Choosing our second-tier reaction

Monday, July 16, 2018

12:25 a.m. Guys, ___ asked me to ask you if you can see any possible paths for him that might lead to a breakthrough. I told him I’d try. Can you help us, here?

Well, why do you think you had him in mind yesterday when we were giving advice? But he would have to listen. Anyone, where one is, as one is, may experience a breakthrough at any time, given sincerity and receptivity.

Sincerity. The word means more than not pretending, not dissimulating. It means being one thing thoroughly, not in any half-hearted manner.

Would you expound upon that, please?

Of course. Another way to put it could be to say, be all of one will, or be all of one vision, and allow no self-division.

So far, these are generalities.

They are, but they are the necessary foundations to specifics.

Well, we’re listening.

Are you?

Yes, I get it: Recalibrate.

You have not needed that reminder since your Mind Mirror awakening, but as you know, one is at any time liable to fall into sleep, and the proof of the pudding is what happens when one awakens again – or, indeed, if one awakens again. This is particularly a problem for one who works alone, without a community to sustain him.

That’s what I’m counting on you to do for me.

We just did.


So, sincerity and receptivity. Be of one mind, and be that mind Beginner’s Mind.

That may be hard for one our age, and a professional mind-worker with extensive altered-state experience.

Does it stop you?

Perhaps your situation and his are not the same, and the difference expresses in attitude, which in turn expresses in “external” situation – in this case the external being a non-3D external, that is, an uncooperative extension of his guidance. This turns the tables conceptually, you see. But at the same time, it is a reconsideration that returns the power to him rather than leaving him to some extent a victim of “external” forces.

Let me see if I understand that. I think you are saying that what he perceives as external interference – an uncooperative or even hostile element among his non-3D components – might equally justly be seen as the result of his seeing things that way rather than what is objectively there and causing trouble.

That’s more or less right. It isn’t that his difficulties don’t exist. It isn’t that they don’t express as terrific obstructionism, “bad luck,” illness, uncooperative 3D others, generalized dissatisfying results of sincere intelligent motivated effort. But the cure for the disease isn’t allopathic but homeopathic.

An analogy, I get that, but what specifically?

When one changes one’s view of health and disease from allopathy to homeopathy, one changes from protecting against invasion to proactively changing to make one’s being uninviting to invaders. That is, one adjusts one’s thermostat to provide the proper desired temperature, rather than opening and closing windows, lighting fires, etc.

Still a little clumsy, but I’m getting the idea. It is within his ability to change, because it is always within our ability to change; we are not dependent upon someone allowing us, nor therefore at the mercy of one denying us. But this comes close to that annoying New Age tendency to blame the victim for his own dilemma.

We’re not into blaming. We are trying to deliver what you asked for on his behalf.

Well, we’re still listening; I just mentioned a potential pitfall.

It is almost too simple to say. You, he, anyone – your reality is what you magnetize to you. By what you are, come your circumstances, regardless of externals.

I’m hearing “Viktor Frankl” again.

Yes, because he is more than an example of one who offers the only way forward. He unknowingly personifies the dilemma as well as the solution. He had no control over circumstances, obviously. But he perceived, and later expressed for others, the fact that one can still choose one’s reaction to what one cannot alter. This was much more than he himself realized, and we’ll show you why: He experienced his basic freedom to magnetize a reality. He couldn’t wish Hitler and the camps away. He couldn’t wish away his own mental, physical, spiritual suffering. He at one point had absolutely no external freedom. But –

But he had the freedom to create third-tier effects. I get it, suddenly.

Not quite so much create, as select. He could not affect first-tier effects: Physical conditions were what they were. But by selection of second-tier effects – how he would allow first-tier effects to affect him (choosing his attitude to those first-tier events) – he chose his third-tier effects; that is, what he would become.

Well, how does that happen? By magnetizing non-3D influences, you might say. By choosing what you wish to resonate with by choosing what you will allow yourself to select as second-tier effects.

That’s very interesting. You are saying – come to think of it, you said this all those years ago with Rita – that we can change our guys upstairs by changing what we resonate to.

That is the only way one ever changes. First comes choice, at some level, then comes the opening of the way.

But you see, this is why we say sincerity. You don’t change your opinion, you change your center of gravity. Think how your life changed in the years since you stopped complaining or silently suffering and decided – and said, to yourself and others – that “Life is good.” What did that do but change your second-tier effects, and bring “good fortune” or “opportunity” into your life?

I had all but forgotten that. You’re right, it was a conscious decision to see it that way, only all this time later it is my reflexive way to see things, seeming self-evident. But initially it was a decision. I had forgotten.

So, sincerity and receptivity. To say “Life is good” regardless of circumstances is to affirm the reality you resonate to. To say “Life is unfair” is no less true on the evidence, but harping on that does not take you where you want to go, unless being right is more important to you than being fulfilled and even happy.

So, to sum up: His breakthrough is available immediately, but he must claim it.

That’s a good way to put it. Nothing external needs to change – and that includes guidance as well as 3D externals. Control of second-tier effects is all that is necessary, and is, after all, the essence of shamanism.

This seems very valuable; thank you. After I send it to him, should I broadcast it after omitting his name?

Let him chew on it first. He may have follow-up questions or objections.

Okay. Well, thanks. This was valuable to me, and I hope to him too.


12 thoughts on “Choosing our second-tier reaction

  1. Frank,
    This comparison of the three tiers did a lot for me … major ‘sparks’ for guidance to work with. And I believe it points up an important issue: just because second-tier effects are non-physical doesn’t mean they are easy, rapid, or fun!

    There are a number of phrases in this post that could imply ‘breakthroughs’ are easy:
    “Sincerity means being one thing thoroughly, not in any half-hearted manner.”
    “one is at any time liable to fall into sleep”
    “To say “Life is good” regardless of circumstances”
    “breakthrough is available immediately, but he must claim it.”
    “Control of second-tier effects is all that is necessary.”
    My ‘breakthroughs’ in 60+ years of conscious searching have never been easy, fast, or ‘the last one.’

    Perhaps this person’s (recent?) willingness to ask for information that might “lead to a breakthrough” is a real breakthrough! Now “sincerity and receptivity” and I’d say effort is needed to make the words (concepts) real and useful in their own unique life.

    1. Effort is surely sincerity in action. I’d say breakthroughs are easy, but unpredictable, and not subject to the use of force. They don’t necessarily come on demand, and for that matter they aren’t necessarily recognized as such when they do occur.

      1. The other thing about breakthroughs is one is under no obligation to actually make use of them as such. Personally, I’ve had more than my fair share of breakthroughs. Only a very select few have transformed me irrevocably –or, I have utilized only a select few to be transformed irrevocably. But perhaps I’m defining it too broadly.

        The reminders in the post are always worth hearing, when you can hear them. And the brief discussion about troublesome non 3D elements calls all sorts of interesting questions to mind.

        ‘Nothing external needs to change.’ It’s never not true. There is nothing to find and nothing to be revealed. Nothing external needs to change, but everything else must!

  2. One thing that’s always puzzled me about Bob Monroe’s books is that in them at times a guide wanted to take him on a journey somewhere, but before they could start there would be this strange interaction. The guide would have Bob relive some event, see Bob’s reaction, and then keep replaying the event until Bob gave a specific response. For example, one time Bob relived his dog getting hit by a car. The responses ranged from great grief, to anger, to calm acceptance. I’m still not sure what the purpose was. Was it to jump timelines, or put Bob in the proper vibration for where they wanted to go?

    Anyway, I now see it as an example of our second-tier responses. The first-tier event happened, and we have choices of how we respond to that event, and our choice is significant.

    Thanks as always!
    Bob Keefe

    1. I think Frank’s reply about automatic reactions is right– there was something quite mechanical in the repetition of the exercises, as described by Monroe. But it did seem as though they were also showing him he had power of choice over his emotional responses to even the most extreme events– which reinforces what is said in this post.

      One thing about the Monroe’s experience that you recalled though: it wasn’t a reliving of the sudden death of his dog. That is, it wasn’t a memory and never happened in the physical. Monroe momentarily perceived/interpreted it as a re-experience of a past event. In part b/c he did have that dog as a child, and b/c the experience was so immediate, real, and convincing that he thought it was a past event he was reliving. But in the text he’s explicit that the dog did not die in a gruesome car accident nor did he witness such as a child.

      I feel like there is something significant in this fact, but I’m not sure what that is. To me it seems to indicate that our emotional responses are not tied to or dependent on whether something is “real” or not. All is equally real from the standpoint of emotional or affective response. We like to believe the event of the dog being killed by the car in “real life”, versus a dream simulation, is objectively worse or harder to endure, but in terms of emotional response there really is very little difference. There’s an opening to greater freedom and even power in that realization, but it’s a hard one to maintain, speaking of breakthroughs.

  3. This information is so spot on!!! I have always been amazed at how some equate “You create your own reality” with “You are to blame for the mess you are in” instead of choosing “You have the freedom to choose your attitude/reaction to everything that happens.” When it is blame vs. freedom, I choose freedom!!

    Regarding breakthroughs being easy or hard, it all depends on our belief systems around this idea. Many of us have an ingrained belief that nothing that comes easy can be trusted and that we have to struggle to conquer something for it to be valuable. And if working hard at something and then accomplishing it feels good, then great. But if we can accomplish something easily, why not?

    Breakthroughs require a gentle hand. You can’t force them anymore than you can force someone (yourself!) to look at something differently. But you can choose, like you chose “Life is good!” The choice is a simple decision. Practicing the new choice can take a bit of time. I always use the analogy of driving the same way to work everyday for years and years, then getting a new job and having to drive a different way. You have a tendency to keep turning left at the light when you really want to go right. But sooner or later, you figure it out and the new job route becomes second nature. We humans are wonders at adaptation, or at least we can be!

    Thanks for this post. I resonate very much to it, as I do to all your writings. You have certainly had a great effect on my life and my way of looking at the world.

    1. Thank you, Jann. That’s a sobering (and intoxicating!) responsibility. As to your point, I do wish our culture had even a passing acquaintance with twenty centuries of Christian theology which studied human nature in this strange fix we are in. There is a reason why someone came up with the idea of things being given to us by Divine Grace (rather than by any merit of our own), as one example. The ways people misused theology should not prevent us from taking the insights it can offer us. But, people prefer to think that all our ancestors were stupid, ignorant and superstitious. Seems to me that is a better description of our ancestors’ descendants, namely us!

  4. Pondering this information, I get that we can change our guidance by changing our inner alchemy. We become unattractive to energies who no longer support our chosen alchemy, and inviting to others who do. I stumbled on that and proved it to myself a few years ago. I was stuck in a job that was below my capability, and I was chapped. I finally re-framed my work as being service to the folks I was working with, and then it became a holy task. Each day I would bless the day’s work and focus on the good that I would do for the folks around me. It took about 6 months for the outer circumstances to change, but by then I didn’t care. I was happy doing what I was doing. And I blessed the new opportunity as another way to serve. I’m glad for this reminder from TGU.

    I can’t tell the difference anymore between the strands that comprise my life and my guides. I suspect there’s a lot of overlap. If I can change out my TGU by choosing my inner alchemy, then I can also determine which strands are more prominent or recessive. And I can change what parts of me express. I’ve noticed lately that I can get Grumpy and Whiny to be a bit less predominant by having a chat with them. It’s a gentle chat, as I had put them in place to do certain things for me. I’m simply changing what I’m asking them to do, funneling that energy in a new direction. It doesn’t always work, as I forget, and there are days I love getting right up among them and having a good pity party.

  5. Wow. This was an extremely powerful post for me, and, yet again, touched upon and reinforced where I am wanting to go, and am going. Thanks to all for sharing.

    A couple of things I wish to share:

    1. A few years back, in meditation, I asked why we had to suffer to learn and grow….why it was that it always seemed to be the hard knocks that cut through the fog. I was told we absolutely did not have to suffer, that it was our choice. Now I think I begin to understand that response.
    2. Sincerity….be all of one will. This has been so true and I observe it again and again in my experiences on my path. I have observed that for breakthroughs to happen for me, I have to be “all in”…..100% what I want and what I “am”. If I am 99% on board but 1% not, the breakthrough just seems to wait by the side while I work on that last 1 percent. Maybe the time and effort it takes us as humans to “change” a behavior pattern or perspective, is what makes breakthroughs seem so tough. For me, when I hit 100%, the breakthrough is effortless, and eases right into place. I suspect I create the difficulty from my resistance to both the unknown, and to change. I am happy to say that as my overall resistance to giving up control/expectations decreases, breakthroughs increase.

    I am grateful as heck.

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