see, if you live in Alberta, say, or Peru, or Hawaii – we live there. It doesn’t seem so to you because we have the ability to move else-where and else-when at will, and thus one might ask what that does to the concept of residing anywhere – the answer is, we live where you live.


Now, a definition or two. What you call The Guys Upstairs do not comprise merely all of “your” “other” lives. Your guides and helpers are of many wavelengths and it cannot be sorted out here and now (so to speak). So for the purpose of this discussion we are not going to attempt to show you the nature of such guides that are not distinctly bound to you. In fact, what we have said to this point in this paragraph is probably more misleading than not. Let us leave it at this: We wish to show you that the situation is more complicated than simply “we” are part of “you” — but cannot at this time pursue the theme. It is an important trial but, for the moment, a side-trail.

You are here (by definition) always, and where you are, we are. That you cannot always experience us does not make us cease to exist. Therefore, in a very real way, we live where you live. If you build paradise, we inhabit it with you. If you build hell, or by neglect build a wasteland, we are there with you. It cannot be otherwise, nor would we wish it to be.

Closer to the nub of things – you, in the physical, living here-and-now regardless where you think you live – that is, regardless whether you live with your attention elsewhere – you can act. You shape the physical world, and we live in the extension of the world that is beyond the physical. You injure yourselves or each other and we live with the result – in fact, we experience it in more-than-3D-realism!

Does this begin to give you an idea of why 3D Theater is important to us?

It doesn’t matter what else you have read! While you are with us, stay with us. You can always re-think and counter-think later.

The physical is the place where one can act in a way that one cannot, outside the physical. This does not mean that the physical is the only place that is “real”; it means it is the place of delayed consequences, which has its advantages and disadvantages.

We have said that your health is a ratio between your mental states and your physical states[1], and that mental states can be moved instantly but do not easily persist, while physical states tend to persist and cannot be moved easily. You could make the analogy between the non-physical and the physical. It is only in 3D Theater that we see the phenomenon and results of delayed consequences. But his does not mean that 3D is the only game in town, just that it is a particular and peculiar venue.

Enough for now. Proceed to your day and perhaps we will see you tomorrow.

Yes, I had tired. Tomorrow, I hope.

9 thoughts on “Time, space, and the non-3D

  1. A profound session. This is the most real the condition of space-time has been for me, which makes clearer the purpose and meaning of life. It must be exciting to get the material you get.

  2. This mini-series from 2006 is a very helpful re-adjustment. I am enjoying it. It reminds me of 2015, when I briefly saw my primary guide (for the 1st time) in an out of body experience. After that experience, I began asking newer questions. I also began perceiving and interpreting life much differently.

    This mini-series is something that I wish everyone could read and understand. Thank you for sharing it.

      1. fwiw, I am not suggesting you specifically do anything differently (than what you are already doing here).

        Your current presentation of the material here is a good dosage. I personally would not want it more quickly than the current pace.

  3. Excellent! Thank you!

    But could you explain the

    “[1] Explain”

    (…health being a ratio between mental state and physical state..)

    I did try to “click” on the highlighted blue
    [1], thinking it might be a link, but nada….?

    1. “our health is a ratio between our physical states and our mental states. Changing either the physical or mental side of the equation will change the ratio, and thus will bring us to a different state of health.”

      From Ch, 1: DeMarco, Frank. Imagine Yourself Well: A Practical Guide to Using Visualization to Improve Your Health and Your Life (Kindle Locations 153-155). Rainbow Ridge Books. Kindle Edition.

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